A senior Northern Ireland detective who was shot at least four times by two suspected ‘New IRA’ gunmen had been investigating the group for the murder of Lyra McKee and a deadly car bomb attack on a fellow policeman. 

Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell was putting footballs in the back of his car after coaching an under-15s team at Youth Sport Omagh in Co Tyrone when he was ambushed by the two masked men at around 8pm yesterday. 

After they fired several shots, the father ran a short distance before falling to the ground, where the pair continued to fire at him as screaming children ran to safety. He is now ‘fighting for his life’ in hospital, police say.

Mr Caldwell is a familiar face on the TV news in Northern Ireland and is accustomed to giving press conferences about his work with the major investigations team, which investigates dissident republican terrorism and organised crime groups.

His most high profile investigations have included two attacks blamed on the New IRA – the murder of journalist Lyra McKee when she was covering a riot in 2019, and the car bomb killing of fellow PSNI officer Ronan Kerr in 2011

Mr Caldwell was taken to hospital in Londonderry where he is in a critical but stable condition, while a huge search is now underway to find the gunmen

Mr Caldwell was taken to hospital in Londonderry where he is in a critical but stable condition, while a huge search is now underway to find the gunmen

No one has ever been charged for Kerr’s murder, which happened just two miles from where Mr Caldwell was gunned down last night.  

Revealed: How high-profile detective had been investigating the murder of a fellow cop ‘by same group who shot him’ 

Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell has served on a series of major investigations during his 26 years with PSNI. These include: 


The killing of Constable Kerr was blamed on dissident republicans styling themselves as the New IRA – the same renegade group police suspect of shooting Mr Caldwell.

Mr Kerr, a 25-year-old recently graduated police recruit (pictured below), died when a booby trap bomb detonated under his car outside his home in Omagh in April 2011. 

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, which set what is thought to be his private car on fire. Mr Caldwell was the lead officer investigating the murder. 


Expectant mother Natalie McNally, 32, who was 15 weeks pregnant, was stabbed at her home in Silverwood Green, Lurgan, Co Armagh. Earlier in December, Mr Caldwell took on the case of Mark Lovell.

The 58-year-old was shot a number of times at close range while in his car outside his home in Newry. 

A month later, the DCI assumed the role of senior investigating officer when Shane Whitla, a 39-year-old father-of-four, was shot dead in Lurgan, Co Armagh.


In October 2022, Mr Caldwell headed the probe into the murder of Ryan McNab in Co Antrim. 

Mr McNab, 31, from north Belfast, was killed in an attack in the Rathcoole area of Newtownabbey.


In January 2022, Mr Caldwell fronted public appeals following the fatal stabbing of a 47-year-old man in Belfast. 

Martin Gavin was knifed in a house and died in hospital four weeks later. 


In 2021, Mr Caldwell led the probe into the murder of Katie Brankin, who was murdered by her partner at a glamping site in Limavady, Co Derry.

He later died in prison. 

Making an appeal for information on the 10th anniversary of Constable Kerr’s murder in 2021, Mr Caldwell’s words now assume a chilling poignancy given what happened to him in the same Co Tyrone town. 

‘His job was to protect the community,’ he said.

‘Despicably, people living in his own community planned and plotted to kill him simply because he was a police officer bravely going out every day to protect people and make communities safer places to live and work.’

Mr Caldwell also investigated the murder of PSNI officer Stephen Carroll at the hands of the ‘Continuity IRA’, who had lured officers into an ambush by smashing a window with a brick.

John Paul Wootton, 17, and Stephen Carroll, 37, were convicted of murder and jailed for life. 

Today, PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne confirmed three men aged 38, 45, 47 had been arrested in Omagh and Coalisland under the Terrorism Act on suspicion of Mr Caldwell’s attempted murder. 

He is the first police officer to be shot in a gun attack in Northern Ireland since 2017, when a uniformed officer was injured after being shot at by dissident republicans with an AK-47. 

There has been a spate of violence by dissident republicans in recent years, including in November 2022 when a police patrol vehicle was bombed in Strabane, County Tyrone.

Officers said they suspected the New IRA was behind the attack, which led to four men being arrested before they were later released. 

Last year, it emerged that a family man posing as an NHS worker had managed to inflate the group while working as an agent for MI5. 

