Jacinda Ardern has denied that misogyny and the pressures of raising a family while being New Zealand‘s Prime Minister were the reasons she stepped away from the top job.

Announcing her resignation after five-and-a-half-years on Thursday, Ms Ardern said she simply didn’t have enough left in the tank to give.

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, the co-leader of the Māori political party, Te Pāti Māori, had speculated that the PM had become burnt out by ‘personal attacks’ and ‘vilification’, mostly stemming from her strict Covid restrictions.

Meanwhile Kiwi actor Sam Neill said he wasn’t surprised someone at the receiving end of misogynistic comments, and attacks from ‘bullies’, wanted to step down.

One day after her shock announcement, Ms Ardern said women in leadership positions could enjoy having a family in a way they may have struggled to before in recent years.

‘Is there more work to do (for women in leadership)? Yes, but that was not the cause for my departure,’ she told reporters outside Hawke’s Bay airport on Friday.

Jacinda Ardern has denied misogyny and the pressures of raising a family while being New Zealand's Prime Minister were the reasons she stepped away from the top job

Jacinda Ardern has denied misogyny and the pressures of raising a family while being New Zealand’s Prime Minister were the reasons she stepped away from the top job

Ms Ardern noted the ‘incredible support’ she received during her tenure, which saw her give birth to her now four-year-old daughter Neve.

The PM appeared relaxed as she spoke to the media and was seen standing with her hands in her pockets while wearing sneakers.

‘I’ll have to admit I slept well for the first time in a long time last night,’ she said.

Ms Ardern said she had no regrets about her decision, as tough as it was to reach.

‘There’s still a range of emotions. I of course feel sad but also I do have a sense of relief,’ she said.

‘I don’t doubt the decision.’

During her announcement, she denied that her decision to step down was fuelled by the constant threats and attacks on her character.

Ms Ardern said she was looking forward to spending more time with her fiance Clarke Gayford and daughter Neve

Ms Ardern said she was looking forward to spending more time with her fiance Clarke Gayford and daughter Neve

Ms Ardern noted that while there would be a lot of speculation about the ‘real reason’ for her departure, it was simply because she had nothing left to give. 

Ms Ngarewa-Packer, however claimed Ms Ardern was ‘driven from office for constant personalisation and vilification’.

‘Her whanau have withstood the ugliest attacks over the last two years with what we believe to be the most demeaning form of politics we have ever seen,’ she continued.

Ms Ngarewa-Packer acknowledged the prime minister’s ‘outstanding contribution’ to New Zealand.

‘She has led our country through its darkest times with absolute dignity while managing to keep our country’s economic status in line with the most successful OECD countries in the world,’ she said.

Kiwi actor Sam Neill (pictured in Spain on October 11, 2019) has passionately defended Jacinda Ardern hours after she resigned as Prime Minister of New Zealand

Kiwi actor Sam Neill (pictured in Spain on October 11, 2019) has passionately defended Jacinda Ardern hours after she resigned as Prime Minister of New Zealand 

‘Our country needed the grace of a wahine to lead us through this period of our history and she did so with the utmost humility and integrity.’ 

Former PM, Helen Clark, who was New Zealand’s first female elected leader, echoed Ms Ngarewa-Packer’s concerns about the treatment of Ms Ardern.

‘The pressures on prime ministers are always great, but in this era of social media, clickbait and 24/7 media cycles, Jacinda has faced a level of hatred and vitriol which in my experience is unprecedented in our country,’ she said. 

‘Our society could now usefully reflect on whether it wants to continue to tolerate the excessive polarisation which is making politics an increasingly unattractive calling.’ 

Neill also weighed in on her resignation, issuing her a heartfelt message of support.

‘Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigned today. I am not surprised, nor do I blame her,’ he wrote.

