A stalker who harassed a Conservative MP with emails calling her a ‘b***h’ and ‘neo-Nazi’ is spared jail time.

Raymond Batchelor, 42, from Shildon, County Durham, was handed an eight-week suspended sentence and restraining order at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates Court this morning, February 16.   

He pleaded guilty on January 17 to a charge of harassment without violence against MP Dehenna Davison and her chief of staff Jack Bell.

The court heard that Batchelor sent emails amounting to harassment to the Bishop Auckland MP parliamentary email address between July 19, 2021 and May 12, 2022. 

Prosecutor, Mr Garside, read out a statement detailing how the 42-year-old would refer to Ms Davison as a ‘b*tch’, ‘servant’, ‘corrupt’ and ‘neo-Nazi’ in his emails.

Raymond Batchelor (pictured), 42, from Shildon, County Durham, pleaded guilty on January 17 to a charge of harassment without violence against MP Dehenna Davison

Raymond Batchelor (pictured), 42, from Shildon, County Durham, pleaded guilty on January 17 to a charge of harassment without violence against MP Dehenna Davison

Batchelor was later visited by the police following his inability to follow requests to stop sending the horrendous emails. Another time he sent a further email three days after being spoken to by officers.

Speaking after the case Ms Davison argued that MPs are at ‘daily risk of being abused’ and that abusive behaviour must be stamped out.  

Defense, John Turner, explained to the court how the defendant had previously apologised and that no emails had been sent since last year – although he did admit that it has been ‘half-hearted’.

He said the father-of-one, Batchelor, has been a hard-working individual, but had been struggling from declining health problems since 2001.

Mr Turner said: ‘He would be rather silly to continue now he knows what the consequences are’.

The defendant was given a 12-month restraining order, preventing any contact with Ms Davison which causes harassment, alarm, or distress.

However, he will still be allowed to contact her office as a constituent for genuine matters.

The 42-year-old will still require to follow an eight-week curfew between the hours 10pm and 8am – monitored by an electronic tag. 

Prosecutor, Mr Garside, read out a statement detailing how the 42-year-old would refer to Ms Davison (pictured) as a 'b*tch', 'servant', 'corrupt' and 'neo-Nazi' in his emails

Prosecutor, Mr Garside, read out a statement detailing how the 42-year-old would refer to Ms Davison (pictured) as a ‘b*tch’, ‘servant’, ‘corrupt’ and ‘neo-Nazi’ in his emails

Batchelor was handed an eight-week suspended sentence and restraining order at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates Court this morning

Batchelor was handed an eight-week suspended sentence and restraining order at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates Court this morning

He will also be required to complete 40 days of rehabilitation activity and pay a £128 surcharge, along with £85 costs.

Sentencing Batchelor, Judge Hood warned him that failure to comply with his sentence could see him face time behind bars.

 Speaking out after the sentencing hearing today, the Bishop Auckland MP said: ‘Going into public life, you expect to be subject to heightened scrutiny, but sadly these days there is a daily risk of being abused.

‘I’m very lucky to have an incredible team who shield me from much of the abuse that comes through the office but, ultimately, I know the toll it takes on them too.

‘When abusers emerge, it is right to call them out. We need to do everything we can to make sure good people are not put off entering political life, whether as an elected representative or a member of an MPs’ office. Stamping out abusive behaviour is one way we can all help. I’m also grateful to Durham Police for their support throughout this case.’

Davison, 29, announced in November that she plans to stand down at the next General Election.

She added: ‘For my whole adult life, I’ve dedicated the vast majority of my time to politics, and to help make people’s lives better.

‘But, to be frank, it has meant I haven’t had anything like a normal life for a twenty-something.

‘I will always be humbled to have had the opportunity to serve as a Member of Parliament. But now the time feels right for me to devote more of my attention to life outside politics – mainly to my family and helping support them as they’ve helped support me.’


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