The Met Police has cleared Laurence Fox of any wrongdoing after he was filmed setting fire to a row of Pride Progress flags on Father’s Day.

The progress flag – an amendment to the traditional gay pride flag – includes a chevron with black, brown, baby blue and baby pink colours representing deaths from AIDs, Black Lives Matter, the transgender movement as well as a circle to signify intersex people.

It has become associated with promoting gender identity theory in the culture wars currently engulfing Britain.

An unrepentant Mr Fox has defended burning the progress flag bunting in his back garden on Father’s Day, saying he has received thousands of messages of support since the stunt.

The actor-turned-political activist, who is preparing to compete for Boris Johnson’s Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency, also insisted that he would welcome questioning from the Metropolitan Police after the force confirmed it was ‘assessing’ the video.

Actor turned political pundit Laurence Fox arrives in support of Turning Point UK on March 10

Actor turned political pundit Laurence Fox arrives in support of Turning Point UK on March 10

Political activist Laurence Fox attempts to burn LGBTQ+ bunting in his back garden on Sunday

Political activist Laurence Fox attempts to burn LGBTQ+ bunting in his back garden on Sunday

Today, the Metropolitan Police said: ‘[We were] made aware of a video uploaded onto social media that showed the burning of a number of progress pride flags. The footage was reviewed in full in conjunction with the Crown Prosecution Service. No criminal offences were identified as having been committed.

What is the Progress Pride flag and why has it caused controversy? 

The flag being burned by Laurence Fox was the Progress Pride flag, designed by artist Daniel Quasar in 2018. 

It is a variation on the original Pride flag designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978, which had coloured strips to evoke a rainbow – this being a symbol of hope.

Quasar, who is a non-binary American designer, has previously said his version has an arrow pointing to the right ‘to show forward movement’ and illustrate that progress towards inclusivity ‘still needs to be made’. 

Progress Pride flag by artist Daniel Quasar

Progress Pride flag by artist Daniel Quasar

The Progress Pride flag has black, brown, pink, pale blue and white stripes pointing right. The flag aims to represent marginalised LGBTQ+ people of colour, as well as trans people and those living with HIV/AIDS.

But the flag has caused division within LGBTQ+ communities – with some arguing Baker’s original Pride flag did not need to be changed, while others say that it was necessary to represent marginalised communities.

Concerns have also been raised from LGBTQ+ people of colour that there was insufficient community consultation before the flag was created, but Quasar has denied this. 

Much of the debate also dates back to the addition of the ‘T’ in ‘LGBT’ in the 1990s, with some claiming that the LGB community should be restricted to sexual identity only, and not inclusive of gender identity. The Q was then added for Queer in 2016, with the ‘+’ to represent those not identifying with any of the letters in the acronym.

A new version of the Progress Pride flag was made by Valentino Vecchietti of Intersex Equality Rights UK in 2021 which had a yellow triangle and purple circle to represent intersex people.

‘The Metropolitan Police recognises that this incident has caused community concern and we take any allegation of hate crime seriously. We will continue to work alongside our partners to support and protect all our communities in London.’

Fox burned the flag in his back garden on Sunday in an astonishing stunt during Pride Month.

He was wearing a T-shirt with an image of a rainbow above the phrase ‘Comes Before A Fall’ – hinting that the message being giving was ‘Pride Comes Before A Fall’.

And Fox said in the video: ‘The most holy month of child mutilation. This is what I think of your disgusting, vile, child sacrificial flag.

‘Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye Pride, which isn’t Pride. It’s just a celebration of the mutilation of children. And you can shove it.’

The video sparked uproar on Twitter, including user Matthew who wrote: ‘I have submitted this video to the police as a hate crime. This man has got away with far too much for far too long.’

Fox hit back, saying he is hopeful that police ‘pay me a visit’.

He wrote: ‘I very much look forward to them explaining to me that I have committed a hate crime by burning an icon to child mutilation, but the doctors who chop off vulnerable healthy young girls’ breasts, and young boys’ penises haven’t.

