Alfie Steele’s killer mother and her career criminal boyfriend who tortured the schoolboy to death in a ‘cruel and sinister’ regime of abuse in lockdown have been jailed for 27 years and 32 years respectively.

Little Alfie was beaten, ‘held’ in cold bath water, locked out of the house or in a shed and whipped with belts in actions described by a judge today as ‘sadistic’.

Concerned neighbours and even passers-by in the street reported the treatment doled out by Dirk Howell, 41 and Alfie’s mother, Carla Scott, 35, to police, social services, the council and Alfie’s school.

But despite Alfie being on the radar of social services since he was a young boy, a catalogue of potential opportunities to save the youngster were missed.

Howell was convicted of his murder yesterday and jailed for life today with a minimum term of 32 years. Scott was found guilty of manslaughter and handed jail sentences totally 27 years at Coventry Crown Court. 

A judge told the killers today: ‘What is clear is that Alfie did not have the quiet death that you tried to portray. His death was violent and brutal.

‘Alfie tried to say no, called in vain for his grandfather to help and resisted to get into the bath and maybe it was that resistance that sealed his fate.’

Alfie Steele died after his lifeless body was pulled from a bath having suffered more than 50 injuries at the hands of the evil mother and her partner in February 2021

Alfie Steele died after his lifeless body was pulled from a bath having suffered more than 50 injuries at the hands of the evil mother and her partner in February 2021

Dirk Howell is pictured on police body-cam footage being arrested at a railway station shortly after Alfie's death

Dirk Howell is pictured on police body-cam footage being arrested at a railway station shortly after Alfie’s death

Police video footage captured Carla Scott making a phone call to Howell, to ask him where he was and tells him: 'He's gone up to hospital they won't let me go up there yet'

Police video footage captured Carla Scott making a phone call to Howell, to ask him where he was and tells him: ‘He’s gone up to hospital they won’t let me go up there yet’

Carla Scott was found guilty of manslaughter

Dirk Howell was found guilty of murder

Jurors at Coventry Crown Court took ten hours and 13 minutes to find Scott (left) guilty of Alfie’s manslaughter, returning a majority verdict of 11 to one, but cleared her of murder. Howell (right) was found guilty of murder by a unanimous verdict 

The ‘gorgeous’ schoolboy was found unresponsive in cold bathwater at the new-build housing association property where he lived with Scott and Howell in Droitwich, Worcestershire, in February 2021 during the third national lockdown. 

So sickening was the abuse, that a judge told jurors they would never need to sit on a jury again after hearing about the poor child’s final moments. 

The ten missed opportunities to save Alfie Steele 

1. 27/8/19 neighbour recorded Alfie screaming ‘let me in’ before Howell ‘shoved’ him to the floor and let him back in. She complained to the council over potential drug dealing at the house.

2. 2/3/20 A teaching assistant who knew Alfie saw Howell screaming at him outside a GP surgery, with Scott ignoring the abuse. Reported to school.

3: A PCSO in the area was told of above incident and approached Howell, who wouldn’t engage. Police then arrive, and speak to Howell at a nearby shopping centre. He gave a false name.

4: 4/4/20 Next-door neighbour Daniel Grindrod called police at 5.30am reporting distressed whimpering sounds from Alfie and banging and crashing in house.

5: April 2020 Neighbour saw Alfie mopping floor at 4.30am, and another time Alfie outside in just his underwear on a winter’s day. Reported to social services.

6: 5/4/20: Neighbour called police to report general concerns about Scott and Howell.

7: 10/4/20 Passer-by saw Howell screaming at Alfie outside a supermarket. Reported to police.

8: 4/5/20 Neighbour Graham Willetts called police after seeing Alfie locked outside in his boxer shorts.

9: 4/5/20 PC attended late night, Scott lied about Howell’s presence but the officer saw him at a window and ordered him to leave. Checked on Alfie, who was in bed.

10: 3/8/20 The other next-door neighbour, Gemma Allcott, called 999 to report ‘thrashing’ sounds from Alfie’s bathroom, ‘like they are really hurting him’.

The death became the latest addition to a heartbreaking roll call of children killed during the pandemic which includes Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, Finley Boden, Logan Mwangi and Star Hobson.

At Coventry Crown Court today, Scott remained composed in the dock as her partner Howell was sentenced, slumping forward with his right hand cupping his chin.