Dennis McFadden – ‘the man who was always there but was never there’ – bugged meetings and gleaned information from suspected terrorists by treating them to Spanish holidays and Celtic tickets, according to court documents. 

As part of ‘Operation Arbacia’, he also hosted the group’s so-called army council of senior figures in rented Airbnbs, with the agent allegedly staying behind when everyone else went to collect ashtrays and glasses to dust for DNA.

He was last seen by neighbours in 2020 and is believed to be living under a new identity.  

The incident comes at a time of heightened tension in the province following controversy over the Northern Ireland protocol, which is part of the Brexit withdrawal agreement. 

Opposition to the protocol by the Democratic Unionist Party has prompted its members to boycott Stormont. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is currently seeking to renegotiate the deal in a bid to end the impasse

It also comes two months before commemorations to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, a peace deal which helped bring an end to the Troubles. 

The attack has been condemned by political leaders across the UK and Ireland. 

At a press conference in Belfast, PSNI chief constable Simon Byrne said: ‘This morning we have arrested three men aged 38, 45 and 47 in Omagh and Coalisland in connection with John’s attempted murder.

‘They’re currently being questioned by detectives at Musgrave serious crime suite.’

Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell has led numerous high profile investigations in Northern Ireland

A forensic officer behind a cordon this morning at the Youth Sport Omagh in Co Tyrone

A forensic officer behind a cordon this morning at the Youth Sport Omagh in Co Tyrone

The dissident republican group the New IRA are the ‘primary focus’ of the PSNI’s attempted murder probe.

Confirming his colleague remains in a critical condition, Mr Byrne said: ‘Clearly as an organisation, we are utterly shocked and angered by last night’s brazen and calculated attack,’ he said. 

‘John is a father, husband and colleague, and a valued and active member of his local community.’

He said Mr Caldwell has been a valued police officer for 26 years ‘committed to public service as a senior investigating officer supporting victims and their families in bringing offenders to justice’.

‘John is held in the highest esteem within our organisation. He is a credit to his family and to the police service,’ he said. 

‘And of course our thoughts are with John and his family as he fights for his life in hospital today.’

Describing the attack as ‘absolutely callous’, PSNI assistant chief constable Mark McEwan told reporters: ‘Last night at approximately 8pm at the youth sports centre in Killyclogher Road, Omagh, when John was putting footballs into the boot of the car, accompanied by his young son, two gunmen approached and we believe both have fired multiple shots.

‘John ran a short distance and fell to the ground when the gunmen continued to fire shots at him.

‘That shows the absolute callous nature of this attack, and it is utterly disgusting that the gunmen carried out this attempted murder in front of crowds of adults and children.

A forensics officer taking photos at the scene of Mr Caldwell's shooting yesterday

A forensics officer taking photos at the scene of Mr Caldwell’s shooting yesterday 

‘John’s own young son was with him at the time and witnessed the shooting. The trauma inflicted on this young boy is just horrific and he will never forget seeing his dad shot multiple times.

‘The gunmen fired from close range in the busy sports training area, which could also quite easily have killed or seriously injured children who were present at the time of the shooting.

What is the New IRA? How they became Northern Ireland’s biggest terror threat 

The New IRA – the primary focus of detectives investigating the attack on a senior police officer in Omagh – is believed to be the largest of the dissident republican groups in Northern Ireland.

It has been linked to a number of murders including those of journalist and author Lyra McKee in 2019, Pc Ronan Kerr in 2011, and prison officers David Black in 2012 and Adrian Ismay in 2016.

The New IRA is believed to have been formed between 2011 and 2012 following the merger of a number of smaller groups, including the Real IRA – the group behind the 1998 Omagh bomb.

The group is strongest in Londonderry and Strabane, with a presence in Belfast, and other pockets in Co Tyrone, and Lurgan in Co Armagh. In August 2020, the alleged leadership of the New IRA suffered a major blow with a series of arrests prompted by an MI5 surveillance operation.

Less than a year before, in September 2019, a bomb in an ‘advanced state of readiness’ was found in the Creggan area of Derry. Police said the device, attributed to the New IRA, was designed to kill police officers.

