Up to 850000 predators in Britain pose a sexual risk to children – As many as 850,000 predators in Britain pose a sexual risk to children, a National Crime Agency (NCA) chief warned today.

More than 800 offenders are arrested each month but that is ‘barely scratching’ the numbers and technology firms need to work harder to report abuse and clamp down on predators, Chris Farrimond said.

Up to 850,000 predators in Britain pose a sexual risk to children, National Crime Agency chief warns

The NCA’s director of threat leadership said it can take just three clicks for paedophiles to access child abuse online.

And he warned that even if children are kept away from the darker corners of the internet they would not be safe, as predators would seek victims on ‘any part of the open web where these people can find children.’

Mr Farrimond’s chilling warning comes as a cyber security expert who blackmailed girls as young as 12 into becoming his sex slaves was jailed for 26 years.

Jordan Croft, 26, admitted forcing 26 victims, all but two of whom were children, to send humiliating pictures and videos of themselves performing sexual and degrading acts.

Up to 850,000 predators in Britain pose a sexual risk to children

Croft Jordan Croft, 26, admitted 65 offences against 26 young victims in August (pictured today) and was jailed for 26 years

As many as 850,000 predators in Britain pose a sexual risk to children, a National Crime Agency chief warned (police surveillance image of Jordan Croft)

As many as 850,000 predators in Britain pose a sexual risk to children, a National Crime Agency chief warned (police surveillance image of Jordan Croft)

He sought out girls through online chat platforms – contacting 5,000 people on one platform alone – and used sophisticated methods to cover his tracks.

After persuading his victims to send one nude photo, Croft would then blackmail them into sending him increasingly depraved images of themselves.

He tormented the children round the clock and even made some send him their school timetable so he knew where they would be at all times.

Croft forced one victim to drink her own urine, and even made another sexually abuse her seven-year-old siblings.

Jordan Croft, 26, admitted 65 offences against 26 young victims in August

Jordan Croft, 26, admitted 65 offences against 26 young victims in August

He was given 18 years in prison and a further eight on licence at Lewes Crown Court today.

‘At the moment we think there is somewhere between 550,000 to 850,000 people in the UK who pose varying degrees of sexual risk to children,’ Mr Farrimond said.

‘That’s right across the spectrum, but it’s a huge number including contact offending and online defence in all its forms.

‘Technology has brought massive, massive benefits to the world to the UK to individuals but at the other end of the scale it really assists offenders who have a sexual interest in children, helping them to perpetuate abuse.’

In the 12 months to March this year, the NCA and UK police forces made a record 10,181 arrests and voluntary attendances, up eight per cent on the previous year.

About 14,500 children were safeguarded in the process – a 15 per cent increase.

‘But looking at the figures, that is just scratching it,’ Mr Farrimond said.

‘You’ve heard the phrase before “we can’t arrest our way out of this”.

‘There are too many out there.

‘It’s not possible to take policing action, law enforcement action, against every single one of them at the same time.’

The ease with which paedophiles like Croft can access content and speak with other likeminded offenders increases the number of people who then begin to pose a risk to children, Mr Farrimond said.

One victim told him: 'I want you to suffer as much as I suffered emotionally and physically. You make me sick'

One victim told Croft: ‘I want you to suffer as much as I suffered emotionally and physically. You make me sick’

‘Individuals can start having an interest in child sexual abuse simply by viewing online abuse material – which is possible to view with just three clicks of a mouse,’ he said.

‘Then these people find other people who have a similar mindset and they can egg each other on, and share tactics and material.

‘So this behaviour is normalised which accelerates the speed that people become extreme offenders.’

Parents who think their children are safe if they stick to well known social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram were wrong, the crime chief warned.

‘It might be a commonly held misconception that child sexual offenders all occupy the dark web and if you stay away from the dark web then everyone is safe. This is absolutely not the case,’ he said.

‘Child sexual abuses will start where these people can find children and they can find children on the open web.’ Combating child sexual abuse cannot be seen solely as the job of law enforcement agencies, Mr Farrimond argued.

He welcome steps in the upcoming online safety bill which would put a duty of care onto the tech industry and made it mandatory that firms report online abuse as they identify it.

He said law enforcement agencies were working closely with web firms on technology that identified abuse and child pornography as soon as it was uploaded.

‘But we are a long way off from getting the sort of seismic shift we need to properly combat this,’ he added.

Paedophile who blackmailed girls as young as 12 into being his ‘sex slaves’ is jailed for 26 years: Predator posed as teenage boy in online chats to dupe victims into sending nude selfies… then forced them take increasingly graphic photos

  • Jordan Croft, 26, came into contact with 5000 girls on one online platform alone
  • He made girls as young as 12 film themselves saying they were ‘sexual slaves’
  • Croft blackmailed his victims into sending increasingly graphic content to him
  • He forced them to sexually abuse and film themselves when using the toilet 
  • He was today sentenced to 26 years in prison as one victim to him to ‘rot in hell’ 

By Elizabeth Haigh

A paedophile from West Sussex who targeted girls as young as 12 and blackmailed them into becoming his ‘sex slaves’ has been sentenced to 26 years in prison.

Jordan Croft, 26, from Worthing, pled guilty to 65 offences against 26 victims aged from 12 to 22 in August.