Judge Mark Wall KC said: ‘I have no doubt this is a killing of which the seriousness is particularly high.

‘That is because it is the murder of a child, involving sadistic conduct and his death was the culmination of a series of cruel and violent acts towards him.

‘What is clear is that Alfie did not have the quiet death that you tried to portray. His death was violent and brutal.

‘Alfie tried to say no, called in vain for his grandfather to help and resisted to get into the bath and maybe it was that resistance that sealed his fate.

‘Alfie died either through drowning, concussive head trauma or mechanical asphyxia. For the purpose of this sentence it does not matter which.

‘The true cause of his death was your cruel misconduct towards him.

‘It was also due to your failing to call the authorities sometime after his death. You Miss Scott told police there was an hour or more before calling the police.

‘Had you called the authorities immediately as any parent would have done you would have not made the mistake on timings.

‘You delayed as you needed that time while Alfie laid dead to try to conceive what you had done.

‘You did this by putting him in a warm bath to warm him up and to get your stories straight.’

The judge described Howell as a ‘bully’ with an ‘uncontrollable temper’ and said neither had shown any remorse for their actions.

He added: ‘You Howell, I have no doubt are a cruel man with a fiery and uncontrollable temper. Anyone who crossed you was met with threats.

‘You are a man who likes to control his environment and everyone in it. This attitude explains your repeated abuse.

‘You are a bully. And I’m sure you got pleasure from inflicting pain and discomfort.

‘You introduced into that household the cruelty that led to Alfie’s death.’

Addressing Scott, he added: ‘Your first thought was to protect your co-accused.

‘You had a need for male companionship even of the inadequate type on offer by Howell above your duty to protect your children.

‘You were capable of resisting this had you wanted to do so. It is revealing you have maintained your relationship after he killed your son.

‘You were capable of standing up to him and chose not to do so with fatal results for your own son.’

Alfie had 50 separate injuries across his head, back, legs and buttocks after being assaulted by his mother and her fiancé, Coventry Crown Court heard

Alfie had 50 separate injuries across his head, back, legs and buttocks after being assaulted by his mother and her fiancé, Coventry Crown Court heard

Alfie's mother Carla Scott, 35, (pictured) has been handed jail sentences totalling 27 years

Alfie’s mother Carla Scott, 35, (pictured) has been handed jail sentences totalling 27 years

Meanwhile, West Mercia Police promised to learn lessons from the tragic case.

In a statement outside court, Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Leighton Harding, said: ‘We are aware that the family were known to West Mercia Police and other agencies prior to Alfie’s death. 

‘The jury heard evidence of 999 calls from neighbours and reports from other people regarding concerns over Scott and Howell’s conduct and treatment of Alfie, which led to Police and other agencies having contact and involvement with the family in the months before Alfie’s death.

‘I recognise the concerns and questions this raises. I can provide assurance that West Mercia Police is committed to reviewing its involvement with the family and engagement with other agencies through a Child Safeguarding Practice Review commissioned by Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

‘We are committed to learning lessons from Alfie’s tragic death and will fully engage with the review. An independent reviewer has already been appointed and will continue the review at pace now that the criminal case has ended.

‘Once completed, the author will publish their report, therefore until that time I would not wish to speculate on its potential findings.’

Scott’s neighbours in Droitwich said Alfie’s death was ‘avoidable’, as they condemned social workers and other authorities for failing to intervene sooner, with one calling for a public inquiry into the failings.

One neighbour who reported seeing Alfie being screamed at by Howell in the garden said: ‘All of us living in the houses that back on to their garden reported it to the police.

‘We reported (the defendants) to the police, social services, the school where Alfie went and even the housing association but nothing was done.

‘On one occasion, we saw a police officer in one of the upstairs windows looking out at the garden so we knew the police had gone in. They must have seen the conditions they were living in.’

She said the couple were nicknamed the ‘ferals’ because they didn’t get involved with anyone in the street.

‘The house was always shut up, the windows closed and the curtains drawn, it makes you think now ‘What was going on?’

The six-week trial heard that Howell had repeatedly flouted a requirement from social services that he did not stay overnight at the property, where Alfie was found with more than 50 different injuries.

Howell had been at the house when Alfie died, but cowardly fled to a train station, where police bodycam footage which was played to the court captured his arrest as he tried to board a train.