In June 2019, the group claimed responsibility for the failed murder bid of a police officer after an unexploded bomb was found under the officer’s car parked at Shandon Park Golf Club in Belfast. In April that year, the New IRA claimed responsibility for shooting dead Ms McKee who was observing rioting in the Creggan area.

A few months after the murder of Ms McKee, Assistant Chief Constable Barbara Gray, the officer in charge of the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s anti-terror response, said the New IRA derived ‘sick and sad’ pleasure in the reaction to the shooting, motivating them to intensify their activities in the region.

Ms Gray expressed regret that the public outcry following the murder of the 29-year-old did not act as a watershed moment for the dissidents to reconsider their adherence to violence. She claimed the reverse has been true, saying the killing in Derry’s Creggan area was a factor in a spike in dissident murder bids in the region.

A month before the murder of Ms McKee, the New IRA claimed responsibility for sending small explosive devices in the post to two airports and a train station in London and to the University of Glasgow. In January 2019, police blamed the New IRA after a bomb placed in a van exploded outside the courthouse in Derry.

Meanwhile, in 2020 a senior republican said New IRA threats against Sinn Fein were ‘stupid’ and ‘dangerous’. At the time, all party members were warned of a dissident plot to launch an under-car bomb attack. Gerry Kelly said it would not deter elected representatives but would worry members of their families.

Michelle O’Neill, then Stormont’s Deputy First Minister, said officers had warned that dissident republicans were planning to attack her and Mr Kelly. It came in response to the pair’s attendance at a Police Service of Northern Ireland recruitment event.

Dissident republican terrorist activity has been at a lower level in Northern Ireland in recent years and security services have secured a number of successes disrupting the activities of terror groups. Last March, the level of terrorism threat from dissident republicans was lowered from severe to substantial for the first time in 12 years.

The decision to change the threat level was announced by the then-Secretary of State Brandon Lewis but made independently by the security service MI5. The level is subject to continuous review and judgments are based on a wide range of information.

This was the first time the threat level in Northern Ireland was reduced from severe since it was first published in 2010. Substantial means a terror attack is likely and could occur without warning.

‘Those who carried out this attack were completely reckless in their actions and they had absolutely no regard for the officer who was injured or anyone in the crowd,’ he added.   

Mr McEwan said the dissident republican group the New IRA was the primary focus of the police investigation.

He said: ‘The two gunmen, who were dressed in dark clothing, carried out this cowardly attack and left the scene on foot. At least two other vehicles were struck by their volley of shots.

‘We believe the gunmen fled the scene in a small, dark-coloured vehicle shortly after 8pm. We believe this vehicle was abandoned and set on fire in Racolpa Road, Omagh.

‘We want to hear from anyone who was in the area or who witnessed what happened to get in touch with any information that could help with our investigation.’

He added that there were ‘many other young people, children’ waiting to be picked up by their parents when the attack on John Caldwell took place.

‘And those children ran for cover in sheer terror towards the centre,’ he said. 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was appalled by the ‘disgraceful shooting of an off-duty police officer in Omagh’.

The New IRA was previously blamed for the killing of journalist Lyra McKee in Londonderry in 2019.                 

Last November, the group was thought to be behind the attempted murder of two police officers in a bomb attack in Strabane, Co Tyrone.

Omagh has seen significant dissident violence in the past, including a Real IRA bomb attack in 1998 which killed 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins.

It was also where Constable Ronan Kerr was murdered in April 2011.

The terrorism threat level in Northern Ireland was lowered from severe to substantial for the first time in 12 years last March.

The shooting of Mr Caldwell has been condemned by politicians across the UK and Ireland.

Irish premier Leo Varadkar condemned the ‘grotesque act of attempted murder’.

Sinn Fein president Mary Lou McDonald said the shooting was ‘diabolical and unacceptable’, and added there is no excuse or political rationale for it. 

She told RTE: ‘There can be no hiding place for this. There can be no sympathy for this. 

‘There is no rhyme or reason politically speaking for a vicious act of thuggery like this.

‘Now what we need is an all-Ireland effort co-operation between An Garda Siochana and the PSNI to find the motive for this act, and more importantly to apprehend the perpetrators and anybody with any evidence or any information must not hesitate in bringing that forward immediately to the appropriate authorities.’ 

Meanwhile, Northern Ireland’s political leaders have issued a joint statement condemning the shooting of a senior police officer in Omagh.  

