We all have our needs and desires – but do we need everything we have? Almost certainly not! 

We hold onto objects for all sorts of reasons; maybe they remind us of times gone by. Maybe we think they’ll come in useful one day. Most of us find it much easier to store things than to let them go. 

Yet it’s hard to move towards a brighter future if we’re burdened with baggage from the past. In the legacy of the link between Venus and Saturn, this is a good time to declutter. Happy spring-cleaning! 

If life is pre-programmed, where’s the manual? How do you find out what’s supposed to be happening, right here, right now? And if you don’t like the look of it, how do you mitigate or modify it? These answers and many more, are all in your ‘Personal Guide to the Future’. To learn more, click here. 

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline. 


March 21 – April 20 

If you don’t already know that your ruling planet Mars is in your sign, you’re aware of its effects. It explains your energy, your desire, your passion and your stamina. Oh, and that restlessness that’s affecting your patience? You can blame that on its presence too! The Roman god of war was named after your ruler; it’s associated with success and victory. It brings courage, but it also makes us aware of the need to be courageous. You might have to dig deep to find the courage you need today. But if you do that, you’ll succeed.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download ‘Your Guide to the Future’.

Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that it's hard to move towards a brighter future if we're burdened with baggage from the past

Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that it’s hard to move towards a brighter future if we’re burdened with baggage from the past


April 21 – May 21 

When you set your mind to something there’s little you can’t achieve. So, in the legacy of the link between your ruler, Venus, and Saturn, you need to think about what you’re trying to do. You don’t want to waste this opportunity. Yes, someone has made a mistake. But do you need to go the effort of pointing out what they could have done better? Rather than focusing on the past, set your mind to the future. If you think about your goals and how you might realise them, you can take an important step on the road to success today.

Would you like an email every time something impacts your Natal Horoscope Chart? Take a free trial of the ‘5 Star Service’ and find out!


May 22 – June 22

‘That which doesn’t kill me, can only make me stronger.’ In a brilliant creative move, Kanye took Nietzsche’s philosophy and made a mega hit. I don’t suppose he’ll bother with the philosopher’s other big idea, nihilism; which says that nothing has meaning! Yet challenges make us stronger. And maybe true strength is realising that no matter how strong we are, we’re mere strands in life’s rich tapestry. If you’ve had enough of having to think hard and be strong, there’s good news. Today brings a change that’s worth singing about.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now!


June 23 – July 23

We don’t like not knowing things. But if we had answers to every question, and there were no mysteries left to solve, what would life be like? Those ta-dah moments, which follow times of uncertainty, would be a great loss. So, let’s turn our attention to the issue you’re struggling to fully comprehend. What’s the rush? If you take the pressure off, and allow yourself time to absorb what you already know, things will fall naturally into place. If you’re kind and patient with yourself today, you’ll make a discovery that will inspire you.

‘Phenomenal! Excellent!’, ‘I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!’, ‘Breathtaking – I cannot thank her – and you – enough.’, ‘It makes complete sense.’ What, or who, are they talking about? Find out…


July 24 – August 23

There are around eight billion of us living on this spinning ball of rock. And we’re all doing whatever we can to look after our own interests. Since life is challenging, and we’ve all got worries and concerns to deal with, it’s hardly surprising that there’s a lack of compassion and collaboration. You’re a natural leader. And life is presenting you with an opportunity to act selflessly. Good. By putting someone’s needs above your own and demonstrating kindness, not only will you make someone’s day, your example will inspire others.

Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download ‘Your Guide to the Future’.


August 24 – September 23

Who are you? I’m not talking about your name, where you live, and what you do with your time. This is a question about your essence. What makes you who you are? If you free yourself from all the labels you’ve accumulated, what are you truly capable of achieving? What makes you unique? What power lies hidden in your heart? What can you do to surprise yourself, and the people who know you? The reason I ask is that you need to ask yourself. If you open your mind to your potential, you can unleash a force for positive change.

Consult ‘Daisy’, your personal AI Astrologer with a Free Trial of the 5 Star Service.


September 24 – October 23

Just because reaching the top of a mountain is satisfying doesn’t mean we’re obliged to rise to all of life’s challenges. Today brings a choice. You can invest your energy in a difficult situation. Or you can focus on an easier, more inspirational goal. The aftermath of your ruler’s link to Saturn leaves you perfectly positioned to strengthen key relationships and forge bonds that will stand the test of time. And if you turn your back on the obstacle that seems to be getting in the way, it will downsize by the time you look at it again.

If you give me your date, place and time of birth… then I’ll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more…


October 24 – November 22

We tend to judge ourselves on how we think other people see us. The problem is that we can end up trying to be what we think they want us to be. And if we’re not careful, we replace our needs with a desire to fulfill theirs. It’s worth taking time to consider how much your self-image is being influenced by your wish to connect with someone whose approval you seek. No matter how strong your feelings, it’s not worth forgoing your principles. If you need to step back and reassess, today brings a chance to do that.

But, wait a moment, just what is the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service and who is Daisy? Take a free trial!

In the legacy of the link between Venus and Saturn , this is a good time to declutter. Happy spring-cleaning!

In the legacy of the link between Venus and Saturn , this is a good time to declutter. Happy spring-cleaning!


November 23 – December 21

So, we’re advised to quit when we’re ahead. But that’s easier said than done. Being ahead feels good. And if we want to get further ahead, what’s wrong with keeping going? Sometimes forging forwards and pushing beyond normal limits leads to great results. And you’re an adventurous Sagittarian; you flourish when you’re in front. Today, if you think you can see an opportunity that looks risky, but worth the effort, give it a go. In your relationship world, where you reach for a deeper connection, fortune will favour you.

And one last thing, if you haven’t yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you’ve been missing out. Change your future… click here!


December 22 – January 20

Nurture a spirit of collaboration today. Communicate calmly and clearly. If you see any signs of conflict, use your skills to promote peace. In the legacy of the planet of love’s link with your ruler, Saturn, you can afford to stand back and concede to other people’s demands. You’re being blessed with creative energy that can be employed in a variety of ways. Positive possibilities are presenting themselves. And what could be better than taking friends on this journey with you? Your relationships will benefit from your success.

Discover the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service and ask Daisy about your chart and your future. Take a free trial and find out!


January 21 – February 19

We’re imaginative creatures. We can have a tiny idea and it can grow into a huge project. And we can have a big idea about something that seems insignificant to other people. Creativity is powerful stuff. And just as the size of the concept is irrelevant, so is the degree of its success. What matters is quality of thought and inspiration. Just because an insight doesn’t come accompanied by a lightbulb moment or a drumroll doesn’t mean it’s not significant. Don’t dismiss an idea because it’s simple. Therein lies its beauty.

Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what’s in store and how to make it work for you. Click here!


February 20 – March 20

We can look back at past triumphs and wish we were still cresting the waves of success. But just as a delicious meal is over once we’ve finished eating it, we can’t be sustained by what happened in the past. We need new challenges to conquer. Why not give yourself a break from a tiring experience? You’re about to get a boost that brings the enthusiasm to deal with it… plus a new test. Which isn’t meant to scare you! You’re more than able to deal with what lies ahead. And since it brings satisfaction, why not look forward to it?

Consult your own personal Astrologer. Daisy can answer questions about your Planets, Houses and Signs and what they signify in your chart now and in the future. Take a free trial and meet Daisy now! 

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