Howell was alleged to have picked Alfie up and thrown him in the bath – causing a ‘sickening thud’ – after repeatedly beating him in one of the bedrooms where jurors heard just a mattress lay on the floor.

The trial was played the emergency call made by Scott – who was still dressed in a vest and knickers when police arrived at the address that afternoon – claiming her son had ‘fallen asleep’ and drowned in the bath. Displayed on her living room wall were the words: ‘Family, where life begins.’

Alfie was pronounced dead after being admitted to hospital.

Howell can be seen rushing across the bridge over the railway tracks before trying to board a stationary train before he was arrested by police for murdering his stepson

Howell can be seen rushing across the bridge over the railway tracks before trying to board a stationary train before he was arrested by police for murdering his stepson 

In the months leading up to his death, the court heard teachers noted the schoolboy was ‘constantly hungry’. 

Social workers told Scott to give Alfie a bigger breakfast or send him to school with more snacks, but Scott claimed ‘he was the kind of kid who ate everything in sight’, the court heard.

Pensioner who reported Howell saw Howell screaming at Alfie during lockdown  

A pensioner who reported Howell after she saw him screaming at Alfie outside a supermarket a week into the first lockdown described him as a ‘vile bully’ who she had no choice but to confront.

She said: ‘At first, I thought a mum had gone in and left her kids outside and this random drunken man or druggie had just come up to (Alfie) and started having a go.’

She said the boy looked ‘absolutely terrified’ as Howell told him he was ‘going to get Covidand die’.

When she challenged Howell he turned on her so she asked a shop assistant to call police, at which point Scott emerged from the shop. ‘She started saying in this pathetic whiny voice ‘Oh babe, just leave it…come on.’

‘She didn’t look frightened of him, she just told him to leave it and they walked off so the police never came.’

The woman said she mentioned the incident that same day to a friend who worked as a social worker who told her she had to report the incident to the police.

‘That’s the thing I remember most, my friend saying, ‘if you don’t report it to the police and something awful happens to (the kids) you will never forgive yourself’.’

Police took a statement from her and identified a CCTV image of Howell from a mugshot they had on file.

The woman said coincidentally an elderly friend of hers in her 70s also witnessed Howell ‘screaming and swearing’ outside a Droitwich doctors surgery less than a month earlier. On that occasion another bystander reported the incident, which was described to the jury in court.

‘My friend was so upset at the way he ( Howell) was shouting and swearing at the little boy that she rang me’, she added. ‘It was a coincidence that I saw the kind of behaviour he was capable of just a couple of weeks afterwards.’

The jury heard the family had been on a Child in Need plan which had been escalated in 2019 to a more serious and non-voluntary Child Protection Plan. Under this, Howell was banned from unsupervised access to Alfie or from staying overnight.

A chance to save Alfie was missed 11 months before his death when discussions took place on whether to remove the boy from Scott’s care. But because the mother was seen to be working with social workers at that stage, it was deemed the situation did not cross the threshold for removal.

Prosecutor Michelle Heeley KC said Scott had Alfie during a previous relationship-in which children’s services had involvement with the boy’s father.

She started dating Howell in July 2019, two years after separating from Alfie’s father. Within six months the new couple were engaged, but the relationship was ‘not a happy one’ for Alfie, the barrister said.

Miss Heeley said Howell’s idea of discipline was a lot more ‘physical and psychological’ than ‘the naughty step, or having set bed times’, and could involve beatings with rubber flip-flops.

This included holding Alfie under cold water in the bath for a prolonged amount of time whenever they believed he was lying.

Medical experts said bruises suggested he had been ‘manhandled’ and others marks on his buttocks were from being kicked by an adult who ‘had lost control.’

Miss Heely said Alfie died after being ‘beaten and deliberately put in a cold bath’ and he had been ‘made to endure a life that no child should lead’. 

She added: ‘Alfie had not simply fallen asleep in a comfortable bath. 

‘He had been deliberately and repeatedly assaulted, beaten, and put into and held under a cold bath as a punishment.

‘That unlawful course of conduct, that unnecessary punishment, was carried out jointly by Carla Scott and Dirk Howell.

‘It was their actions that led to his death’.

