Barnaby Joyce mispronounced Anthony Albanese’s name yet again as he listed five reasons why Australians should vote ‘No’ to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

The Nationals MP has a long history of incorrectly pronouncing Mr Albanese’s surname as ‘Alba-nays’ as if it rhymes with mayonnaise.

The former deputy prime minister made the gaffe again on Sunday as he demanded more clarity on what residents would be voting for in the referendum for the Voice.

‘Mr Alba-nays has basically got to be honest and tell us what it is,’ he told Sky News

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (right) is pictured with his partner Jodie Haydon

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (right) is pictured with his partner Jodie Haydon 

Mr Joyce had made the same gaffe last year as he trashed Labor’s climate and resources policies while on the campaign trail in May 2022.

Last November, the Nationals were the first major party to announce they would not support a constitutionally enshrined Voice, and they were joined in that opposition by the Liberals earlier this week. 

Mr Joyce lambasted the Voice as ‘dangerous’ as he went through the reasons why he and his party oppose it.

He said that his number one reason for opposing the Voice is because it ‘defines people by race, it defines people by DNA’.

Mr Joyce backed that up by saying ‘the first article of the United Nations’ convention on human rights is that everybody will be treated with equal dignity and equal rights’. 

Barnaby Joyce vs pronouncing Anthony Albanese’s name 

The Prime Minister’s name is not hard to pronounce. It’s All-ban-e-zee.

But Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce consistently pronounces it ‘Alba-nays’, as if it rhymes with mayonnaise. 

In a speech to the National Press Club in Canberra before the May 2022 federal election, Mr Joyce referred to the soon to be Prime Minister as ‘Alba-nays’ more than a dozen times. 

This even went against the Coalition’s own policy. 

The Liberal-National election slogan ‘It won’t be easy under Albanese’ relied on the correct pronunciation of the then Opposition leader’s name.

Mr Joyce is far from alone in pronouncing Mr Albanese incorrectly. 

The ABC’s election guru Antony Green persistently pronounces the Prime Minister’s surname as ‘Alba-nees’ as if it rhymes with knees. 

Though he got the name slightly wrong – it’s called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – he got the essence of its first article right. 

It reads: ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. 

‘They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’

Mr Joyce added that the violence seen recently is Alice Springs ‘is not determined by the colour of people’s skin, it’s determined by the circumstances they live in’.

The second point of his opposition to the Voice was one made over and over by Coalition MPs, that ‘we have not been given all the details.

‘The Solicitor-General’s advice, which is the independent legal advice to the government, has been hidden,’ he said. 

He added that ‘people don’t know what the legislation is, but apparently it’s going to happen after the referendum.

‘So voting for the Voice is like voting for a car which you don’t know the make, you don’t know the model and you don’t know the price. It’s a very dangerous thing to do.’

The former Nationals leader’s third point was that if the Voice passes but then proves to be ‘inefficient (or) inadequate’ the country will be stuck with it. 

‘We can’t get rid of it, it’s in the Constitution (if it’s passed by referendum).’

For his fourth point, Mr Joyce railed against the ‘extensive powers in the executive’ which he said would affect everything from Cabinet and Reserve Bank decisions to the selection of High Court judges. 

His fifth point of opposition to the Voice was that if it passes it would amount to ‘an active cell of another political party that is unelected, it’s selected, and anything with that much power should be elected, not selected’.

Mr Albanese had a very different view of how the Voice is proceeding when he spoke to Sky News on Sunday. 

He started by saying he still believes the referendum will pass. 

‘I have hope and faith in the generosity of the Australian people and that Australians, when they go into the ballot box, will cast their vote for ‘Yes’,’ he said.

Anthony Albanese referred to Barnaby Joyce's (pictured) two periods of being deputy prime minister as a 'show that shouldn't have had a sequel, but it did'

Anthony Albanese referred to Barnaby Joyce’s (pictured) two periods of being deputy prime minister as a ‘show that shouldn’t have had a sequel, but it did’

‘They will say yes to constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and they’ll say yes to consultation on matters that affect them so that we can close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia in so many areas, like life expectancy, education, health and housing,’ he said.

The Prime Minister acknowledged that most referendums held in Australia have failed. 

‘We know that referendums are difficult to pass. It’s something like eight out of 48 have passed. But the time has come,’ he said.

‘And as the Uluru Statement from the Heart (which led to the referendum due to be held in the second half of 2023) said, “In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard”. 

‘And I think that it is time to recognise First Nations people in our Constitution. And Australians will ask themselves, if not now, when?’

Mr Albanese also addressed what Mr Joyce said on the Solicitor-General’s advice not being ‘hidden’. 

‘Well, the Solicitor-General’s advice, as Barnaby Joyce knows – he was a bloke who was Deputy Prime Minister twice …

‘And he knows that while he served, they didn’t release his Cabinet advice to the Cabinet. But the Solicitor-General’s views are very clear of support for this change, that it’s legally sound. 

‘And through the process, he will, I’m sure, take the opportunity through the Attorney-General to make that position clear.’

Mr Albanese also referred to Mr Joyce’s two periods of being deputy prime minister as a ‘show that shouldn’t have had a sequel, but it did’. 


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