Sinn Fein vice president Michelle O’Neill, DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, Alliance leader Naomi Long, UUP leader Doug Beattie and SDLP leader Colum Eastwood said they stand united in outright condemnation of the attack.

‘We speak for the overwhelming majority of people right across our community who are outraged and sickened by this reprehensible and callous attempted murder,’ they said.

‘The community of Omagh has endured profound suffering, loss, and pain in the past which has left a deep trauma, and so this act of violence has left people there rightly angered.

‘There is absolutely no tolerance for such attacks by the enemies of our peace. Those responsible must be brought to justice.

‘This will require the full co-operation of the public whom we call upon to assist police in this attempted murder investigation.

‘Together we stand with John’s family and his colleagues in the police service at this time.’

Former Irish premier Bertie Ahern also spoke of his shock at hearing of the ‘callous and horrendous attempted murder’. 

‘Thankfully events we don’t see happening too much but it’s a throwback to the past and there are still evil people intent on causing trouble,’ the former Taoiseach told an event in Dublin.

‘(They) went out last night to a sports venue and tried to kill a decent guy who was off duty trying to give his time to kids, to help them with their sporting activities and sporting endeavours and a good community man.

‘We wish him well and a safe recovery, hopefully.’

The detective had worked on some of Northern Ireland's most high profile murder cases

The detective had worked on some of Northern Ireland’s most high profile murder cases 

A major attempted murder investigation is now underway involving officers from the PSNI

A major attempted murder investigation is now underway involving officers from the PSNI

The principal of Omagh High School, whose students were at the scene where an off-duty police officer was shot, has said that violence must be ‘pushed away from our community’.

‘I can only imagine how difficult it must be for the youngsters this morning, waking up in the aftershock of what they experienced last night,’ Christos Gaitatzis told BBC Radio Ulster.

‘I feel that those people affected here last night were my children, were my family. We really need to get together as a community in order to make sure that these types of instances, that contain violence in the most heinous way I can describe, have to be pushed away from our community.

‘(We have to) make sure that those individuals are caught and isolated out of our community to make sure that Omagh remains the town that it always has been – a town that is together, is coming together at all times, especially during difficult circumstances like this.’ 

Anyone with information about the attack can contact police on 101 quoting reference number 1831 of 22/02/23.

If you prefer to remain anonymous contact independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

The attack took place at the Youth Sport Omagh sports centre at around 8pm last night

The attack took place at the Youth Sport Omagh sports centre at around 8pm last night 

Timeline: How dissident republicans opposed to the Good Friday Agreement are behind a string of deadly attacks  

Dissident republicans are suspected of shooting an off-duty police officer, Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell, as he coached young people at a sports complex in Omagh.

The incident is the latest in a line of sporadic attacks on the security forces over the last 15 years committed by violent extremists opposed to Northern Ireland’s peace process.

– May 2008 – A Catholic Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) officer sustains serious leg injuries when a bomb detonates under his car near Castlederg, Co Tyrone.

– March 2009 – Two soldiers, Sappers Patrick Azimkar and Mark Quinsey, are shot dead by the Real IRA outside Massereene military barracks in Co Antrim. Just 48 hours later, police officer Stephen Carroll is shot dead while responding to a call in Craigavon, Co Armagh.

– January 2010 – Catholic police constable Peadar Heffron, 33, is seriously injured when a booby trap device detonates under his car about a mile from his home in Randalstown, Co Antrim.

– January 2010 – The Real IRA fires shots at a police station in Bessbrook, Co Armagh. No one is injured.

Lyra McKee, 29, was murdered by New IRA terrorists while covering a riot

Lyra McKee, 29, was murdered by New IRA terrorists while covering a riot  

– February 2010 – Kieran Doherty, 31, is found shot dead close to the border in Co Londonderry. The Real IRA said it was responsible for the murder of Mr Doherty, who was one of its members.

– February 2010 – A bomb explodes outside Newry courthouse. No one is injured but the gates of the court are damaged.

– April 2010 – A bomb explodes outside Newtownhamilton police station causing considerable damage.

– April 2010 – A bomb in a hijacked taxi explodes outside Palace Barracks in Holywood, which includes the MI5 headquarters, injuring one man.