Around six months before the defendants killed Alfie, a neighbour made a harrowing call to police reporting ‘thrashing’ sounds coming from the bathroom.

Gemma Allcott told the operator in the August 2020 call: ‘It sounds like my neighbours are doing something bad to the their kid in the bath…like they are really hurting them.’

Miss Allcott told the Daily Mail she hoped there would now be public inquiry into the authorities’ interactions with the defendants and their helpless victim.

The trial heard how punishments dished out to Alfie included ‘dunking’ him ‘in cold baths while naked’, and forcing him to ‘stand outside, in the middle of the night and have cold water’ thrown over him. 

Scott was something of a notorious figure in The Scotlands, a working class estate in north Wolverhampton, where she lived before moving to Worcestershire

Scott was something of a notorious figure in The Scotlands, a working class estate in north Wolverhampton, where she lived before moving to Worcestershire 

Jurors were played the emergency call made by Scott at at 2.24pm on February 18, 2021 claiming her son had 'fallen asleep' and drowned in the bath. She is pictured on police body-cam when officers arrived at the home

Scott is pictured looking upset as officers arrived at her home

Jurors were played the emergency call made by Scott at at 2.24pm on February 18, 2021 claiming her son had ‘fallen asleep’ and drowned in the bath. She is pictured on police body-cam when officers arrived at the home 

Scott (right) was filmed sobbing to police officers as she told them her son had 'banged his head in the bath'

Scott (right) was filmed sobbing to police officers as she told them her son had ‘banged his head in the bath’

Alfie was airlifted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham after he was found in a critical condition at his home. Pictured: Flowers and tributes left outside the home of Alfie

Alfie was airlifted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham after he was found in a critical condition at his home. Pictured: Flowers and tributes left outside the home of Alfie 

Jurors were told that on one occasion a neighbour saw Alfie sent outside in just his boxer shorts and ordered to stand still ‘like a soldier’, while on another occasion Alfie was seen mopping a floor at 4.30am.

Months before Miss Allcott’s heartbreaking call, a neighbour had filmed Alfie screaming and begging to be let inside the house.

Daniel Grindrod, told the court he dialled 999 at 5.30am, after hearing ‘banging and crashing’ coming from the house, and the ‘whimpering’ boy pleading for up to half an hour to be let in. Police attended but found Alfie asleep in his bed.

‘Alfie suffered the most ‘horrific physical and emotional abuse’ says shocked detective 

Murdered Alfie Steele suffered the most ‘horrific abuse’ at the hands of his mother and her partner, a top detective said.

Detective Chief Inspector Leighton Harding, the senior investigating officer who led the case, said: ‘Alfie suffered the most horrifying physical and emotional abuse at the hands of Scott and Howell.

‘It is unimaginable to consider the fear and distress Alfie must have felt during the events that led to his collapse and death in his home.

The officer said of Scott and Howell: ‘Both continued to lie to social services and police to protect themselves from their abuse being discovered, and even confronted and threatened neighbours and members of the public who reported concerns over their treatment of Alfie.

‘At no stage has either of them shown any remorse or acceptance of responsibility for their actions.’

‘Today’s verdict will never undo the dreadful abuse Alfie suffered but it will mean those responsible for inflicting such terror and pain will face the consequences of their sickening actions.’

Jurors sitting in the trial were also shown harrowing footage that included Alfie screaming and begging not to be locked outside of his home.

The chilling clip captured Alfie crying for help repeatedly shouting: ‘Let me in, let me in’ 18 months before he was found dead in the bath.

The court heard today that during their ‘sinister’ campaign of punishment, Howell and Scott came up with ‘rules’ about chores and duties, which Alfie’s stepfather wrote and Scott stuck up on the walls. 

Alfie’s injuries left him ‘susceptible to drowning while unconscious’ and suggested he had been kicked by an adult, the court heard.

Scott claimed in court that she didn’t see what happened to Alfie in the bath because she was downstairs cleaning the kitchen. 

She told jurors Howell told her to call an ambulance and then left for the train station while she was on the phone – telling her to say he wasn’t there. 

Howell denied ‘dunking’ Alfie in a shallow bath or staging a cover-up with Scott when he took the stand.

On the day of the attack, his Scott had sobbed crocodile tears as she told police her son had ‘bashed his head in the bath’ after torturing him for months. 

