President Donald Trump’s floundering presidential campaign got the shot in the arm it desperately needed.

Well done, Alvin Bragg!

Trump’s most ardent supporters and most his vocal critics, from Senator Mitt Romney to New York Times columnists, are condemning Trump’s indictment as an appalling political hit job. And the liberal news media – for all their handwringing over another Trump term – are more than happy to thrust him down America’s throats.

Trump is leading all newscasts and topping all the websites. Why? Because it garners Trump’s critics the fantastic ratings that they’ve been missing since he left office. Whether these left-wing talkers realize it or not – their attention elevates him. It makes him a martyr.

And all the sudden The Donald is back.

At Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday night, we witnessed Trump at his best. He was in his element standing before an adoring crowd and raging against an elite establishment that is out to get him by any means necessary. And they are.

The ridiculous indictment, the unprecedented raid on Trump’s Florida home, the mountain of lawsuits and investigations, are a testament to the hysterical left’s determination to cut Trump out of public life. These snobs can’t leave it to the American people to vote Trump into oblivion. They fear the deplorables will make the wrong decision. And Trump capitalizes on all of this.

At Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday night, we witnessed Trump at his best. He was in his element standing before an adoring crowd and raging against an elite establishment.

At Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday night, we witnessed Trump at his best. He was in his element standing before an adoring crowd and raging against an elite establishment.

I don¿t count Ron DeSantis out and neither should you. That is ¿ unless he blows it. And he¿s starting to get me worried.

I don’t count Ron DeSantis out and neither should you. That is – unless he blows it. And he’s starting to get me worried.

He says: Look at what the corrupt establishment is doing to me. They’ve done it to you for years. Put me back in the White House and I’ll put an end to this once and for all.

It is an incredibly effective, visceral political message. Hell – I am repulsed by Trump. And it’s compelling to me.

How long this adrenaline rush lasts is anyone’s guess. But Trump’s team is taking full advantage of it, going for the jugular of his most dangerous opponent.

Not Joe Biden.

Ron DeSantis.

Almost seven months out from the first Republican primary, a memo from Trump’s campaign, leaked to the media. It reveals a strategy to cut Ron’s legs out from underneath him by peeling away his biggest political donors.

The Trump team message to DeSantis’ top backers is: Jump ship now and get with the winner. Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.

It’s not a tremendous reach. A lot of political commentators are coming to the same conclusion.

A recent new Quinnipiac national poll for the 2024 Republican nomination shows support for Trump is surging. 46 percent of registered Republican voters say they’d vote for Trump, while 32 percent go for DeSantis.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with his wife Casey and their three children after his gubernatorial election victory in November, 2022

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with his wife Casey and their three children after his gubernatorial election victory in November, 2022

Donald and Melania Trump together in Mar-a-Lago after the former president launched his 2024 election campaign

Donald and Melania Trump together in Mar-a-Lago after the former president launched his 2024 election campaign

Last month, the race was much tighter with Trump leading DeSantis by 8 percentage points. Now, the gap is 14 points.

Yes, it is hard to fathom any candidate going up against the media-fueled cyclone that is Trump, but it’s a long way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I don’t count DeSantis out and neither should you. That is – unless DeSantis blows it. And he’s starting to get me worried.

First, the good news for Ron.

It hasn’t been long since Trump suffered an incredible defeat and DeSantis was riding high after the 2022 midterms.

Republicans, by any historical standard, should have stormed to victory against the backdrop of Biden’s unpopularity, sky-high inflation, rising crime, lawlessness on the southern border, and American optimism in the toilet. But the red wave – turned out to be a drip.

Trump-endorsed flunkies for Senate flopped. Dr. Oz was defeated by a man who survived a campaign-trail stroke. And Democrats maintained control of the US Senate.

Republicans barely squeaked out a majority in the House triggering a destructive intra-party leadership squabble that made the country look like a banana republic.

At the time, I wrote: ‘There is a simple and easy conclusion to draw from this. Trump’s MAGA is cancer and it is killing my party.’ I still believe that to be true.

