Read the painfully nice note an ill woman left an obnoxious driver who keeps parking in a disabled spot – before she reveals what she was REALLY thinking: ‘Shove it’

  • A Gold Coast woman left a note for an inconsiderate driver
  • The driver was parked in a disability space without a permit
  • The woman, who is chronically ill, was forced to park far away

A chronically ill woman who was left crying in her car five days in a row has shared the very nice note she left a visitor parking in her disability space – before revealing what she really thought of the selfish parker.

The Gold Coast woman, 19, said she left the note on Wednesday after the driver, a guest in her apartment building, parked in her disability space without a permit for a whole week.

The driver’s inconsiderate move meant there were five days the teen had to park in the basement of her building and walk up two steep staircases.

Still, the young woman managed to leave a note most commenters under her Facebook post said was ‘a lot nicer than I would have been’. 

A 19-year-old Gold Coast woman who struggles with chronic illness shared the kind note (above) she left a driver who parked in her building's disability space for an entire week without a permit

A 19-year-old Gold Coast woman who struggles with chronic illness shared the kind note (above) she left a driver who parked in her building’s disability space for an entire week without a permit

She wrote: ‘I hope you enjoyed your holiday, however, since you’ve arrived you have been parked in a disability parking space without a permit.

‘This has made my week extremely difficult as I rely on these spaces to prevent me from having to park in far away parks or sometimes the basement.

‘In future, please be more aware of where you are parking and how it may affect others.’ 

She also attached a ‘disability ally’ sticker for the driver, writing in her post they ‘can stick on their car or shove up their a**’.

The frustrated teen said she’d tried to get help from her building’s management four times but they just shrugged her off.

The woman said the driver had parked in the space (above) for seven days while staying as a guest in her building

The woman said the driver had parked in the space (above) for seven days while staying as a guest in her building

‘(On day six) I spoke to the security again and they said that the management don’t see an issue so now it will just stay there for the remainder of their holiday,’ she explained in her post.

‘I’m fed up that no one seems to notice how exhausting it is for disabled people to have these parks taken away from them. 

‘I’ve had to park down two levels in my basement five times this week because of this person who has taken one of the disabled spots.

‘I sit in my car and cry, dreading the walk up two steep basement ramps.’

Commenters flocked to support the young woman and applauded her for leaving a kind message despite the frustrating circumstances. 

Several commenters applauded the woman for leaving a kind note (above) which also featured a 'disability ally' sticker for the careless driver

Several commenters applauded the woman for leaving a kind note (above) which also featured a ‘disability ally’ sticker for the careless driver

‘Can I say how well you handled this? You remained so respectful in your note. Credit to you for this,’ one person said.

‘I thought it was genuinely illegal to park in them? What the heck?,’ another wrote.

‘This is actually such a kind note you’re so patient,’ a third commenter said.

A fourth wrote: ‘You should contact your local disability advocacy service for some support because f*** the reception of your building for not taking action.’

Other commenters advised the carpark is private property so police wouldn’t be able to fine the driver. 



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