An ABC News Breakfast host has urged the public broadcaster to be swifter and more effective at calling out racism following Stan Grant‘s departure from Q+A.

Michael Rowland made the comments on Tuesday following Mr Grant’s powerful exit speech during his last appearance as host of the popular current affairs talk show on Monday night.

Mr Grant said he was taking break from the media following racist abuse hurled at him online that intensified after he appeared on coverage of the King’s coronation and a perceived lack of support from ABC management. 

‘It hasn’t just been weeks and months, it’s been years that Stan’s been copping this. Racism is a scourge,’ Mr Rowland said.

‘We all need to do better and that includes the ABC in calling it out and calling it out more quickly than we have in this country,’ he said.

News Breakfast's Michael Rowland (left) urged the ABC to be better at calling out racism

News Breakfast’s Michael Rowland (left) urged the ABC to be better at calling out racism

Stan Grant on his last Q+A 'for a while' said he felt as though he was part of the problem and wanted to take break to consider how to do better

Stan Grant on his last Q+A ‘for a while’ said he felt as though he was part of the problem and wanted to take break to consider how to do better

Mr Rowland’s comments followed an appearance on the program by Ian Hamm, chair of the First Nations Foundation.

‘Stan does his job very well. I think he has taken on the role of poking the bear of Australia where it’s uncomfortable from time to time,’ Mr Hamm said.

‘There is risk with that. The pushback of those who don’t like it and who perhaps want Aboriginal people to be more compliant and pleasant.’

‘That has taken its toll on him.’

‘Stan’s not walking away. He’s just taking a break as anybody should in this circumstance.’

Mr Hamm said this year in particular, with Australians voting on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament in November, would bring up lingering tensions. 

‘Australia does have race relations problems and all it takes is scratching the surface and some very unpleasant sores can be exposed.’

‘I have great hope for my nation, but I’m also realistic enough to know that this is not an easy journey. 

‘He’s not alone and the rest of us are behind him and like him, we’re not walking away. And we intend to pursue the right place for our people in this country.’

First Nation's Foundation chair Ian Hamm (pictured) said Mr Grant had 'poked the bear' when discussing discussing the hardships of Indigenous Australians during coronation coverage

First Nation’s Foundation chair Ian Hamm (pictured) said Mr Grant had ‘poked the bear’ when discussing discussing the hardships of Indigenous Australians during coronation coverage

In his final episode of Q+A ‘for a while’ host Stan Grant gave viewers an insight into Yindyamarra, a Wiradjuri ethic encompassing respect.

‘I’ve had to learn that endurance is not always strength, sometimes it’s knowing when to stop.’

Grant thanked those who had sent messages of support.

And he had a message for those who had abused him and members of his family.

‘If your aim was to hurt, well you’ve succeeded – and I’m sorry,’ he said.

‘Yindyamarra means I’m not just responsible for what I do, but for what you do.

‘It is what it means to be Wiradjuri. It is the core of my being. It is respect … that comes from the earth we are born into from God, Biame.’

In a column for the ABC on Friday, Grant criticised the broadcaster for failing to publicly support him throughout his ordeal.

ABC staff rallied outside offices in Sydney and Melbourne on Monday after the renowned broadcaster said the abuse had accelerated following his critical remarks about the monarchy’s role in colonialism and he had had enough.

‘It’s really hard to see him struggling and that he’s had to cop the racism and the disgusting filth that has been put online,’ daughter Lowanna Grant told the Sydney rally.

‘I’m so grateful for everyone here today supporting him … and all other First Nations journalists.’

ABC employees protesting this week calling on the national broadcaster to tackle racism toward its public facing staff more effectively

ABC employees protesting this week calling on the national broadcaster to tackle racism toward its public facing staff more effectively 

ABC news director Justin Stevens said he was ‘incredibly sorry that he felt let down by our organisation (and) that we could have done better by him in defending him.

‘We will do whatever we can to make up for it.’

The ABC promised to review its response to racism affecting staff, in line with a recommendation from its internal Indigenous advisory committee.

ABC managing director David Anderson on Sunday apologised for failing to publicly support Grant.

‘The ABC endeavours to support its staff in the unfortunate moments when there is external abuse directed at them,’ he said.

In an email to staff, Mr Anderson said anti-ABC reporting from some commercial media outlets had been ‘sustained and vitriolic’.

‘This has real-world consequences for ABC presenters and journalists who are personally attacked and vilified,’ he wrote.


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