Disturbing court documents filed yesterday claim that a mystery couple trafficked a 16-year-old autistic, Down syndrome girl to Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and their ‘special friends’ – including billionaire Leon Black.

The girl, who is not named, is in her 30s now. She is suing Black, a 71-year-old billionaire and Epstein associate, claiming he sodomized her with sex toys in 2002 when she was just 16. He denies the allegations through his attorney.

In court documents obtained by DailyMail.com, the girl’s attorneys describe in detail how she allegedly came into Epstein and Maxwell’s sordid orbit. 

In 2001, she was allegedly seized on by a mystery woman named only as Elizabeth, who is said to have groomed her by allowing her to compete in a cheerleading competition she was too old for. 

The girl has mosaic Down syndrome, which involves internal chromosomal differences that do not manifest in a physical way. 

She looked like any other teenager at the time, but had the developmental age of a 12-year-old, her lawyers said, and was therefore more trusting of adults. 

‘Elizabeth’ brought the girl to live with her where she subjected her to violent sexual abuse and physical beatings, according to the court documents. 

The girl’s parents, who are not named, allowed her to go and live with her, seemingly unaware of the horrors that lay in store for her.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell have been accused of abhorrent sexual abuse by dozens of girls but the alleged events in the latest lawsuit contain some of the most sickening allegations

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell have been accused of abhorrent sexual abuse by dozens of girls but the alleged events in the latest lawsuit contain some of the most sickening allegations

The disturbing court documents describe how Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly feigned interest in the girl and spoke to her like a child to win her trust at a party in a DC suburb in the fall of 2001

The disturbing court documents describe how Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly feigned interest in the girl and spoke to her like a child to win her trust at a party in a DC suburb in the fall of 2001

She was forced to watch ‘Elizabeth’ and her ‘many male partners’ have sex and was not even given a bed to sleep in in their home, the court documents claim. 

Eventually, ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Charlie’, one of the ‘many male partners’ took the girl to an ‘adult party’ in a suburb ‘outside DC’ where her attorneys say she was introduced to Epstein and Ghislaine. 

‘Elizabeth and Charlie drove Ms. Doe to a large home, with a circular drive, fountain and pillars. Plaintiff was told to go inside and she did. She was approached by a woman with dark hair and a British accent, who introduced herself to Plaintiff and sat with her, feigning interest in her safety and well-being. 

‘It was only later that Plaintiff learned that this woman was Ghislaine Maxwell (“Maxwell”), the convicted sex offender currently in prison serving a 20-year sentence,’ the lawsuit reads. 

The girl says Maxwell led her to a large, white couch where she ‘took pains’ to tell  her how interested she was in her, but failed to notice her learning difficulties. 

‘Maxwell spent the conversation lavishing Plaintiff with compliments, referring to her as “a beautiful darling girl” and said that she was “a beautiful girl with the most beautiful bright blue eyes, blonde hair and perfect hair” that made her look like a living “doll.”

The girl describes how she was 'handed off' to Epstein's associates once she knew how to 'please him' through erotic massage. She was 16 at the time but has the developmental age of a 12-year-old

The girl describes how she was ‘handed off’ to Epstein’s associates once she knew how to ‘please him’ through erotic massage. She was 16 at the time but has the developmental age of a 12-year-old

‘Maxwell treated her like a child, holding her hand, bringing her to the bathroom and making her stand right outside the door so Maxwell could keep talking to her the way mothers do with young children,’ the complaint reads. 

After the party, during which the girl claims Maxwell and Epstein ‘exchanged looks frequently’, she was allegedly returned to the car where ‘Elizabeth and Charlie’ were waiting. 

‘Maxwell told Elizabeth that Plaintiff was a “darling,” a “good girl,” and a “beautiful girl.” The very next week, Elizabeth put Plaintiff on a private plane from Virginia to Palm Beach.’ 

The girl’s lawyers say she was then exposed to Maxwell and Epstein’s ‘sexual deviancy’ within an hour of being driven to Epstein’s house. 

