Andrew R. Castillo, aka "Sir Freakalot Fresh" (Photo on the left is from is Instagram; Mugshot from the Harris County District Attorney

Andrew R. Castillo, aka “Sir Freakalot Fresh” (Photo on the left is from his Instagram account; Mugshot from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office)

An Instagram rapper dubbed “Sir Freakalot Fresh” will be singing the blues in prison, where he’s headed for 40 years for beating and torturing his girlfriend until she gave him money and signed over the title to her Mercedes-Benz.

Andrew R. Castillo, 35, was convicted by a Harris County, Texas, jury and sentenced to 40 years in prison earlier this month following a six-day trial where evidence was presented showing he brutally beat and burning a 42-year-old woman he had been in a relationship with before the attack.

“Domestic violence can take many different forms, which is why we take these cases so seriously,” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said. “This man preys on women and when they don’t do what he wants, the violence escalates. We are glad this woman survived her ordeal and got justice.”

Law and Crime

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