Find out “5 things to avoid after quitting your old workplace” Resigning from your workplace and moving on is part and parcel of a healthy professional life and mental well-being as well.

It does feel like an era has ended and you tend to feel a little guilty but that is how it always is.

However, some people tend to make a few mistakes in rage or hate which must be avoided.

Here are 5 things you must not do when quitting a job and there are good reasons for the same whether you like it or not.

Burning Bridges: Why It Should Be Avoided

Burning bridges refers to severing ties with your old workplace in a negative or unprofessional manner. This approach should be strongly avoided as it can have detrimental effects on your career.

Negative Impact on Professional Reputation

When you leave a job with a negative impression, it can tarnish your professional reputation. Word travels quickly in professional circles, and potential employers may be wary of hiring someone who left their previous workplace on bad terms. It’s important to prioritize maintaining positive relationships with colleagues and superiors.

Limited Networking Opportunities

Leaving on bad terms can also limit your networking opportunities. Your former colleagues may be less inclined to refer you to potential job openings or offer recommendations. By maintaining positive relationships, you can expand your professional network and increase your chances of future career growth.

Badmouthing and Spreading Negativity

After quitting your old workplace, it’s crucial to resist the temptation of badmouthing or spreading negativity about your previous employer, colleagues, or work environment.

Potential Damage to Personal Brand

Engaging in negative talk about your previous workplace can damage your personal brand. It portrays you as unprofessional and may raise concerns about your ability to handle conflicts or maintain discretion. It’s best to take the high road and focus on your future goals rather than dwelling on past grievances.

Hindrance in Future Job Prospects

Speaking ill of your previous employer or colleagues can hinder your future job prospects. Prospective employers often reach out to your previous workplace for references or conduct background checks. If they receive negative feedback, it can significantly impact their decision to hire you. It’s important to maintain a positive and professional image throughout your career.

Disregarding Exit Procedures

When leaving a job, it’s essential to follow proper exit procedures to ensure a smooth transition for both yourself and your former employer.

Leaving Without Proper Notice

One of the common mistakes people make after quitting their old workplace is leaving without providing proper notice. This can leave your previous employer in a difficult position, scrambling to find a replacement or redistribute your workload. It’s important to adhere to the notice period specified in your employment contract or provide a reasonable timeframe for your departure.

Failing to Complete Pending Tasks

Another thing to avoid is leaving behind unfinished tasks or projects. It’s crucial to tie up loose ends and hand over your responsibilities to ensure a seamless continuation of work. Document any ongoing projects, share important files or information, and offer assistance to your colleagues during the transition period. This demonstrates professionalism and a commitment to maintaining the team’s productivity.

Abandoning Responsibilities and Commitments

After quitting your old workplace, it’s vital to honor your commitments and not abandon any responsibilities you had before leaving.

Impact on Team Dynamics and Workload

By abandoning your responsibilities, you disrupt the team dynamics and burden your former colleagues. It can create a sense of resentment and negatively impact the overall productivity of the team. Even if you are eager to move on to your new job, it’s crucial to fulfill your obligations until your last day to maintain a positive relationship with your former coworkers.

Breach of Professional Ethics

Leaving without fulfilling your commitments is a breach of professional ethics. It reflects poorly on your character and integrity, which can have long-term consequences on your career. Always strive to be reliable and fulfill your obligations, even when transitioning to a new workplace.

Unprofessional Behavior on Social Media

In today’s digital age, it’s important to be mindful of your online presence, especially after quitting your old workplace.

Negative Effects on Future Employment

Posting negative comments or venting about your previous employer or colleagues on social media can have severe consequences. Potential employers often review candidates’ social media profiles to gain insight into their character and professionalism. Negative posts can create a negative perception of you and impact your chances of securing future employment.

Maintaining a Positive Online Presence

Instead, focus on maintaining a positive online presence. Share insights, industry-related content, and achievements that highlight your skills and expertise. Engage with professional communities and contribute positively to discussions. This showcases your professionalism and can attract potential employers who appreciate your online demeanor.

Ignoring Networking Opportunities

One of the common mistakes individuals make after quitting their old workplace is neglecting to nurture professional connections.

Benefits of Maintaining Professional Connections

Networking is crucial for career growth and opportunities. Your former colleagues and superiors can be valuable connections who can provide referrals, recommendations, or insights into job openings. By nurturing these relationships, you keep the doors open for potential collaborations or future job prospects.

Expanding Career Opportunities

Maintaining a strong professional network can lead to exciting career opportunities. You may come across new ventures, collaborations, or job openings through your connections. Attending industry events, conferences, or joining professional organizations can further expand your network and expose you to valuable opportunities.


Quitting your old workplace is a significant decision that should be approached with care and professionalism. By avoiding negative behaviors such as burning bridges, badmouthing, disregarding exit procedures, abandoning responsibilities, and unprofessional online behavior, you can ensure a smooth transition and maintain a positive reputation. Embrace networking opportunities and focus on building strong professional connections to open doors for future career growth.

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