Government launches new 30-second TV advert urging Brits to turn their boilers down, draw curtains and switch off lights to save money on energy bills

  • The new TV ad will air from today and is part of an £18m Government campaign
  • It comes as families nationwide continue to struggle with soaring energy prices 
  • Tips in the advert include drawing curtains and turning household boilers down 

A new TV advert urging Britons to turn down their boilers and close their curtains to help save energy has been launched by the Government.

The advert is part of Whitehall’s £18 million ‘It All Adds Up’ public information campaign, launched earlier this month in response to the nation’s energy crisis.

The 30-second advert is due to be screened from Tuesday on ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and other television stations.  

In it, it tells the public: ‘This is a 30-second ad. That’s not long, but it is long enough to do something that could save you money on your energy bills.’

The new TV advert by the Government calls on people to reduce their boiler flow to 60 degrees celcius (pictured)

The new TV advert by the Government calls on people to reduce their boiler flow to 60 degrees celcius (pictured)

The advert is part of an £18 million public information campaign by the Government, launched last week, amid soaring energy bills

The advert is part of an £18 million public information campaign by the Government, launched last week, amid soaring energy bills

Other advice in the £18 million campaign calls on the public to:

  • Drop the temperature a boiler heats water to before it is sent to radiators from 75 degrees celcius to 60 degrees celcius – in a move that could save households £100 a year
  • Switching off appliances at the plug that are not being used, to save £70 a year  
  • Draught proofing windows and doors to reduce heat loss and save £60 a year 

The news comes amid warnings that British households could see a £900 rise in their energy bills from April

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has already warned that help with high household energy bills will end in 2024 – as he warned the public must ‘change their behaviour’ and learn how to use less gas and electricity at home instead.

Speaking ahead of the news TV advert, Business and Energy Minister Lord Callanan added: ‘The Government’s It All Adds Up energy saving campaign is already getting important information out to millions of households across the country, showing them simple, low and no-cost tips to cut their energy use and bills this winter.

‘Simple steps can make a big difference to cutting bills, while keeping homes warm and safe, and by launching this new TV advert, even more people will be aware and the savings will keep adding up for UK households.’ 

Last week Energy Secretary launched his own video on Twitter calling on Brits to do small things to help cut back on their energy usage. 

Other tips include reducing the heat at which people wash their clothes

Other tips include reducing the heat at which people wash their clothes 

The 30-second advert is set to air on television channels from today

The 30-second advert is set to air on television channels from today 

The 65-second video, which has been viewed almost 750,000 times, featured an ‘Elf on the Shelf’ doll plaguing Mr Shapps in his home as he tried to save energy.

Mr Shapps tweeted: I’m doing my best to lower my energy bills while still keeping warm. Unfortunately, my Elf on the Shelf has other ideas…’

The video starts with the cabinet minister walking into his kitchen and noticing that the lights are on.

‘I definitely turned that off,’ he says before spotting his his microwave is also switched on at the mains.

The energy secretary then spots an Elf on the Shelf doll, which is heard giggling, in one of his cupboards. 

Later, Mr Shapps is seen on the phone explaining how people can save cash on their heating. 

‘Turn the boiler flow temperature down to 60 degrees. Doesn’t affect the temperature of your house. I did it the other day,’ he says.

But as the MP inspects his boiler, he sees  the temperature has been turned up again. He then spots the giggling elf doll sitting on top of the boiler.

However, Mr Shapps has been criticised on social media for the video, with people calling it ‘condescending’ and ‘cringey’.

One person said: ‘How condescending watching you wander round your million pound residence advising people to stick a bath towel over a letter box to save money …. with a smile on your face!’

Speaking last week during the launched of the It All Adds Up campaign. Mr Shapps said: ‘No-one is immune to rising energy bills this winter, so it’s in everyone’s interest to use every trick in the book to use less energy while keeping homes warm and staying safe.

‘For very little or no cost, you can save pounds. It all adds up, so I urge people to take note of the advice in this new campaign and follow the easy steps to cut your fuel bills.’



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