Betsy DeVos says she hopes Americans elect a president in 2024 who will shut down the Education Department and strip powerful teachers’ unions of their control in order to champion freedom and choice in American education. 

‘I don’t think the Federal Department of Education should exist,’ the former education secretary told during an exclusive interview.

‘I’m hopeful that we elect a president who is also committed to either scaling back dramatically or ultimately shutting down the Department of Education.’ 

2024 GOP presidential hopefuls including former President Donald Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott have all vowed to shut down the Education Department if elected president.

'I want a president who is going to champion education freedom,' DeVos tells

‘I want a president who is going to champion education freedom,’ DeVos tells

She said the department is unfortunately ‘very union focused and union driven,’ which she calls ‘despicable.’ 

DeVos said a future president will have to ‘bang a lot of elbows’ within the department because of the ‘entrenched interests’ of the big unions that are desperate to ‘hang on to their power base.’

‘I want a president who is going to champion education freedom. And I think there is every argument for an individual who is not only going to talk about it, but do it or may have done it already,’ DeVos told

‘I think this is the most important issue facing our country, because without a prepared, rising generation, we aren’t going to have the kind of leadership and the kind of creativity and innovation that we need to sustain the United States of America.’

She skirted around’s question of whether she would actively campaign against her former boss Donald Trump. DeVos, who was still serving as education secretary on Jan. 6, 2021, resigned the day after the attack on the Capitol.

The Biden administration deserves an ‘F’ by every measure since they are failing on education and trying to ‘radicalize’ kids by pushing gender ideology and sexualization, continued DeVos.

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‘They are focused not on doing the right thing for children, but on doing the right thing for the unions…they’re doing their bidding at every step.’

As for what the top 2024 issue should be heading into the primaries, DeVos said the number one domestic issue is ‘education freedom,’ or access to school choice, because students are not being properly prepared for the future.

‘So introducing education freedom, the ability to start and attend different schools, for children, for teachers, for families, for our country is going to be the best way forward.’

The secretary praised the work that Florida, Arizona and other states have done on promoting school choice and educational freedom – especially in the aftermath of the learning loss American children endured which was amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘The learning loss during COVID was inexcusable and it did not need to happen, but it’s very, very real. But let’s be really clear – the learning losses were happening well before COVID happened,’ DeVos told

She said the clear fix to learning loss in the U.S. is enacting education freedom policies robustly nationwide and and allowing for new providers to come into the marketplace to help fill the void that the system has made.

The creation of new opportunities for learning will help kids not only catch up, but surpass where they might have been by staying in their assigned school. 

The secretary praised then-Arizona GOP Gov. Doug Ducey for helping to solve problems with access to universal school choice and education freedom programs.

DeVos called Florida the consistent leader on education initiatives, starting with former Gov. Jeb Bush and carrying through to current day under the DeSantis administration.

‘Governor Jeb Bush introduced statewide education school choice initiatives when he was governor and has you know how that has consistently expanded term after term and to where now they have passed a universal law in Florida as well.’

DeVos called Florida the consistent leader on education initiatives

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DeVos called Florida the consistent leader on education initiatives

DeVos’ passion for education started 35 years ago when her oldest son, now 41, was starting kindergarten.

She told she started her life’s dedication to the issue during the process of finding the ‘right school’ for her son and volunteering there during his early enrollment days.

‘The more I got involved, the more I saw how unfair it was, that our policies support only sending families to schools to which they’re assigned – if they’re not wealthy enough to be able to pay a tuition check.

‘And so that was really what launched my interest in education and education, policy, and ultimately education freedom,’ DeVos continued.

Looking to the future, DeVos plans to continue to  advocate for education freedom policies across the states. 

She warned that until the U.S. totally changes the ‘structure and the formula around how we do the K-12 education,’ the same issues won’t go away.

‘My passion has not waned a bit. It’s only grown stronger,’ she vowed.


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