A Georgia state representative has lashed out with a scathing attack on her fellow Democrats in a video posted to Twitter in which she accuses them of putting migrants over children living in inner-city areas.

Mesha Mainor has been serving in the Georgia House of Representatives for District 56 since January 2021 and criticized those Democrats who turned against her.

Mainor declared her strong support for parents to be able to have school choice while also calling out the vast amount of cash being set aside to help migrants when in her view, it could best be served looking after young children in her own state. 

Mainor emphasized her commitment towards marginalized children who struggle in traditional school settings and spoke of her support for parents’ rights and improved opportunities for children from poorer backgrounds.

‘I support school choice, parent rights and opportunities for children to thrive, especially those that are marginalized and tend to fail in school,’ Mainor began in the video posted to Twitter.

Mesha Mainor, a Georgia state representative posted a video criticism her fellow Democrats who she claims prioritize migrants over children in inner-city areas

Mesha Mainor, a Georgia state representative posted a video criticism her fellow Democrats who she claims prioritize migrants over children in inner-city areas

‘The Democrats at the [Georgia State] Capitol took a hard position and demanded every Democrat vote against children and for the teachers union. I voted yes for parents and yes for children, not failing schools.’

The idea behind school choice, advocates say, is to give all parents the ability to choose whichever school or learning environment best meets their child’s needs, regardless of whether it’s public or private. 

Mainor explained how Democrats at the Georgia State Capitol have taken a firm stance against such ideals, demanding that every Democrat ‘vote against measures benefiting children and in favor of the teachers’ union.’

Despite fellow party members voting one way, Mainor voted in favor of parents and children to improve their chances of a better education and to avoid failing schools.

Mainor justified her position by highlighting the low reading proficiency rates, some as low as 3 percent, at some schools within her district. Many children also struggle with basic maths. 

Mainor expressed her support for school choice and called attention to the amount of funds being allocated for assisting migrants instead of going towards local schools

Mainor expressed her support for school choice and called attention to the amount of funds being allocated for assisting migrants instead of going towards local schools

Migrants are seen at the Zaragoza international bridge in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Migrants are seen at the Zaragoza international bridge in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Mainor criticized the allocation of $1,000,000 for immigrant services at the border saying that communities at home are already being neglected

Mainor criticized the allocation of $1,000,000 for immigrant services at the border saying that communities at home are already being neglected

‘Let’s be real. Parents do not want their child trapped in a failing school. If you listen to the people working so hard to push me out of office, you’d think I actually did something wrong. But in reality they’re [fellow democrats] upset they didn’t do what they demanded.’ 

Acknowledging the backlash against her, Mainor revealed how some colleagues had been stooping to low levels and offering $1,000 checks as an incentive to anyone who would run against her. 

But Mainor is holding firm stating that she would not apologize for her voting choices simply because of her colleagues’ disapproval.

‘I recently found myself in the crosshairs of my Democratic caucus. I represent a solidly blue and highly diverse district. I haven never hesitated and will never hesitate to vote for the best interest of the communities I represent, over party politics.  

‘I have a few colleagues upset with me to the point where they are giving away $1,000 checks to anyone that will run against me,’ Mainor stated. ‘I’m not apologizing because my colleagues don’t like how I vote when my community loves the fact the someone is finally sticking up for them and holding these systems accountable.’

Mainor also said that parents are upset with politicians who prioritize the teachers’ unions and donors over their constituents’ concerns.

Expressing her personal perspective, Mainor noted the irony of hearing slogans like ‘Black Lives Matter’ during every election cycle yet continued to witness the prioritization of other minority groups, such a migrants coming over the southern border, over those of black children living in poverty who struggle with reading.

She criticized the allocation of $1,000,000 for immigrant services at the border saying that communities at home are already being neglected.

Mainor went on to state how she disagrees with such an approach and has no intention of backing down. 

‘It’s ironic. I’ll say every election year, I hear ‘Black Lives Matter.’ But do they? I see every other minority being prioritized except Black children living in poverty that can’t read,’ Mainor went on. 

‘We’ll send $1,000,000 to the border for immigrant services. But Black communities, not even a shout-out. I’m sorry, I don’t agree with this,’ she added. 

‘I’m not backing down and I’m actually just getting started.’ 


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