In a series of impactful statements read to the court, one of his victims said she hopes he ‘burns in hell’.

Croft forced his victims to enter a ‘contract of sexual slavery’, even making them film themselves verbally confirming they were entering this contract.

He then made increasingly graphic demands for them to send photos and videos of them performing sexual and other degrading acts.

He demanded some of his victims perform abuse on themselves, on others, as well as send video of themselves urinating or defecating.

Croft sought out young girls on online chat platforms with the aim of dominating and controlling them.

An investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA)  found that he had been in contact with over 5,000 people on one platform alone.

He initially pretended to be a teenage boy to befriend his victims, before gaining control over them and revealing his true age, saying he was a ‘catfish’ and a ‘pedo [sic] into girls [aged] 12-14’.

After getting them to send him a nude ‘custom pic’ of his choosing, he used this to make demands for increasingly depraved and graphic content.

Croft set a list of rules his victims had to adhere to, which included moving their conversation to encrypted platform Telegram and sending any photos or videos he asked for.

If the girls did not comply or asked to be released from the contract, he would set punishments and threaten to expose them to their family or social media followers.

Croft targeted his victims on various online platforms, making contact with 5,000 girls on one platform alone

He kept multiple devices with encrypted areas in which he stored the photos and videos sent by his victims

Croft targeted his victims on multiple online platforms, making contact with 5,000 on one alone

Croft appeared to be smirking as he made his way into Lewes Crown Court on Friday morning

Croft appeared to be smirking as he made his way into Lewes Crown Court on Friday morning

Croft’s offending included forcing his victims to sexually abuse themselves and other children on demand, as well as film themselves urinating and defecating. The images and videos usually had to be sent within a very short timeframe.

He also exerted his control by making them ask for permission to go to the toilet and let him know when they were going to be busy, so he didn’t think they were ignoring him.

NCA officers arrested Croft in September 2019, after identifying him as the man behind various usernames which featured in reports of online abuse filed by a number of police forces in England. This offending dated back to April 2018.

Devices including Croft’s two mobile phones and a USB stick were seized for analysis, which led to the NCA uncovering the full extent of his offending, including a further 19 victims.

Both phones had an encrypted side to them, which was where the messaging applications were stored.

Here, Croft saved the abuse material his victims sent him, tagged with their names and ages, along with a list of their social media followers.

Further indecent images of children were found on the USB stick which also contained a portable operating system. When plugged in to a computer, the system would ensure nothing was written to the computer’s hard disk and all trace of activity was deleted.

Investigators linked him to 20 online profiles across four different messaging platforms.

He told many of the young girls he had a degree in cyber security and had masked his online identity so he could not be traced by law enforcement.

Croft was charged in June 2022 following authorisation by the Crown Prosecution Service and remained on bail with conditions.

The charges include multiple counts of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, blackmail, making unwarranted demands for indecent images of children, intentionally causing or inciting the sexual exploitation of a child, and making over 900 indecent images of children in categories A-C.

He pleaded guilty to all 65 counts on August 9 at Lewes Crown Court.

In court today victims told how Croft is ‘twisted’ and ‘cruel’.

One statement said: ‘Your atrocious actions have ruined the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of young girls who will never forget or allow themselves to forget what you did to them.’

Croft was marched into court today where he heard a series of damning impact statements

Croft was marched into court today where he heard a series of damning impact statements

Another wrote: ‘I was terrified of you and I thought there was no way out.

‘You trapped me. You scared me. I couldn’t believe that someone could be that violent and nasty.’

One victim’s statement read: ‘I want you to suffer as much as I suffered emotionally and physically. You make me sick. You make me so angry.

‘You’ve made me suffer long enough and now it’s your turn. I hope you burn in hell.’

Another wrote: ‘From now on people will know you as nothing more than a cruel, twisted, pathetic paedophile.’

Martin Ludlow, senior investigating officer at the National Crime Agency, said:

‘Jordan Croft is a prolific offender who has caused heart-breaking suffering to many victims and their families.

‘The sexual depravity he consistently displayed during this abuse of both young female children and adults is horrific.

‘Like many offenders Croft thrived on the power he was able to exert over the victims. He sought the feeling of control and obtained it by deceit and abuse.

‘He showed no compassion for the victims, pushing them to breaking point and issuing threats, even when they begged him to stop.

‘I commend these young women who have shown such bravery in speaking out against him.

‘Croft is an example of an adult sexual offender who deploys plausible online profiles to hide their real identity and exploit children.

‘We know children are increasingly sharing personal material on social media sites, but I urge them be aware of the hurt and long term damage manipulative offenders like Croft cause, and to think carefully about who they may be communicating with online.

‘The NCA will continue to pursue the most serious offenders, including those who believe they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet to abuse children. Like Croft they will be brought to justice.’

Heather Wilkinson of the CPS said: ‘Croft admitted to sexually abusing 26 people and actively sought victims as young as 12 to sexually abuse and exert power over.

‘Although he attempted to hide his activity through private networks, evidence uncovered against him included age filters he set on a phone app and the controlling rules he shared.

‘This guilty plea means the victims of his abuse will now not be forced to re-live their trauma through a trial.

‘Our Organised Child Sexual Abuse Unit has specialist prosecutors to enable us to bring offenders like Croft to justice, helping stop online abuse and extortion, and its devastating impact on victims.’


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