‘I’m done negotiating with the mutilators. I am tolerant of pretty much everything, but child sacrifice is an absolute red line.

‘You can call it gender affirming care, you can blackmail parents by saying ‘would you rather have a dead son or a living daughter?’

‘You can write articles about what a madman I am, I don’t care, and neither does truth. Because it is just that. The truth.’

He concluded: ‘People are fed up with having this rubbish rammed down their throats. If I believed in such arbitrary nonsense as ‘hate crimes’ I’d report you for supporting the destruction of young life. ‘

In a post today, Fox posed with the original gay pride flag, saying he ‘had no problem with it’ as he spoke of its meaning.

He tweeted: ‘Originating from a time when gay and lesbian people were persecuted and not accepted as they are today, I understand why [the flag] was created. 

‘It is a testament to how genuinely progressive society is (despite what those who wish to divide us down identity lines would have us believe) that discrimination against gay and lesbian people is condemned by the overwhelming majority of people. Myself included.

‘This simple flag, with its simple message, and the movement it represents has been hijacked by the modern and ever more “progressive” iterations of it.’

Fox says in the video posted on Sunday that the progress flag is a 'disgusting, vile, child sacrificial flag'

Fox says in the video posted on Sunday that the progress flag is a ‘disgusting, vile, child sacrificial flag’

Fox posed on Twitter with the original gay pride flag, which does not include the additions for Black Lives Matter and Transgenderism

Fox posed on Twitter with the original gay pride flag, which does not include the additions for Black Lives Matter and Transgenderism

Fox also posted a message from a supporter who said they felt the progress flag 'means absolutely nothing to me'

Fox also posted a message from a supporter who said they felt the progress flag ‘means absolutely nothing to me’

Laurence Fox told GB News last night that he 'stands against every single thing' that the Progress Pride flag represents, and said he has received thousands of messages of support

Laurence Fox told GB News last night that he ‘stands against every single thing’ that the Progress Pride flag represents, and said he has received thousands of messages of support

Fox said on Twitter today that he was open to having a discussion with the Metropolitan Police

Fox said on Twitter today that he was open to having a discussion with the Metropolitan Police

Fox also said last night that he does not believe in 'such arbitrary nonsense as 'hate crimes''

Fox also said last night that he does not believe in ‘such arbitrary nonsense as ‘hate crimes”

The Progress Pride flag has black, brown, pink, pale blue and white stripes which aim to represent marginalised LGBTQ+ people of colour, as well as trans people and those living with HIV/AIDS.

The flag has caused division within LGBTQ+ communities – with some saying Baker’s original Pride flag did not need to be changed, but others including Quasar arguing that it was necessary to represent marginalised communities.

An updated version of the Progress Pride flag was created by Valentino Vecchietti of Intersex Equality Rights UK in 2021 which had a yellow triangle and purple circle to represent intersex people.

Fox’s video generated nearly 10,000 likes and 2,000 retweets in the first 16 hours after it was uploaded – as well as 2,000 comments, some of which criticised Fox for being a ‘sad man’ and ‘attention seeking’.

He captioned the clip, posted just after 7pm on Father’s Day: ‘My friend brought me some child mutilation bunting. It got the treatment it deserved.’

It showed him using a lighter in his garden to set the display on fire which appeared to have already been covered in flammable fluid.

Fox then posted a second clip this morning on Twitter which was entitled: ‘Apparently I’m trending. Huge thanks to you all for the honour.’

In this second video, he said: ‘That flag, the Progressive [sic] Pride flag, is nothing to do with the original Pride flag which was to represent hard fought for gay and lesbian rights, which everybody would support.

‘And also in this country, we have a flag that unites everyone – gay, straight, lesbian, white, black, yellow, red, green, thin and fat. It’s called the Union Jack and it represents us all, and it represents secular liberal democracy.

‘What that cult flag represents is the mutilation of healthy children’s tissues and convincing them of a lie which is a boy can become a girl and a girl can become a boy. That is the foundation of language – the difference between man and woman.


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