Media mogul Steve Forbes has revealed he was assaulted by two ‘wild-eyed’ Black Lives Matter protesters at a conservative book launch in New York.

Forbes says the campaigners stormed into the event on Wednesday and began ‘yelling almost incoherently,’ pushing books off the counter and drenching guests in drinks. 

The 75-year-old Forbes CEO was celebrating the launch ‘Stolen Youth,’ a book centered on how ‘wokeism is poisoning young brains.’

‘I was taking to co-author Bethany Mandel near the counter where the books were on display,’ he told Fox Digital.

‘Suddenly a woman seemingly out of nowhere was angrily yelling almost incoherently about matters that weren’t related to the subject of the book.

Steve Forbes say he was attacked by screaming Black Lives Matter protestors during the launch of Conservative book 'Stolen Youth.' He is pictured with the book's authors Bethany Mandel, left, and Karol Markowicz, right

Steve Forbes say he was attacked by screaming Black Lives Matter protestors during the launch of Conservative book ‘Stolen Youth.’ He is pictured with the book’s authors Bethany Mandel, left, and Karol Markowicz, right

Forbes said protesters hurled drinks at him. He is pictured with Eva Longoria at the Forbes Women's Summit in 2019

Forbes said protesters hurled drinks at him. He is pictured with Eva Longoria at the Forbes Women’s Summit in 2019

‘The books themselves were pushed off the counter loudly landing on the floor while simultaneously she tossed a drink our way.’

He and Mandel both ended up splattered in the drink.

‘I joked that a dark suit was an advantage in a situation like this,’ Forbes said.

Stolen Youth was penned by Bethany Mandel and Karol Markowicz.

The book’s description on Amazon reads: ‘The Left is waging an all-out battle on the American family, particularly the youngest members.

‘If they can make our children miserable, lead them to question every building block of society and rebuild their entire concept of reality, then the Left and their woke indoctrinators will consider that a victory.’ 

Markowicz told the conservative news outlet Daily Wire News: ‘Two wild-eyed young White women run up to our party and scream ‘Black lives matter!’

‘They threw their drinking glasses at the wall where our books were displayed and ran off.

‘Suddenly I heard screaming, had books thrown at me, and I was soaking wet,’

Both women had short, dyed blue hair and repeatedly screamed ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘trans lives matter.’

The Black Lives Matter is a radical anti-racism movement that gained mass popularity with liberals following the death of George Floyd in 2020.

The authors were targeted by liberal protesters at Wednesday night's event

The authors were targeted by liberal protesters at Wednesday night’s event 

Stolen Youth is written by Bethany Mandel, left, and Karol Markowicz, right. It centers around how 'wokeism is poisoning young brains'

Markowicz described the protesters as 'two wild-eyed women'

Stolen Youth is written by Bethany Mandel, left, and Karol Markowicz, right. It centers around how ‘wokeism is poisoning young brains’

The book celebrated its official launch in New York on Wednesday night

The book celebrated its official launch in New York on Wednesday night 

The movement has been associated with many far-left causes such as defunding the police.

Mandel told the outlet. ‘I realized young women with short, dyed blue hair were screaming at us ‘Black lives matter, trans lives matter!’ I tried to talk to them, but they ran off.’

Another group of young women also stood in the doorway and yelled at attendees, calling them fascists. 

Mandel launched a scathing attack on the protesters who she said proved the point of her research. 

‘Wokeism is poisoning young brains. It’s the thesis of the book, and the young deranged women who protested the party are exactly what we warn about in our book: angry, irrational and uninformed,’ she told Fox News Digital.

‘They parroted the approved chants about black and trans lives mattering. They didn’t know what they were protesting, just that we were dissidents.

‘They are exactly what our readers don’t want their kids turning into.’

Mandel, a mother-of-six, added that her newborn baby ‘narrowly missed’ being assaulted at the event. 


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