A former Mormon has lifted the lid on how a cult-like faction of the religion played a role in the ‘extremely traumatic’ kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart.

Beth Magnetic, who was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for ‘nearly 30 years’ before she left, now runs a YouTube channel in which she ‘explores’ famous true crime stories where Mormon ‘doctrine and theology played a role.’

Most recently, she uploaded a video detailing how Elizabeth’s captor used ‘extremist Mormon theologies to justify his choices’ and manipulate the teen after he abducted her from her Salt Lake City, Utah, home two decades ago.

The new analysis comes just weeks after Elizabeth marked the 21st anniversary of her sensational rescue and shared a powerful message about ‘true intimacy.’

A former Mormon has lifted the lid on how the cult-like religion played a role in the 'extremely traumatic' kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart (seen in 2002)

A former Mormon has lifted the lid on how the cult-like religion played a role in the ‘extremely traumatic’ kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart (seen in 2002)

Beth Magnetic, who was a Mormon for 'nearly 30 years,' now runs a YouTube channel in which she 'explores' famous true crime stories where Mormon 'doctrine and theology played a role'

Beth Magnetic, who was a Mormon for ‘nearly 30 years,’ now runs a YouTube channel in which she ‘explores’ famous true crime stories where Mormon ‘doctrine and theology played a role’

Most recently, she uploaded a video detailing how Elizabeth's captor Brian David Mitchell (seen in 2005) used 'extremist Mormon theologies to justify his choices' and manipulate her

Most recently, she uploaded a video detailing how Elizabeth’s captor Brian David Mitchell (seen in 2005) used ‘extremist Mormon theologies to justify his choices’ and manipulate her 

Back in 2002, the entire world began searching for 14-year-old Mormon Elizabeth after Brian David Mitchell crept into her bedroom in the middle of the night and snatched her at knifepoint.

For 18 months, the teen was brutally tortured and sexually assaulted while she was held captive by Brian – who grew up in a Mormon family – and his wife, Wanda Barzee.

After she was rescued in March 2003, Elizabeth’s harrowing story – as well as her impressive strength and bravery – completely enthralled the nation.

While discussing the now infamous story, Beth stated, ‘It was an extremely traumatic experience for Elizabeth but there are some interesting pieces of this captivity that have Mormon roots.’

Beth pointed out that when Brian first crossed paths with Elizabeth’s family outside a Salt Lake City shopping mall, he was begging for money.

Elizabeth’s mom Lois later said in court that she felt sorry for him and ended up offering him a job inside their home – and Beth believes their Mormon religion was partly to blame.

‘In Mormonism, there’s the belief in the gift of discernment, that you’re going to be able to feel whether someone is good or not, Lois felt good about this guy,’ she explained.

‘[Lois] gave him $5 and she ended up saying, “My husband has some work around the house, if you’re handy, we could give you a job.”

Back in 2002, the entire world began searching for 14-year-old Mormon Elizabeth (seen) after Brian crept into her bedroom in the middle of the night and snatched her at knifepoint

Back in 2002, the entire world began searching for 14-year-old Mormon Elizabeth (seen) after Brian crept into her bedroom in the middle of the night and snatched her at knifepoint

For 18 months, the teen was brutally tortured and sexually assaulted while she was held captive by Brian (seen) - who grew up in a Mormon family - and his wife, Wanda Barzee

For 18 months, the teen was brutally tortured and sexually assaulted while she was held captive by Brian - who grew up in a Mormon family - and his wife, Wanda Barzee (seen)

For 18 months, the teen was brutally tortured and sexually assaulted while she was held captive by Brian (left) – who grew up in a Mormon family – and his wife, Wanda Barzee (right)

‘Jesus said to give to the poor, this seemed like a very logical thing to do. It was just her being a good woman.’ 

In the early hours of the morning on June 5, 2002, Brian broke into their home and forced Elizabeth to come with him by threatening her with a knife. 

Elizabeth later testified that he took her to a nearby encampment in the woods, where she met his wife, Wanda.

She said upon arriving, Wanda wanted to wash Elizabeth – but since the youngster was fighting, she ultimately gave up.

Instead, she dressed Elizabeth in a white robe and Brian performed a marriage-like ritual – which Beth said was very similar to Mormon weddings.

‘The fact that Wanda was going to wash Elizabeth… Before somebody gets married in the Mormon temple they do what’s called a washing and anointing,’ she continued. ‘It’s a ceremony where somebody else washes you.

‘They wore white robes – that’s something that you get married in in Mormonism. White robes are a Mormon temple thing, they call them the Robes of the Holy priesthood. 

While discussing the now infamous story, Beth stated, 'There are some interesting pieces of this captivity that have Mormon roots'

While discussing the now infamous story, Beth stated, ‘There are some interesting pieces of this captivity that have Mormon roots’

Since Mormons aren't allowed to have sex before marriage, Beth theorized that Brian used Elizabeth's 'shame' to make her believe that she wouldn't be welcome back home

Since Mormons aren’t allowed to have sex before marriage, Beth theorized that Brian used Elizabeth’s ‘shame’ to make her believe that she wouldn’t be welcome back home

‘Additionally, Mormons believe that what’s sealed on Earth is sealed in heaven… In their theology they believe that they’ll be with their family forever.

‘He said that he was marrying her so they’d be sealed on Earth is sealed in heaven – he used phrases that are used within Mormonism.’

Beth explained that Mormons are taught that sex before marriage is almost as bad as murder, and theorized that Brian used Elizabeth’s ‘shame’ to make her believe that she wouldn’t be welcome back home to trick her into staying loyal to him.

She also pointed out that Brian used another popular Mormon belief to ‘force’ Elizabeth into drinking alcohol so that he could ‘more easily assault her.’

‘He would say that they had to use alcohol and drugs to descend below it all. This comes from different verses of scripture within Mormonism,’ she revealed. 

‘Neal A. Maxwell who was an apostle in the LDS church said, “Jesus descended below all things in order to be able to comprehend all things thus he is not only a fully atoning savior but is a fully comprehending savior as well.” 

‘Brian would use that concept and say that they had to experience everything in order to be like Jesus.’

Beth also said that Brian specifically targeted 'Mormon girls' because he believed their beliefs made them 'good victims'

Beth also said that Brian specifically targeted ‘Mormon girls’ because he believed their beliefs made them ‘good victims’

Beth added: 'He would say that they had to use alcohol and drugs to descend below it all. This comes from different verses of scripture within Mormonism'

Beth added: 'He would say that they had to use alcohol and drugs to descend below it all. This comes from different verses of scripture within Mormonism'

Beth added: ‘He would say that they had to use alcohol and drugs to descend below it all. This comes from different verses of scripture within Mormonism’

Beth said Brian specifically targeted ‘Mormon girls’ because he believed their beliefs made them ‘good victims.’

In her memoir, Elizabeth later revealed that Brian tried to kidnap another Mormon girl during the time that she was held captive, but was unsuccessful. 

In the end, she was rescued after people spotted her and recognized her face from the news during an outing with her two captors.

Brian was sentenced to life in prison in 2011, while his wife got 15 years behind bars – but she received early parole in 2018.  

Elizabeth, now 36, has since become a fierce advocate for missing persons and victims of sexual assault. 

During a Q&A, she later credited her faith with ‘helping her to survive.’ 

‘There wasn’t a single day I didn’t pray,’ she said previously. ‘It was the hardest time of my life, without a doubt, but at the same time, it was one of the most spiritual times of my life because I felt my Savior’s presence so strongly in my life.’

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