Tyler Dan Townsend was sentenced to 30 years in prison for possessing child pornography and secretly taking creepy pictures of minors. (Mugshot: Hays County Jail)

Tyler Dan Townsend was sentenced to 30 years in prison for possessing child pornography and secretly taking creepy pictures of minors. (Mugshot: Hays County Jail)

A former assistant band director at a middle school will spend the next three decades of his life behind bars for possessing child pornography and secretly taking creepy photos of minors.

Tyler Dan Townsend, 33, told the Kyle Police Department in Texas that he did not initially think he was doing anything bad during his web activity, according to the arrest affidavit obtained by the Hays Free Press.

“In the moment, I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong because nothing was stopping me,” Townsend said. “It was just there.”

Authorities reportedly discovered more than 200 illicit images on his two laptops and his phone.

Law and Crime

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