Footage taken when emergency services reached their home shows Alfie’s mother weeping, telling officers she found her son 10 minutes earlier in the bath.

One officer reassures her: ‘It’s alright my love, it’s ok,’ as she tells them she thinks the child banged his head on the tub.

Scott can be heard telling officers ‘I think he banged his head when he was in the bath because he’s got an [inaudible] on his head.’

She can also be seen making a phone call to Howell, as she told cops a ‘fantasy story’,  in another clip to ask him where he was and tells him: ‘He’s gone up to hospital, they won’t let me go up there yet.

‘There’s loads of police, they’ve got detectives and everything.’ 

Police arrived at the property just six minutes after Scott made the call – but Alfie was not breathing and was cold to touch.

At this point, Howell had fled the house, with police body-cam footage showing him being captured and arrested at Droitwich Railway Station where he was trying to board a train.

Alfie was later pronounced dead at Worcester Royal hospital and his injuries were later found to have been caused caused by ‘direct pressure’ which left him ‘susceptible to drowning whilst unconscious.’ 

Scott was something of a notorious figure in The Scotlands, a working class estate in north Wolverhampton, where she lived before moving to Worcestershire.

Within weeks of moving in to the council house where she would give birth to Alfie on the living room floor, Scott revelled in games of strip poker with a couple across the road, neighbours recalled.

The residents told how they felt compelled to clean the shameless mother’s home, only for her to quickly let it descend back into an ‘utterly filthy’ state.

‘I spent all morning cleaning the place – the kitchen in particular’, one woman said. ‘Then within an hour, the place was a tip again.

Posing for the camera without a care in the world, this is killer mother Carla Scott letting her hair down at a neighbourhood birthday party

Posing for the camera without a care in the world, this is killer mother Carla Scott letting her hair down at a neighbourhood birthday party

Scott was something of a notorious figure in The Scotlands, a working class estate in north Wolverhampton. She lived there before moving to Worcestershire

Scott was something of a notorious figure in The Scotlands, a working class estate in north Wolverhampton. She lived there before moving to Worcestershire

Pictured is another set of rules that had been written on paper and stuck to the wall of the house

Pictured is another set of rules that had been written on paper and stuck to the wall of the house

‘Carla never put anything away.’

Another man added: ‘She had Virgin cable TV and it was disconnected for non-payment. Then she got BT Sport or something similar, and the same thing happened. Then bailiffs turned up because she had defaulted on her payments for something she had bought in town.’

Both neighbours recalled how Scott – who often dressed provocatively – would visit a house yards from her own to play strip poker with the young couple living there, although there was no suggestion of any further sexual conduct between the trio.

Julie Peacock has lived on the Wolverhampton estate where Carla used to live for more than 30 years and was among the mothers and grandmothers who took it upon themselves to look after little Alfie.

‘Alfie would often come round to play and really was the most polite and lovely little boy’, she said. ‘There were a group of us on the estate who just felt sorry about how neglected he always was and because he was always wandering round on the street outside his house, we used to take him in and give him his meals.

‘He was really thin, was usually in his school uniform and was always starving hungry. Some kids can be picky about what they eat but whatever you gave him, he would gobble it down.’

Mrs Peacock said Scott never seemed to worry about how chaotic her life was or how untidy her home.

She added: ‘We’d often see her with Alfie at the local working men’s club’.

‘Carla was nice enough, but she was more interested in herself than anyone else really. We’d all be buying Alfie crisps and pop and she’d be buying herself drinks.

‘She was always dressed in short skirts and boots with tight top tops on, she wasn’t slim but she liked the attention. In fact, if anything, she seemed to crave attention.

‘When I went to her house, I used to tell her she needed to tidy the place up and clean because it was so dirty but nothing ever changed. It was one of those houses where you felt like wiping your feet as you came out rather than as you went in.’

She said the house had no carpets, and just mattresses in the bedrooms – without any bedding.

Joanne Keen, 35, was Carla Scott’s best friend from the time they met at the age of 11 at Berrybrook Primary School in Wolverhampton to when they left Moreton Secondary School in the city at 16.

‘We sat next to each other in primary for Maths, English and Art and because we were both dyslexic’, she said. ‘We used to do our reading together in a different classroom.

