A mother-of-four has been found guilty of manslaughter following the death of her ex-husband in an ‘extraordinary act of barbarism’.

Coleen Campbell, 38, plotted to to have her former partner of 10 years robbed of cash and drugs at his home during an incident on July 2 last year, Bolton Crown Court heard.

As Thomas Campbell, 38, opened his front door in Mossley, Greater Manchester he was ambushed and attacked by three men at around 11pm that day. 

The cocaine dealer who played an ‘integral’ part in an organised crime gang, was dragged around his home and viciously attacked for two hours, into the morning of July 3. 

He suffered 61 separate injuries after being stabbed, punched, stamped on and even had boiling water poured on his buttocks. 

Coleen Campbell (pictured) was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter

Coleen Campbell (pictured) was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter

Following a five-week trial, Coleen Campbell was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.

Jurors heard that she shared information about her former spouse’s whereabouts with his killers.

One of the three attackers, convicted armed robber Reece Steven, 29, was found guilty of murder.

Stephen Cleworth, 38, who was due to be at Mr Campbell’s home that night but did not attend because he was on a ‘bender’ at a swingers’ club, was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.

The trial heard Cleworth played a key role in the preparation of the ‘carefully planned, practised, ruthless, armed assault’. 

Prosecutors described the attack as an ‘extraordinary act of barbarism’.

Coleen Campbell, Steven, and Cleworth were all found guilty of conspiring to rob Mr Campbell. 

Coleen and Cleworth face lengthy prison terms, while Steven faces a life sentence. 

Thomas Campbell (left) suffered 61 separate injuries after being stabbed, punched, stamped on and even had boiling water poured on his buttocks

 Thomas Campbell (left) suffered 61 separate injuries after being stabbed, punched, stamped on and even had boiling water poured on his buttocks

Mr Justice Julian Goose will pass the sentence on Wednesday.

A fourth defendant, Karl Murphy, 50, was found not guilty of participating in the activities of an organised crime group, after he drove the killers to the scene.

The alleged ‘mastermind’ of the fatal attack, John Belfield, 28, who is said to be ‘heavily concerned in the large scale supply of class A drugs’, is wanted by police.

Belfield was not on trial but was named in court as a co-conspirator, and prosecutors alleged he was one of the three attackers on July 2.

 The cocaine dealer who played an ‘integral’ part in an organised crime gang, was dragged around his home and viciously attacked for two hours, into the morning of July 3. Pictured: Colleen (left) and Thomas Campbell (right)

The killing was said to have followed a meticulous, calculated plan whereby Mr Campbell was tracked for the preceding week.

The trial heard that Belfield had contacted Coleen Campbell, who was previously a stranger, on Instagram on June 25 after sending a follow request.

Around the same time, Belfield read a Manchester Evening News story about Mr and Mrs Campbell, who previously appeared in court for money laundering.

The headline of the story read: ‘Couple enjoyed “five star” lifestyle funded by crime while claiming benefits’.

Belfield was also angered that his ex-girlfriend had started a relationship with Mr Campbell, the trial heard.

In the following days after connecting on Instagram, Belfield plotted with Coleen Campbell to have her former husband robbed of cash, drugs or valuables.

He recruited his associate, Cleworth, who in turn brought in his friend, Steven, to the conspiracy. 

The group met up in the Boat and Horses pub in Chadderton on June 27, where Steven demonstrated how tracking devices worked.

Later that afternoon, a tracker was placed on Mr Campbell’s van while he was picking up his daughter from school. 

In the following days, Belfield, Cleworth and Steven conducted reconnaissance trips to Mr Campbell’s home to plan their attack.

On June 30, the gang were ready to strike but postponed their plans for two days later after Mr Campbell went to walk his dog on returning home.

In the week since Belfield messaged had her on Instagram, Ms Campbell met up with him and they shared 35 phone calls and 68 messages. 

She had shared key information about her ex-husband, including details of his van’s registration plate, his house number and his movements.

Then, as Mr Campbell went to unlock his front door at 11:06pm on July 2, three men burst out of a Vauxhall Combo van parked on the drive of an unoccupied house. 

Mr Campbell screamed as he was viciously attacked, before being dragged inside.

His home was ransacked and his blood covered the walls, as his attackers launched their horrific assault. 

Two hours after pouncing on Mr Campbell, his killers left him to die, lying in his hallway. It is unclear what, if anything his attackers robbed him of.

Police launched a murder investigation after his body was discovered by neighbours on July 3. 

Officers did not recover the attackers’ DNA from the house, and a CCTV system had been ripped out.

The killers changed their clothes and swapped cars as part of a sophisticated plan to evade detection.

But a police investigation using cell site data, CCTV footage, and other circumstantial evidence led to Coleen Campbell, Cleworth, and Steven being brought to justice.

The jury of seven men and five women was sent out to deliberate on Friday morning. 

Jurors returned at 12:20pm today with unanimous verdicts.

Coleen Campbell, 38, of Bamford Street, Clayton, east Manchester; Cleworth, 38, of Charles Street, Heywood; and Steven, 29, of Poplar Street, Middleton, were remanded in custody ahead of sentencing.

Mr Murphy, 50, of Lancaster Road, Denton, was discharged from the dock.

The judge thanked Mr Campbell’s family and friends, who were in a packed public gallery at the court, for remaining silent as the verdicts were revealed. 


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