The Barefoot Investor Scott Pape has shared his thoughts on whether a Global Financial Crisis is on the horizon and issued some blunt advice to Aussies on how to prepare for the worst.

The finance guru revealed it was the ‘number one question’ he was asked by worried Australians prompting him to share a very blunt response in his advice column.

‘After all, banks are going bust around the world, inflation is burning a hole in our wallets, and interest rates are being hiked at the most aggressive rate in years.

‘So, what comes next? Well, the honest answer is … I don’t know,’ he wrote.

He said even though he had no idea about the future, there were measures that could be taken for people to prepare for the worst.

Barefoot Investor Scott Pape (pictured) has shared his thoughts on whether a Global Financial Crisis is on the horizon

Barefoot Investor Scott Pape (pictured) has shared his thoughts on whether a Global Financial Crisis is on the horizon

‘However, what I can do for you is to suggest three books that will help prepare you for whatever results from the bursting of the biggest global debt bubble in history,’ he wrote.

The first book was written by Benjamin Roth and it is titled, ‘The Great Depression: A Diary’.

‘No, I don’t think we’re heading into a depression,’ Mr Pape wrote.

‘However, this book is the actual diary notes of Benjamin Roth, a small-town lawyer living through a decade of the Great Depression.

‘What makes it a fascinating read is that he’s writing it in real time – he doesn’t know what’s coming next.’

‘You probably think of the Depression as bread lines and poverty.

‘However, Roth’s diary notes show that there were plenty of years in which there were huge rallies in the sharemarket, with newspapers chock-full of experts predicting that the worst was over. And then the market would crash again.

‘From the peak, the stock market fell a staggering 89 per cent, and took 25 long years to regain its high,’ Pape explained.

‘Interestingly, Roth started out thinking that stocks were a scam, and that rent-paying property was a sure bet. However, he came out of the great depression believing the exact opposite.

‘And if that 89 per cent plunge has your head spinning, you really need to read the next book’

The second book is written by Mike Kemp and titled, ‘The Ulysses Contract: How to Never Worry About the Share Market Again’.

‘So this book has just been release and I wrote the foreword,’ Mr Pape wrote.

The finance guru revealed it was the 'number one question' he was asked by worried Australians prompting him to share a very blunt response in his advice column (stock image)

The finance guru revealed it was the ‘number one question’ he was asked by worried Australians prompting him to share a very blunt response in his advice column (stock image)

‘However, what I can do for you is to suggest three books that will help prepare you for whatever results from the bursting of the biggest global debt bubble in history,’ he wrote.

The first book was written by Benjamin Roth, and it is titled, ‘The Great Depression: A Diary’.

‘No, I don’t think we’re heading into a depression,’ Mr Pape wrote.

‘However, this book is the actual diary notes of Benjamin Roth, a small-town lawyer living through a decade of the Great Depression.

‘What makes it a fascinating read is that he’s writing it in real time – he doesn’t know what’s coming next.’

‘You probably think of the Depression as bread lines and poverty.

‘However, Roth’s diary notes show that there were plenty of years in which there were huge rallies in the sharemarket, with newspapers chock-full of experts predicting that the worst was over. And then the market would crash again.

‘From the peak, the stock market fell a staggering 89 per cent, and took 25 long years to regain its high,’ Pape explained.

‘Interestingly, Roth started out thinking that stocks were a scam, and that rent-paying property was a sure bet. However, he came out of the great depression believing the exact opposite.

‘And if that 89 per cent plunge has your head spinning, you really need to read the next book’

The second book is written by Mike Kemp and titled, ‘The Ulysses Contract: How to Never Worry About the Share Market Again’.

‘So this book has just been release and I wrote the foreword,’ Mr Pape wrote.

Australians unleash on The Barefoot Investor over his brutal advice as they struggle to pay off their mortgages: ‘I’ve started lining up at food bank so our children can have fruit and bread’ 

Aussies have lashed out at the Barefoot Investor Scott Pape after he told homeowners they need to take some of the blame for their own decisions as interest rates soar.

Earlier this month, a homeowner named Ben wrote to the financial investment guru asking ‘why is there no class action being taken against Philip Lowe and the RBA?’ over the Reserve Bank governor’s forecast interest rates would not rise until 2024.

‘How can the head of the RBA make unequivocal statements (not predictions) that interest rates will not rise until 2024 and then wash his hands and take no responsibility for the trauma (financial and mentally) his words have caused?’

‘Thousands of people, myself included, proceeded to purchase property based on these statements and are now in serious financial stress.’

Mr Pape replied and said that he thought Dr Lowe had ‘stuffed up right royally’ and should be ‘benched’ – but also called on mortgage-holders to take some of the blame for borrowing too much money.

‘Look, no one put a gun to your head and told you to borrow too much money when interest rates were at their lowest levels in recorded history,’ he said.

‘I’ve written about this every week for the last decade, mate! So sorry, but I won’t be joining your pity party.’

Pape’s sass did not go down well with some of his readers – with some unleashing at the popular financial adviser. ‘F*** you,’ one angry missive said.

A reader named Linda wrote to Pape, saying: ‘As you enjoy your perch high up without mortgage stress, you won’t join in our ‘”pity party”.

‘Yet my heart breaks telling my kids they can no longer do swimming lessons, no longer go to birthday parties, and no longer afford new shoes, among countless other sacrifices.

‘Meanwhile, my husband and I have added second jobs in our evenings and weekends to deal with the devastation caused by the rate rises and cost of living.

‘For the first time in my life, I’ve started lining up at food banks each Tuesday so our children can have fruit and bread.

The reader said they had taken out a hefty loan because Mr Lowe had forecast interest rates would not rise before they were increased nine consecutive times.

Interest rates were increased for the ninth consecutive time in February raising the cash rate to 3.35 per cent, leading to more financial pain for borrowers.

Mr Pape responded to Linda, saying: ‘At the height of the pandemic the RBA flooded the banks with billions of dollars at the super-low rate of 0.1 per cent to support the economy.

‘The banks shovelled out this money as quickly as they could… and for that round of limbo lending, they made it super simple for borrowers to shimmy across the line: they assessed them on the rosy scenario that rates wouldn’t go higher than 3 per cent.

‘So are the banks fretting about their stuff-up? Nah. The banks know that the vast majority of their customers are like you, Linda – they will sell off their kidneys to keep their house.

‘If you recently borrowed more than 80 per cent of the value of your home – which I have always advised against! – you’ll find that you are effectively trapped. And your bank knows it.

Pape said he had spent ‘years in the trenches with people who have their backs to the wall’ but believed Linda had shown true grit and that she would keep hold of the family home amid the rates rises.

‘Reason being, you’re doing whatever it takes to keep food on the table and a roof over your head.

‘And it takes a lot of stress, and shame, and sacrifice, and bloody hard work to get that banker off your back.’


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