– August 2010 – Three children suffer minor injuries when a bomb explodes in a bin in Lurgan, Co Armagh.

– April 2011 – Catholic police recruit Ronan Kerr, 25, is killed when a bomb explodes under his car at his home in Omagh, Co Tyrone.

– September 2011 – The Real IRA is blamed for two bomb attacks at the home of a Catholic police officer and a retired doctor who works for the police near Claudy, Co Derry.

– October 2011 – A bomb explodes outside the UK City of Culture offices in Derry.

– January 2012 – A Scottish soldier finds a bomb inside his car parked at his girlfriend’s house in the Ligoniel area of north Belfast.

– November 2012 – Prison officer David Black, 52, is gunned down as he drives along the M1 motorway to work at Maghaberry high security jail. The New IRA claims responsibility for his murder.

– December 2012 – An off-duty police officer discovers a bomb under his car in east Belfast.

– March 2013 – Police escape injury when a device explodes in a bin during a parade in Lurgan.

– October 2013 – Dissident republicans are blamed for a series of letter bomb attacks. Packages addressed to secretary of state Theresa Villiers and two senior police officers are made safe.

– November 2013 – A bomb in a hijacked car partially explodes close to the Victoria Square shopping complex in Belfast city centre. No one is injured.

– December 2013 – A bomb in a sports bag explodes in Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter disrupting Christmas celebrations.

– February 2014 – Letter bombs are sent to Army careers offices in Oxford, Slough, Kent, Brighton, Hampshire and Berkshire. Dissident republicans are blamed.

– March 2014 – Police are attacked with a mortar in west Belfast. There are no reports of injuries and minimal damage was caused.

– May 2014 – The reception area of a hotel in Londonderry is damaged by a fire bomb.

– April 2015 – A bomb explodes outside a Probation Service office in Derry. No one is hurt.

– June 2015 – A bomb is discovered under a police officer’s car in Eglinton, Co Derry. The target’s wife also served with the PSNI.

– October 2015 – A police recruitment event in Londonderry is cancelled after a bomb is discovered in the grounds of the venue.

– November 2015 – Police officers escape injury after eight high velocity shots are fired at their patrol car in west Belfast.

– March 2016 – Prison officer Adrian Ismay dies two weeks after a bomb explodes under his van at Hillsborough Drive in east Belfast.

– January 2017 – A police officer is injured in a shooting at a filling station on the Crumlin Road in Belfast. The garage’s busy forecourt is sprayed with automatic gunfire in the attack.

– February 2017 – A device explodes close to a police officer’s car in the Culmore area of Derry.

– January 2019 – A bomb placed in a van explodes outside the courthouse in Derry. Police blame the blast on the New IRA.

– March 2019 – The New IRA claims responsibility for sending small explosive devices in the post to two airports and a train station in London and the University of Glasgow.

– April 2019 – Journalist and author Lyra McKee, 29, is shot dead by dissidents while observing rioting in the Creggan area of Derry. The New IRA claims the attack. Several men are currently awaiting trial charged with the murder.

– June 2019 – An unexploded bomb is found under a police officer’s car parked at Shandon Park Golf Club in Belfast. The New IRA claims responsibility for the failed murder bid.

– July 2019 – A device explodes in Craigavon. Police blame dissident republicans and say it was a clear attempt to murder police officers.

– August 2019 – A bomb detonates near the border in Co Fermanagh. The attack at Wattlebridge is blamed on the Continuity IRA. It is seen as another bid to target police and Army bomb disposal officers.

– September 2019 – A bomb in an ‘advanced state of readiness’ is found in the Creggan area of Derry. Police said the device, attributed to the New IRA, was designed to kill police officers.

– August 2020 – The alleged leadership of the New IRA suffers a major blow with a series of arrests prompted by an MI5 surveillance operation.

– April 2021 – A bomb is placed beside a car parked outside the home of a female officer in Dungiven, Co Derry.

– March 2022 – The Government lowers the threat level for dissident republican attacks in Northern Ireland from severe to substantial. The threat had severe – the highest level – since 2010.

– November 2022 – A police patrol vehicle sustains damage after being targeted by an explosive device in Strabane, Co Tyrone. Days later a viable explosive device is discovered in a hijacked car left outside Waterside PSNI station in Derry.


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