‘As Carla got older, she was always going out with different boys, I thought she was quite needy and always seemed to end up with the kind who didn’t stay with her. I wanted to go to college after school but she just wanted to find a job. I’m not sure that she ever got one.’

A photo of newborn baby Alfie. He died at nine-years-old in February 2021

A photo of newborn baby Alfie. He died at nine-years-old in February 2021

Carla Scott, the mother of Alfie Steele, has been charged with his murder

Dirk Howell, Scott's partner, has also been charged with the murder of the nine-year-old

Carla Scott (left) and Dirk Howell (right) were on trial at Coventry Crown Court. They have both been convicted of killing Alfie 

Miss Keen said social services were involved with Scott even when she lived in Wolverhampton. She added: ‘I don’t think Carla was that interested in being a mum because other friends who knew her in the area said they never saw her out (with Alfie).’

Scott became friendly with Stephanie and David Newton, who lived near the housing association property she later settled in.

The couple recalled how Scott and her partner ‘never kept the house clean’ – leading to regular visits from social workers.

The couple lost contact with Scott after she separated from her partner – Alfie’s father – and moved to Droitwich, telling friends she needed a ‘fresh start’.

Stephanie, 33, said social services ‘will have a lot of questions to answer’, adding: ‘It makes you stick sick to your stomach to think what Alfie might have been subjected to behind closed doors. Why didn’t social services do more before it was too late?’

Mr Newton, 47, said: ‘Alfie was a lovely little man. He didn’t really say anything when he was here apart from asking me to put Arsenal on the telly. It was his team and he loved watching them play.’

Meanwhile, the moment two helicopters arrived at Alfie’s home has been revealed, with a neighbour revealing that she saw the boy just days before his killing ‘laughing on his bike’. 

She said she did not know how he ‘found the strength’ to smile and play while suffering such horrors at home, branding him ‘a very strong character’. 

The ‘gorgeous’ youngster was found unresponsive in cold bathwater at the new-build housing association property he shared with his mother and her boyfriend on February 18, 2021. 

Footage sent to MailOnline by neighbour Pixie Wilde shows the moment emergency services frantically arrived to the scene in a desperate bid to save the young boy’s life. 

Two air ambulances can be seen landing on grass near the row of homes as concerned neighbours gather on the street and watch on. 

The emergency services were responding to a 999 call his mother Scott had made to request an ambulance at 2.30pm that day.

In the call, which was played to the court at trial, Scott tells operators she could ‘feel a rattle’ on her son’s chest and added: ‘He’s not breathing, but he keeps making noises.’

When the call handler asks ‘What noises?’ Scott replies: ‘Lots of gargling noises.’

Police arrived at the property to find Alfie not breathing and cold to the touch just six minutes after Scott made the call.

Meanwhile Howell fled the house and police body-cam footage captured him being arrested at Droitwich Railway Station trying to board a train.

Speaking to MailOnline, neighbour Ms Wilde recalled the moment emergency services rushed to the scene.

She said the atmosphere was at first ‘quite buoyant’ as children were excited by the giant red helicopter. 

She added: ‘However it became plainly obvious something was very wrong and the atmosphere changed quickly. With the arrival of so many police, I took my youngest children home, then returned to see if there was anything I could do to help.’

Ms Wilde said there were ‘lots of bystanders on the street just watching’ and that she felt ‘frightened as there was something unfolding in front of me that felt very wrong’.

‘My core being felt anxious and stressed,’ she said, ‘Later that evening when I read the news that Alfie had passed away, I sat and cried.’ 

She added: ‘The Wednesday before he died I remember seeing him playing as I drove past, it made me smile as he was building ramps on his driveway, as I used to do as a child.

‘He was smiling and seemed happy. I do wonder now knowing what I do how he found the strength for those moments… he must have been a very strong character.’ 

Heartbreaking rollcall of children who became victims of lockdown 

The Covid-19 lockdown has produced a heartbreaking rollcall of children who became victims of tragic deaths at the hands of those who are meant to take care of them.

Two-year-old Lola James was tragically killed by her evil stepfather, suffering 101 injuries including brain damage similar to what is sustained in high-speed car-crashes.

The little girl was victim to a ‘frenized and extremely violent attack’ on July 17, 2020 at her home in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, by her mother Sinead James’ new partner Kyle Bevan, 31. She died four days later.

