They have been relentlessly promoted as an eco-friendly way to generate electricity and slash your utility bills so it is little wonder solar panels have rocketed in popularity. 

Last year, the number of residential installations shot up by 40 percent compared to the year prior, according to figures from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Some 500,000 homeowners installed solar panels in 2021 – soaring to a record 700,000 in 2022.

And by 2035, President Joe Biden wants 40 percent of the nation’s electricity to be solar-powered as part of his radical green agenda. 

But can they really save you money in the long run? Experts warn it could take more than a decade to break even on the initial investment – and installation costs still remain unattainably high for most US households.

On average homeowners pay around $20,000 to install a six-kilowatt system for a typical property, according to Kraig Edelman, CEO of Illinois electrical firm Edelman

Figures show it would take homeowners around 11 years to pay off the cost of a $20,000 solar panel system

Figures show it would take homeowners around 11 years to pay off the cost of a $20,000 solar panel system

Buyers can benefit from a 30 percent federal solar tax credit (ITC) – reducing the upfront average price to $14,000. Some states also offer their own solar tax credits.

Edelman said that typically users save $1,200 a year through solar power compared to paying energy the traditional way. It means it would take a homeowner just over 11 years to pay off the initial cost.

Other experts offer similar projections. Sarah Miller, a marketing specialist at Solaric Corporation, said the panels save households around $1,500 a year – which means it would take just over nine years to break even on the investment.

What’s more, property platform Zillow estimates homes with solar panels sell for an average of $15,000 more than those without. 

But Miller said such estimates cannot fully ‘include the possibility of energy costs increasing in price and multiple factors taking place like the power requirements of each home which can vary greatly.’

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Solar systems are made using photovoltaic (PV) panels which convert sunlight into electrical energy.

In the summer months, the process is quite straightforward: the sunlight directly generates the power in a home.

If they generate more electricity than the owner uses, this extra electricity is effectively ‘banked’ in the form of household credits. These credits can be tapped into when generation is low due to limited sunlight.

On top of this owners have the option to sell back the power their panels generate to the energy grid. The US grid is a complex network of 7,300 power plants, 160,000 miles of high-voltage power lines and distribution lines.

To do this, you must also apply for ‘interconnection’ with your local utility company.

Solar systems are made using photovoltaic (PV) panels which convert sunlight into electrical energy

Solar systems are made using photovoltaic (PV) panels which convert sunlight into electrical energy 

Shaun Eli installed solar panels into his four-bedroom New York home and now estimates he will never pay for electricity again

Shaun Eli installed solar panels into his four-bedroom New York home and now estimates he will never pay for electricity again

However to be able to properly store excess electricity, owners are likely to need additional equipment such as solar batteries – which can double the total installation cost, according to CNET.

The White House has long plugged solar power as a key part of its green agenda, with the US secretary of energy Jennifer Granholm once referring to them as ‘the cheapest and fastest source of green energy.’

But the upfront installation expense has remained the single biggest barrier to homes adopting them.

Research by the Department of Energy and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that just 14 percent of households with residential solar in the US had annual incomes less than $50,000 in 2021.

The Government has attempted to tackle this problem by initiating a host of projects to make solar power more accessible to lower-income families. This includes a ‘community solar’ project which would allow several households to subscribe to one solar farm.

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Nevertheless, there remain other issues with widespread solar adoption. For example, homeowners effectively face a ‘postcode lottery’ over how lucrative panels can be for their property due to wide-ranging electricity prices in different states. 

For example, in places where electricity bills are higher it makes more sense to install solar panels as the savings will be even greater – and they can earn more money through selling their unused energy back to the grid.

Figures from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) show that residents in Connecticut pay the most for energy, with households paying $245.56 a month on average.

The second most expensive state is Hawaii – where households pay $229.29 a month – followed by New Hampshire which has an average monthly bill of $194.78.

By comparison, Utah has the lowest average energy bills, with households expected to pay just $84.09 a month. It was followed by New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming.

President Joe Biden wants 40% of America's electricity to be generated by solar by 2035. He is pictured at a meeting of the Major Economies Forum (MEF) on Energy and Climate in April

President Joe Biden wants 40% of America’s electricity to be generated by solar by 2035. He is pictured at a meeting of the Major Economies Forum (MEF) on Energy and Climate in April 

Prices often depend on how close each state is to energy sources. Some pay more if they require fuels to be transported from long distances, for example.

And the issue is compounded by whether or not a state benefits from a deregulated market. A deregulated market – which is applied to 40 percent of states – allows several different providers to supply electricity to consumers, encouraging competition.

Among those to have taken the plunge and invested in solar panels is New York comedian Shaun Eli, 62.

Eli installed the tech into his four-bedroom home for $24,000. He also qualified for a $5,000 New York state credit as well as the 30 percent federal tax credit. 

Since then, his electricity expenses amount to just $19 a month – which covers the cost of the service. 

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Previously he was billed anywhere between $150 and $500 per month for energy, depending on the time of year.

He now estimates he will never have to pay for electricity again, having already built up a credit worth 3300 kwh.

He told ‘I never thought solar panels were that worthwhile until my neighbor got them.

‘But I love them. I reckon I will never have to pay for electricity ever again.’


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