DPP staffer Mitchell Greig sent a copy of his notes of Shane Drumgold’s meeting with Lisa Wilkinson and her Ten lawyer five days after they met.

It revealed the TV host’s recap of the background to their coverage of Brittany Higgins’ allegations and how they came to do the story. 

But it does not include any mention of Mr Drumgold warning her of the legal implications of her upcoming speech at the Logies.

The notes were forwarded to Mr Drumgold the day after her speech – and Mr Greig was then asked to add in details of Mr Drumgold’s alleged warning.

However Mr Drumgold told trial judge Justice Lucy McCallum and Wlater Sofronoff’s Board on Inquiry that the notes were all made at the time of the meeting, not five days afterwards. 

 Mr Greig’s original email reads in full:

Hi Shane and Skye, 

Conference Notes with Lisa Wilkinson attached. Are you happy for me to send through to Defence? 

Wednesday 15 June 2022 – Conference Notes


Lisa Wilkinson

Shane Drumgold/Skye Jerome/Mitchell Greig/ Tasha Smithies

– Had a phone conversation with Brittany, imagine this occurred on or about the 22 January (best of recollection). Initial meeting between Brittany and Lisa occurred at Star Casino Sydney 9.20am 27 January

2021 – where she provided a timeline of events.

• First time meeting Brittany

– Pre Interview with Brittany established what the story was and how credible she was – interrogated her between 5 and 6 hours. Result of the pre interview, decided it was credible and decided to go ahead with the formal interview Lisa only met her once before the Project interview

– Pre Project Interview occurred at the Star hotel at darling harbour

– About 10am in the morning

– Britney, David Sharaz, Angus Llewlyn and Lisa Wilkinson all in attendance

– Subsequently has been informed that it was been recorded by Angus

– A couple of email exchanges between Sharaz, “a young women he knew had been subject to a sexual assault, think it was in parliament house, everything in the story is devastating, if interested Lisa would be the best person to provide to the public”. – – Lisa was not informed it was Sharaz’s girlfriend (Britney) at this

David Sharaz phoned and spoke to Lisa, as Brittany was concerned about talking with Lisa Never met her before the Star casino, had spoken to her on the phone following emails with David Sharaz.

– Don’t call a version of events of what occurred in M123, David had informed Lisa that she was extremely fragile.

Star Casino Pre- Project Interview –

• Brittany was a junior staffer in Ciobios office, he lost his role as a minister, his department got picked up by Reynolds.

• Brittany was finding her way in the power structure of the office

• Went out to drinks, originally thought it was a Saturday night

• Had originally thought Bruce Lehrmann was quite intimidating, she was trying to work out the power structure of the office

• Bruce was buying Brittany drinks, he didn’t appear to be drinking

• Brittany found herself quite drunk, quite quickly

• Went out with 3 other people after initial drinks, Bruce Lehrmann said he’d organise the taxi to go home.

• Brittany got in the taxi with Bruce, for some reason Bruce said he had to go to parliament house. He said he had to pick something up from the office.

Arrived in Minister Reynolds office, security guards had to let them in. Issue over passes.

• Brittany could feel she was drunk, sat down on the window sill and then sat on the couch, Bruce was doing something in the office. Next thing she remembers she woke up in incredible pain being raped by Bruce Lehrmann, Brittany told him a number of times to stop, which he didn’t. He then suddenly stopped and left the room.

• She said that she couldn’t remember why she felt so drunk cause she didn’t have too much to drink

– Lisa had to have a massive discussion with the executive producer of the Project as to why it would be a story. Brittany must have told me about what occurred in room M123 over the

phone to have been able to go ahead with the Pre – Project Interview.

Both interviews occurred at the Star Casino.

– Emails between David Sharaz and Lisa went from 18-21 January 2021.

– Project Interview occurred at 2pm, 2 February 2021 at the Star Casino

– Britney never got paid for the interview


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