The PM appeared relaxed as she spoke to the media on Friday at Hawke's Bay Airport and was seen standing with her hands in her pockets while wearing sneakers

The PM appeared relaxed as she spoke to the media on Friday at Hawke’s Bay Airport and was seen standing with her hands in her pockets while wearing sneakers

‘The treatment she has been receiving these last few months, the appalling pile-on by the left, the right, the aggrieved, the whiners, the nutbags, the know-it-alls, the misogynists etc. has been both disgraceful and embarrassing. 

‘I think she was a great leader through the most difficult times.  She deserved better. And we will get what we deserve: inferior leadership.

‘I personally will miss her. And thank her. And wish her a far happier future.’ 

Ms Ardern famously shut down one reporter’s sexist comment when he asked whether she and Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin were only meeting because they were similar in age.

‘A lot of people will be wondering, are you two meeting just because you’re similar in age and, you know, got a lot of common stuff there…Or can Kiwi’s actually expect to see more deals down the line between the two countries?’ he asked at a joint press conference with the pair.

Ms Ardern quickly interrupted him to say: ‘I wonder whether or not anyone ever asked Barack Obama and (former NZ PM) John Key and if they met because they were of similar age.

‘We, of course, have a higher proportion of men in politics. It’s a reality. But just because two women meet, it’s not simply because of their gender.’

Ms Ardern on Thursday said she was looking forward to spending time with her fiance Clarke Gayford and their daughter.

‘I know what this job takes. And I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice,’ she said.

‘I would be doing a disservice to continue.

‘Neve, mum is looking forward to being there when you start school this year. And to Clarke – let’s finally get married.’

Ms Ardern resigns at just 42 after becoming leader just over five years ago on October 26, 2017, and was New Zealand’s youngest-ever PM, and before that youngest sitting MP in 2008, aged 28.

She insisted her party trailing in the polls against the rival National Party ahead of the upcoming election had nothing to do with her decision to step down.

‘I am not leaving because I believe we can’t win the election but because I believe we can and will,’ she said.

‘But we need a fresh set of shoulders for the challenges of both this year and the next three.’


‘Being Prime Minister has been the greatest honour of my life and I want to thank New Zealanders for the enormous privilege of leading the country for the last five and a half years.

‘With holding such a privileged role comes responsibility, including the responsibility to know when you’re the right person to lead, and also when you’re not.

‘I have given my absolute all to being Prime Minister but it has also taken a lot out of me. You cannot and should not do the job unless you have a full tank, plus a bit in reserve for those unplanned and unexpected challenges that inevitably come along.

‘Having reflected over summer I know I no longer have that bit extra in the tank to do the job justice. It’s that simple.

‘I have spoken to the Governor-General this morning to let her know.

‘In addition to our ambitious agenda that has sought to address long term issues like the housing crisis, child poverty and climate change, we also had to respond to a major biosecurity incursion, a domestic terror attack, a volcanic eruption and a one in one hundred year global pandemic and ensuing economic crisis. The decisions that had to be made have been constant and weighty.

‘I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved over the last five years in spite of the many challenges thrown at us. We’ve turned around child poverty statistics and made the most significant increases in welfare support and public housing stock seen in many decades.

‘We’ve made it easier to access education and training while improving the pay and conditions of workers. And we’ve worked hard to make progress on issues around our national identify – I believe that teaching our history in schools and celebrating Matariki as our own indigenous national holiday will all make a difference for years to come.

‘And we’ve done that while responding to some of the biggest threats to the health and economic wellbeing of New Zealanders, arguably since World War Two.

‘The Labour team are incredibly well placed to contest the next election. They are the most experienced team in the country and have shown they have the skills necessary to respond to whatever comes their way.

‘I’m not leaving because I believe we can’t win the election, but because I believe Labour can and will win it. We need a fresh set of shoulders for the challenges of both this year and the next three.

‘As to my time in the job, I hope I leave New Zealanders with a belief that you can be kind, but strong, empathetic but decisive, optimistic but focused. And that you can be your own kind of leader – one who knows when it’s time to go.’


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