Godzilla Ramen – featuring a crocodile leg that hangs off the edge of the bowl – is a monster hit in Taiwan

  •  The Witch Cat ramen restaurant said no one has been brave enough to try it yet

A small Taiwanese restaurant is causing mixed reactions online thanks to a ghastly dish it has concocted – which no one is brave enough to try.

Dubbed Godzilla Ramen by internet users, the Yunlin-based eatery call their creation ‘thick witch crocodile ramen’.

It features the leg of a crocodile, which protrudes out of a noodle and broth-filled bowl, almost as though it is crawling out of it.

The Witch Cat ramen restaurant has, perhaps unsurprisingly, not had any takers for the bizarre dish yet.

They explained to local media that visitors want to take pictures for social media but are ‘afraid’ to taste it, explaining ‘there are no customers [willing] to try’.

Dubbed Godzilla Ramen by internet users, the Yunlin-based eatery call their creation 'thick witch crocodile ramen'

Dubbed Godzilla Ramen by internet users, the Yunlin-based eatery call their creation ‘thick witch crocodile ramen’

The dish features the leg of a crocodile, which protrudes out of a noodle and broth-filled bowl, almost as though it is crawling out of it

The dish features the leg of a crocodile, which protrudes out of a noodle and broth-filled bowl, almost as though it is crawling out of it

They say: ‘The witch uses more than forty kinds of natural spices and fresh ingredients to cook, and then injects the idea of love into the soup, mixes all elements and energy, and finally boils all kinds of expressions of love that belong to you.’

While romantic feelings are the last thing a crocodile leg-soup might make you feel, the restaurant’s flowery explanation of its effects suggest it may leave diners ‘blushing’.

‘Your heart is beating, you may not be able to help yourself, you may be short of breath, drink it, and you will see through all appearances and awaken the purest and unconditional love in your heart,’ the eatery suggests.

However, most social media users were not as enamored with the dish as its creators might have hoped.

The theatrical dish was reportedly inspired by a ramen which went viral in May - featuring a 14-leg crustacean called an isopod

The theatrical dish was reportedly inspired by a ramen which went viral in May – featuring a 14-leg crustacean called an isopod

Negative responses included people saying it ‘is a bit nasty’ and ‘doesn’t look good’.

Another suggested they would not be sampling the soup: ‘Vomit vomit, can’t do it, it’s too creepy crawly, it reminds me of turtles’.

In the positive camp, adventurous eaters said comments like ‘I’m open to it’ and ‘this should have a manicure to look more delicious’.

The restaurant added: ‘Those who dare not eat crocodile are welcome to try another noodle soup with pork, beef and seafood’.

The theatrical dish was reportedly inspired by a ramen which went viral in May – featuring a 14-leg crustacean called an isopod.

The giant isopod had people queuing up in Taipei – both for pictures and to try a bite from the bowl of noodles underneath the huge creature. 


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