Jeffrey Epstein (left), Pepe Fanjul (center) and Leon Black (right) in 2005 in New York City. Black and Epstein have deep ties that led to Black's resignation from his financial firm in 2021. DailyMail.com is informed that Mr Fanjul only met Epstein on one occasion and before Epstein was charged

Jeffrey Epstein (left), Pepe Fanjul (center) and Leon Black (right) in 2005 in New York City. Black and Epstein have deep ties that led to Black’s resignation from his financial firm in 2021. DailyMail.com is informed that Mr Fanjul only met Epstein on one occasion and before Epstein was charged

The court documents describe the alleged rape by Leon Black in graphic detail. He denies ever meeting the girl

The court documents describe the alleged rape by Leon Black in graphic detail. He denies ever meeting the girl 

‘They placed her in a swivel chair in a hallway outside of their bedroom and told her to “not move.” She did not move from the chair, but instead turned around and around in the swivel chair while she listened to them having sex in the next room with the door open. When they were done, they came out into the hallway, and acted happy and told [her] she was a “good girl” for staying seated.

‘They then acted as if nothing had happened and took her downstairs.’ 

The girl’s attorney claims Maxwell then taught her how to massage Epstein and perform oral sex on him and that the pair performed ‘happy claps’ when she succeeded in making him ejaculate. 

She was allegedly forced to sleep with them at night, allowing Epstein to ‘wrap his arms around her’, and was then taught how to make him ‘happy’ through intercourse. 

The lawsuit claims she was subjected to styles of sick grooming too. 

‘She was required to sit on Epstein’s lap with her feet draped over Maxwell’s legs as Epstein also complimented her about how beautiful she was and how much he was drawn to her mix of blonde hair and blue eyes and porcelain skin. 

‘Epstein often told Plaintiff that she was his “very special girl,” and commented on her “special innocence”.’ 

Epstein's Manhattan townhouse, where he entertained the rich and famous, and abused young women

Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse, where he entertained the rich and famous, and abused young women

One of the massage tables in Epstein's Upper East Side townhouse where the girl says she was raped by Leon Black

One of the massage tables in Epstein’s Upper East Side townhouse where the girl says she was raped by Leon Black

The girl says she was sent to them most weekends, she says, regularly being ‘shipped out’ from Virginia to the Virgin Islands and Palm Beach, where Epstein had homes. 

After meeting Epstein’s sexual standards, she was then allegedly subjected to ‘the handoff’. 

‘The “hand off” meant that [she] had to go with any other man (usually a white male that seemed very “old” to her) to give him a massage and have sexual intercourse. The first several times [she] had to do this took place in Palm Beach and on Epstein’s island in the USV.’ 

After every trip, Maxwell and Epstein would allegedly give ‘Elizabeth’ a ‘report’ of her performance and send her packing with an envelope filled with cash that she was not allowed to touch. 

The girl says she was beaten and psychologically tortured if her ‘report’ was negative. 

In the fall of 2001, she was taken to Epstein’s townhouse for the first time, she says.

She claims she was made to sleep in a bed with Epstein and Maxwell, and was taken to the theater where she was introduced backstage to a ballet dancer. The girl says she did not watch any kind of show, but instead was held in theater ‘offices’. 

The woman, now in her 30s, also says she was flown to Palm Beach to be abused. Epstein kept a dentist chair in one bathroom (shown)

The woman, now in her 30s, also says she was flown to Palm Beach to be abused. Epstein kept a dentist chair in one bathroom (shown) 

Epstein's Palm Beach palace, where many of his crimes took place

Epstein’s Palm Beach palace, where many of his crimes took place

It wasn’t until the spring of 2002 that she claims she was introduced to Leon Black at Epstein’s house. 

‘Epstein introduced [her] to Leon Black, using his full name, and told her that Black was “important” and “special” to Epstein. 

[She] was struck by Black’s immense size. Her initial impression of Black was that he looked like an “ogre,” and she felt frightened. She noticed Black’s bulbous nose and that his face and neck had a number of skin tags and moles.’ 

She recalls Epstein telling her that she had been specially selected to give Black – his ‘special friend’ – a massage. 