Young Logan Mwangi, five, was killed by his mother, stepfather and stepbrother on July 31, 2020 after suffering ‘catastrophic’ internal injuries. His body was found in the River Ogmore near his home in Sarn, Bridgend County.

Star Hobson was only 16 months old when she was killed at her home in Keighley, West Yorkshire on September 22, 2020 by her mother Frankie Smith’s girlfriend Savannah Brockhill, after suffering months of abuse in her home during the Covid lockdown.

10-month-old Finley Boden was murdered by his parents Shannon Marsden and Stephen Boden on Christmas Day 2020.  The infant had been taken by social services soon after birth, but was put back into his drug-taking parents’ care 39 days before he died.

A mother and her 'monster' boyfriend have been found guilty over the death of two-year-old Lola James (pictured) who was fatally attacked at her home in Wales

A mother and her ‘monster’ boyfriend have been found guilty over the death of two-year-old Lola James (pictured) who was fatally attacked at her home in Wales

Lola James, two – murdered July 17, 2020

Lola James, two

Lola James, two

Two-year-old Lola James was tragically killed by her evil stepfather, suffering 101 injuries including brain damage similar to what is sustained in high-speed car-crashes. 

Sinead James, 30, moved her partner Kyle Bevan, 31, into the house she shared with little Lola James in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, a day after meeting him on Facebook in February 2020.

Swansea Crown Court heard Bevan, who had a ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ temper, carried out a ‘frenzied and extremely violent attack’ on the young girl just four months later, causing 101 bruises and scratches and a catastrophic injury to the brain. 

Lola’s mother was a victim of domestic abuse and had twice been educated on how to spot signs of an abuser, but chose to prioritise her relationship with Bevan over the safety of her child, the jury was told – before they convicted her of allowing Lola’s death. 

James was told by the local authority not to invite adults into the family home if she did not know them well or if they were alcohol or drug abusers, but she ignored their advice. 

Kaylea Titford, 16 – found dead October 10, 2020 

Also amongst the victims of lockdown is Kaylea Titford.

Kaylea Titford, 16

Kaylea Titford, 16

The 16-year-old, who suffered from spina bifida, was found dead at her home in Newtown, Powys, on October 10, 2020 after her parents allowed her to become morbidly obese during lockdown.

Her mother, Sarah Lloyd-Jones, 39, admitted manslaughter by gross negligence last year, while her father, Alun Titford, denied the charges and was found guilty after a trial last month.

The teenager weighed 22st 13lb with a BMI of 70 at the time of her death, and her body was discovered inside her bedroom in conditions described as ‘unfit for any animal’.

A jury of eight men and four women convicted Titford after being shown pictures during the trial at Mold Crown Court in North Wales of the ‘squalor and degradation’ Kaylea had been forced to endure.

Alijah Thomas, five – murdered September 14, 2021

Five-year-old Alijah Thomas begged her mother Martina Madarova, 41, not to kill her as she strangled her to death at their home in Ealing, west London, on September 14, 2021.

Alijah Thomas, five

Alijah Thomas, five

Madarova had put on cartoons for her daughter Alijah Thomas before carrying out the act as the child said: ‘Mummy, don’t kill me.’ She proceeded to strangle Aljah, before ‘tucking her in with a blanket’.

The 41-year-old had been suffering with her mental health and turned to alcohol during the Covid lockdown, and had been in a ‘dark place’ the night before her daughter’s tragic death.

She was given a five-year jail sentence after a judge ruled that she had ‘low responsibility’ over Alijah’s death.

A court heard that in the months leading up to the incident, family members and friends became concerned for Madarova’s wellbeing as she appeared ‘increasingly stressed’.

She was concerned for her income, after her hours as a carer had been reduced, and had become anxious after missing the deadline to enrol Alijah at school.

On the morning of September 14, Alijah’s father had left early for work and was notified a few hours later from a phone call from Madarova that their daughter was dead. 

Kyrell Matthews, two – murdered October 20, 2019 

Kyrell Matthews, two

Kyrell Matthews, two

Kyrell Matthews, aged two, was left with 41 rib fractures and internal injuries by the time of his death after weeks of cruelty at the hands of his mother Phylesia Shirley and her boyfriend Kemar Brown.

Brown was convicted of murder while Shirley was acquitted of murder but found guilty of the alternative charge of manslaughter.

