The Home Office is resuming responsibility for operations to tackle small boats carrying migrants across the Channel after eight months under the leadership of the Royal Navy.

The move follows the creation announced last month of the new small boats operational command (SBOC), bringing together military and civilian staff and the National Crime Agency to co-ordinate the Government’s response.

The Home Office said the SBOC – which uses drones, boats and land-based radar and cameras to track and disrupt people traffickers – will be bolstered with the recruitment of 730 additional staff.

Then prime minister Boris Johnson originally handed leadership for operations in the Channel to the Navy as a temporary measure last April but migrants continued to arrive in record numbers.

The Home Office is resuming responsibility for operations to tackle small boats carrying migrants across the Channel

The Home Office is resuming responsibility for operations to tackle small boats carrying migrants across the Channel

The Home Office said the small boats operational command (SBOC) which uses drones, boats and land-based radar and cameras to track and disrupt people traffickers, will be aided by 730 additional staff

The Home Office said the small boats operational command (SBOC) which uses drones, boats and land-based radar and cameras to track and disrupt people traffickers, will be aided by 730 additional staff

A Government spokesman said the return of responsibility to the Home Office was a ‘significant landmark’ in the long term to ensure the safety and sovereignty of the UK’s borders and communities.

‘We are building on the progress already made through the new deal with France, and our determination will not waiver until we stop the abuse of the asylum system and bring the smugglers responsible to justice,’ the spokesman said.

On Sunday, it was reported dozens of migrants crossed the English Channel -bringing the number who have made the journey in the first month of this year above 1,000.

Dozens of migrants are seen being brought into Dover, Kent, by Border Force officials on Sunday morning

Dozens of migrants were pictured being brought into Dover, Kent, by Border Force officials on Sunday morning

Around 50 migrants attempted to make the crossing today, bringing the total for the month so far above 1,000

Around 50 migrants attempted to make the crossing today, bringing the total for the month so far above 1,000

Photos taken at the Port of Dover this morning show Border Force officials helping migrants wearing life jackets and wrapped in towels onto land.

They were brought in by Border Force vessel Typhoon after being found on small boats in the Channel.

It comes a day after 26 people from one small boat were brought in by the Border Force, which has been running patrols in the area for years. 

So far this year there have only been a small number of days where migrants have crossed the Channel, with most being brought in on January 22, and January 25 – on these days 442 and 373 people, respectively, were brought into Dover.

At least 1,000 are known to have crossed the Channel so far this year – compared to 1,341 who arrived during the entirety of last January. Last year saw a record 45,728 migrants cross the channel, well up on the 28,381 who did so in 2021.

It comes as it was revealed in The Mail On Sunday that activists for charities are ‘continually frustrating’ French authorities in their attempts to stop the crossings.

Charities funded by well meaning Briton’s, who think they are donating towards hot meals and warm clothes for migrants, are actually being used to follow French police and reveal their activities and locations in footage available to people smugglers.

The charities say they are monitoring police to prevent them from committing human rights abuses, but Tory MP Lee Anderson has accused them of being as ‘bad as the people smugglers’ because they are in effect ‘aiding and abetting’ the illegal gangs.

The migrants were brought into the Port of Dover this morning on Border Force vessel Typhoon

The migrants were brought into the Port of Dover this morning on Border Force vessel Typhoon

So far at least 991 people were confirmed to have cross the Channel in small boats between January 1 and January 28

So far at least 991 people were confirmed to have cross the Channel in small boats between January 1 and January 28

These gangs raked in an eye-watering £183million from desperate migrants paying them to help them cross the channel last year, a report by the Labour Party suggests

The opposition pledged to crack down on organised crime groups – and their money – as it published figures on the profits being made in the evil trade.

It suggested that, as the average charge for an illegal crossing by small boat is estimated by French police at £4,000, the gang’s earnings were £183million last year, based on the record 45,756 arrivals.  

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: ‘The Conservatives have allowed an entire multi-million-pound dangerous criminal industry to grow up along our border in the space of just three years.

‘Criminals are making big money from putting tens of thousands of lives at risk and making a mockery of UK border security.

‘Shockingly the Government has allowed the gangs to proliferate and their profits to soar.

‘These criminal smuggling and trafficking gangs cannot be allowed to get away with this.’

Ms Cooper said Labour had drawn up a plan which ‘hits hard at the heart of the criminal gangs’.

And if it wins the next general election, the party will set up a ‘new elite cell’ in the National Crime Agency.

The unit, with more than 100 officers, will ‘go after these smuggling gangs upstream’ in co-operation with French, German and Belgian authorities, the MP said.


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