‘Black took [her] by her hand, squeezing it so hard that she thought he might have broken bones, and led her upstairs to a massage room on the third floor of the townhouse. 

‘In the room there were a variety of oils and adult sex toys next to the massage table. 

‘She assumed that Black would proceed to disrobe before laying down on the massage table, the way Epstein usually did. 

‘Instead, Black picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and then threw her violently down on the massage table on her back, so hard he knocked the wind out of her.’ 

She claims Black then ‘placed his hand over her mouth’ to stop her from screaming, and ‘leaned over her while ripping off her shirt and under her skirt pulling her underwear off.’ 

‘She was crying and terrified. Black asked her repeatedly what made her “Jeffrey’s special girl” and throughout the assault called her demeaning, shameful, disgusting names. 

‘She was in a complete state of shock because this was nothing like the massages she had been taught to give Epstein’. 

When she tried to move off the table, she says Black laughed and pinned her back down. 

She then heard him ‘rummaging’ for sex toys, before feeling her legs being ‘snapped’ open with such force that she worried her pelvic bone had been broken, according to the complaint. 

‘Using the adult toys, Black then penetrated her simultaneously in both her vagina and rectum, using such force that she felt tearing in her internal tissue. 

‘When Plaintiff screamed out in agony, Black again covered her mouth with one of his hands,’ the lawsuit reads. 

Black then allegedly placed his mouth ‘on her vaginal area’. It’s unclear from the lawsuit whether she claims that he bit her, but she says she felt a ‘sharp pain’ then saw Black ‘lift his head from under her skirt’ with blood coming from his mouth. 

Leon Black, 71, with wife Debra in 2017. He has dismissed three allegations of sex abuse by Epstein victims now as 'frivolous' lies

Leon Black, 71, with wife Debra in 2017. He has dismissed three allegations of sex abuse by Epstein victims now as ‘frivolous’ lies 

Panicked, she says she kicked him in the chest which sent him into such a rage that he cursed her – calling her a ‘w***e’ – then allegedly threw her on the ground.

She tried to scramble away, but says Black grabbed her by the legs, dragged her back onto the table and raped her, telling her to ‘stay still’ while he ‘crushed’ her with his ‘weight and thrusts.’

‘When Black appeared to be finished, he grabbed her up by her wrists and slammed her into the wall and watched as she slid down to a sitting position – still crying in fear and pain,’ she says. 

Eventually, Epstein is said to have come into the room where he saw her sitting on the floor, still bleeding. 

She says she begged him to take her to a doctor but that he refused, instructing her instead that Ghislaine would ‘look after’ her. 

The girl says she was then taken downstairs and told to sit in a chair. She claims a woman she believes was Leslie Groff – Epstein’s long-serving assistant – appeared and handed him something. 

After the alleged assault by Black, the girl says she was trafficked to other men but never him again.

‘The violent and sadistic nature of Black’s rape left an indelible mark on her, both physically and psychologically. She suffered internal abrasions in her rectum that continue to cause her pain,’ the lawsuit reads. 

To date, Maxwell is the only person to have been convicted of a crime in connection with Epstein's sexual trafficking of young girls. She remains in prison serving a 20-year sentence and maintains that she has been wrongly convicted

To date, Maxwell is the only person to have been convicted of a crime in connection with Epstein’s sexual trafficking of young girls. She remains in prison serving a 20-year sentence and maintains that she has been wrongly convicted

Black has denied all of her allegations. 

His attorneys say he never met her, and that the lawsuit is a ‘frivolous’ attempt by her attorneys to take him down after he beat a previous claim filed by a Russian lawyer. 

To date, Maxwell is the only person to have been convicted of a crime in connection with Epstein’s sexual trafficking of young girls.

She remains in prison serving a 20-year sentence and maintains that she has been wrongly convicted. 

Epstein hanged himself in jail in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. 

There was widespread suspicion over whether he’d had help in being able to take his own life. 

The Department of Justice concluded recently that he did not, and that he was able to hang himself with excess bed sheets because of staff failings that involved them not carrying out cell checks, and allowing him to remain in his cell alone without a cellmate. 


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