Tim Scott has officially jumped into the 2024 presidential race, and his Senate colleagues who long ago tired of Donald Trump are slowly lining up to signal support for his upstart challenge. 

‘Tim Scott is a good man,’ Sen. Bill Cassidy told DailyMail.com in an interview. ‘And the contrast between his character and the character of others is quite remarkable. I think very highly of him.’ 

The Louisiana Republican declined to say when he would endorse in the race, even as he said Trump and Joe Biden would be ‘disqualified’ for ‘lying’ about his pet issue of this Congress – Social Security reform. 

‘We know a week is an eternity in politics. We’ve got lots of weeks, so we’ve got lots of eternities before the first primary.’ 

Tim Scott has officially jumped into the 2024 presidential race, and his Senate colleagues who long ago tired of Donald Trump are slowly lining up to signal support for his upstart challenge

Tim Scott has officially jumped into the 2024 presidential race, and his Senate colleagues who long ago tired of Donald Trump are slowly lining up to signal support for his upstart challenge

Scott's GOP primary poll numbers have hovered around two percent, but his team insists they will grow as he officially joins the race

Scott’s GOP primary poll numbers have hovered around two percent, but his team insists they will grow as he officially joins the race

John Thune, the No. 2 Senate Republican, has endorsed Scott – and delivered remarks at his North Charleston announcement event on Monday. 

South Dakota Republican Mike Rounds already announced he would endorse Scott before he jumped into the race. 

‘I think he is the closest to Ronald Reagan that you’re going to see,’ Rounds told the Washington Examiner. 

Cassidy on Sunday laid out in detail why he does not believe Trump could win a general election on CNN. 

The Louisiana senator was asked about Gov. Ron DeSantis reportedly saying to donors recently that there are only three viable candidates in 2024 – himself, Trump and President Biden.

'Tim Scott is a good man,' Sen. Bill Cassidy told DailyMail.com in an interview. 'And the contrast between his character and the character of others is quite remarkable. I think very highly of him'

‘Tim Scott is a good man,’ Sen. Bill Cassidy told DailyMail.com in an interview. ‘And the contrast between his character and the character of others is quite remarkable. I think very highly of him’

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John Thune, the Senate GOP Whip, plans to endorse Scott

John Thune, the Senate GOP Whip, plans to endorse Scott 

‘A couple of things: I don’t think Trump can win a general election but that is a nice way for him to dispense with people like Sen. Tim Scott who is a pretty formidable candidate. You have to take this as a competitor trying to dis others.’ 

‘On the other hand, during the last election cycle we saw in all the swing states — almost all — Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona, that the candidates for Senate that Trump endorsed all lost.’

‘If you had taken the votes that went to other Republicans and put them together, those Republicans would have won,’ he elaborated. ‘So I think the president’s kind of high profile endorsement of those candidates actually hurt those candidates, at least in the general election.’

‘So if past is prologue, that means President Trump is going to have a hard time in the swing states, which means he cannot win a general election,’ he concluded. 

Scott’s GOP primary poll numbers have hovered around two percent, but his team insists they will grow as he officially joins the race. The senator has $22 million cash on hand – coffers that could launch him to serious competition with the two top frontrunners in the race – Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. 

Scott, one of the nation’s most prominent black Republicans, is leaning into his  ‘cotton to Congress’ life story – his grandfather dropped out of third grade to pick cotton, his mother raised him as a single mother and Scott himself was the first black man to serve in both the House and Senate. 

To Scott, Trump’s policies weren’t the problem. His campaign is sure to be heavy on rosy messaging and light on policy differences with the former president. 

‘I am living proof that America is the land of opportunity, not a land of oppression,’ Scott said in his opening salvo on Monday. 

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‘Our nation, our values, and our people are strong, but our president is weak.’ 

He’s made faith and education the twin pillars of his campaign, frequently quoting scripture during his announcement speech and Faith in America ‘listening tour’ that preceded the launch. 

Scott is relying on his tempered demeanor, governing record (a favorite being the so-called Opportunity Zones written into the 2017 tax cuts) – and close relationships in the Senate – to launch him to the forefront. 

Scott has so far opted against directly calling out Trump – and while talking about his own racial identity often blasts Democrats for promoting ‘victimhood’ over ‘personal responsibility.’ 

But during a town hall in New Hampshire earlier this month, Scott could have been alluding to Trump and his continued focus on 2020 when he said: ‘The seeds of greatness, not the seeds of grievance, is our future.’

Trump, in turn, has avoided attacking Scott too. 

‘Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary race. It is loading up with lots of people, and Tim is a big step up from Ron DeSanctimonious, who is totally unelectable. I got Opportunity Zones done with Tim, a big deal that has been highly successful. Good luck Tim!’ 


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