Gwyneth Paltrow, on the right, and her attorney, Stephen Owens, on the left, after a judge overruled an objection

Gwyneth Paltrow, on the right, and her attorney, Stephen Owens, on the left, after a judge overruled an objection about having her “lumped in with other celebrities” during closing arguments in her negligence trial which concluded in Park City, Utah on March 30, 2023.

Gwyneth Paltrow, the GOOP lifestyle brand founder and CEO and “Sliding Doors” actress, is being sued in a Utah court by a retired optometrist over a 2016 ski crash at the Deer Valley resort. Paltrow is also countersuing Terry Sanderson over that incident in a trial that concluded Thursday in the Third District Court in Park City.

Closing arguments ran the gamut.

Aside from rehashing key pieces of evidence and testimony, Paltrow’s lead attorney Stephen Owens said his client lost valuable bonding time with the component parts of what would eventually become her new family. Sanderson’s attorneys said he lost quite a bit more.

“February 26, 2016, he anticipated, like many, many other days in his life, a fun day of skiing,” the plaintiff’s lead attorney Robert Sykes said during closing arguments. “He never returned home that night as the same Terry. He never came home – figuratively speaking. Terry has tried to get off that mountain – but he’s really still there. Part of Terry will forever be on the Bandana Run – figuratively speaking.”

“We hope you will help bring Terry home off that mountain with a fair verdict today,” Sykes added later on, in a direct plea to the jury.

Law and Crime

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