The Trump team message to DeSantis¿ top backers is: Jump ship now and get with the winner. Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.

The Trump team message to DeSantis’ top backers is: Jump ship now and get with the winner. Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.

And recall DeSantis’ status just 5 months ago.

He was overwhelmingly re-elected as governor of Florida by flipping historically Democratic Miami-Dade County from blue to red for the first time in decades. He carried roughly 65% of the vote in majority Hispanic precincts proving his appeal among Hispanic voters is undeniable.

But that was then. Now the bad news.

DeSantis is making mistakes. So, here’s my advice for Ron to clean it up and fast. Otherwise, those big money supporters may start looking for another horse in this race.

Beat Trump at his own game: Ron – you’ve been MIA. Declare you are running for president today and reclaim the media’s attention.

Are you on a book tour or running for president? Pick a lane!

I, like the rest of America, watched Trump suck the oxygen out of the room in the 2016 Republican primary.

He pulls in matter like a black hole. All conversations pivot around him. Everyone is forced to respond to him. Orbit him. That attention looks like credibility to voters. He makes his opponents look small. And he can do it again.

You’ve straddled the fence for too long as it is, it’s time to jump into this race with both feet, take the liberal media incoming and become the center of attention.

DeSantis is making mistakes. So, here¿s my advice for Ron to clean it up and fast. Otherwise, those big money supporters may start looking for another horse in this race.

DeSantis is making mistakes. So, here’s my advice for Ron to clean it up and fast. Otherwise, those big money supporters may start looking for another horse in this race.

Otherwise, Trump may keep picking up momentum.

America is so thirsty for something other than a choice between two octogenarians that we are willing to drink sand. Stake your claim!

Don’t be Trump-lite: You looked silly when you said that you wouldn’t cooperate in a hypothetical extradition of Trump to New York City, amid his pending indictment. That was beneath you.

Anyone paying attention knew that this was hypothetical, but you came off looking like a sycophantic Trump lackey. We all know you were ingratiating yourself to his base, but are you running for vice-president or the top job?

You blundered when you told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in a questionnaire that the Russia-Ukraine war was a ‘territorial dispute’ that was not in the ‘vital’ US interest. Then, you walked it back when you joined Piers Morgan.

“Well, I think it’s been mischaracterized,” you said.

What? Come on, Ron. That’s gibberish.

We know why you said these things.

You’re trying to be Trump-lite. But like any diet alternative – they don’t taste like the real thing. A copy of an original is still just that – a copy.

President Joe Biden and wife Jill visit area impacted by Hurricane Ian in Florida with DeSantis and his wife Casey in October, 2022

President Joe Biden and wife Jill visit area impacted by Hurricane Ian in Florida with DeSantis and his wife Casey in October, 2022

Be your own man: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is an effective executive. And the state is a model for the country. Let your record speak for itself.

You created a safe haven for pandemic weary Americans fleeing draconian lockdowns. You kept schools open when other states were closing down. Your pandemic policies kept workers employed when terrified governors across the country where forcing businesses to shut their doors.

Even Trump criticized states, like Georgia, for opening too quickly, and praised you for opposing lockdowns when all the dust was settled.

And finally, Florida is the place where woke goes to die. It’s the culture war of our times – and you’re on the forefront. Start telling that story and step out of Trump’s shadow.

Let us get to know you: You have a lovely family and a smart, beautiful wife, who is a cancer survivor and an incredible public speaker. Put her out there.

You are incredibly shrewd in your news conferences, but most of America only knows you through soundbytes. Bring that energy to Bill Maher on HBO, Dana Bash on CNN or! You cannot become president by only appearing on Fox and Friends.

DeSantis needs to understand that he is not just competing against Trump. He’s competing with Trump in a media circus that favors the former president. He can’t afford to keep waiting in the face of increasing odds against him. To survive in politics, you must recognize that your career is either quick or it’s dead.

It’s time to launch this campaign, Ron. America won’t wait much longer.


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