They appeared alongside each other in the dock as Brown was sentenced to at least 25 years in prison while Shirley was jailed for 13 years.

The toddler, who was non-verbal, could be heard crying and screaming on distressing audio files taken from Shirley’s phone and played to jurors during the trial. 

Brown and Shirley are understood to have been visited by social services at least once.

Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, six, murdered June 17, 2020

Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, six

Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, six

Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, aged six, was murdered by his cruel stepmother Emma Tustin in June.

She was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 29 years and the boy’s father Thomas Hughes was jailed for 21 years for manslaughter. 

The boy had been seen by social workers just two months before his death, but they concluded there were no safeguarding concerns. 

In October 2019, Aileen Carabine, a special educational coordinator at Arthur’s school, said Arthur ‘deteriorated’ that month. 

Hughes, 29, was jailed for life with a minimum of 21 years after being found guilty of manslaughter – but cleared of murder – for encouraging the killing, including by sending a text message to Tustin 18 hours before the fatal assault telling her ‘just end him’. 

Logan Mwangi, five – murdered July 31, 2020

Logan Mwangi, five

Logan Mwangi, five

Five-year-old Logan Mwangi was murdered by his mother, step-father and teenage step-brother on July 31, 2021.

His body, which suffered 56 ‘catastrophic’ injuries consistent with a ‘brutal and sustained assault’ was found in the River Ogmore near his home in Sarn, Bridgend county.

John Cole, 40, Angharad Williamson, 31, and 14-year-old Craig Mulligan were all convicted of murder in April 2022.

Cole will serve a minimum of 29 years, Williamson at least 28 years, while teenage Mulligan will serve at least 15 years.

Social services repeatedly missed signs of abuse and opportunities to protect Logan, with injuries dating back to August 2020.

Inspectors have blasted the council which failed to protect murdered five-year-old Logan Mwangi, with the watchdog insisting ‘serious concerns’ remain about its children’s services a full year after his death.

Care Inspectorate Wales noted there have been improvements at Bridgend County Borough Council in the last 12 months, but said there was still a need for ‘further urgent action’.

Star Hobson, 16 months – murdered September 22, 2020 

Star Hobson, 16 months

Star Hobson, 16 months 

Star Hobson was just 16 months old when she was murdered by her mother’s girlfriend Savannah Brockill in September 2020.

In the lead-up to her death, she had suffered months of abuse in her home in Keighley, West Yorkshire, during the coronavirus lockdown in 2020.

Former Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield, the chairwoman of the Commission on Young Lives, warned after Star’s murder that the Covid lockdown ‘brought its own opportunities for those who harm, groom and abuse children.’

Brockill is now serving a life sentence with a minimum term of 25 years at HMP Styal in Cheshire, after being convicted in December 2021.

Star’s mother, Frankie Smith, was convicted of causing or allowing the toddler’s death and was initially sentenced to eight years behind bars.

This was increased to 12 years after a judicial review.

Social services missed five opportunities to stop Star’s killers, with her great-grandfather Dave Fawcett saying after their convictions: ‘It’s disgusting because there were five referrals. Not one of them did anything. It’s just beyond belief, really.

Finley Boden, 10 months – murdered December 25, 2020

Finley Boden fatally collapsed on Christmas Day 2020.

The infant was found to have 130 separate injuries at the time of his death, as well as diseases including sepsis and pneumonia.

The injuries included a broken pelvis, broken shoulder, fractured shinbone, fractured collarbones, several fractured ribs and four separate thighbone fractures, as well as 71 bruises and other burns, with his blood, vomit and faeces found on his clothes and body.

Finley Boden, 10 months

Finley Boden, 10 months

Finley was exposed ‘vicious and repeated assaults’ at the family home in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, that culminated in his ‘savage and prolonged’ murder.

His broken pelvis was possibly from sustained ‘kicking or stampin”, with injuries likened to a multi-storey fall.

He also had two burns on his left hand – one ‘from a hot, flat surface’, the other probably ‘from a cigarette lighter flame’.

Despite the fact that Finley’s pain ‘would have been obvious’, his parents only gave him Calpol for pain relief and claimed that their son ‘always had crackly ribs’.

His parents Shannon Marsden and Stephen Boden were handed life sentences with respective minimum terms of 27 and 29 years at Derby Crown Court.


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