This is the dramatic moment a murderer was captured by police after he stabbed his lover to death over a sex chat row before leaving him to die alone in his student flat. 

Furious Aaron Ray plunged a knife into ‘defenceless’ Jason Brockbanks after reading messages his victim had sent on his phone to other men over dating app Grindr.

The jealous killer, who had previously butchered his family’s cockatiel by slitting its throat in a rage, left Mr Brockbanks to bleed to death in his bathroom at the Mansion Tyne student flat in Newcastle, where his body was found by staff three days later.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the 24-year-old Northumbria University student, who was in third year, could have survived if medical attention had been sought. Ray, of Sunderland, was today jailed for life and must serve a minimum of 22 years. 

Now, footage of the moment the ‘highly-dangerous’ 21-year-old murderer was caught by officers has been released by Northumbria Police. 

Killer captured: Aaron Ray, 21, is apprehended by police after stabbing his lover and leaving him to bleed to death alone in a bathroom in Newcastle

Killer captured: Aaron Ray, 21, is apprehended by police after stabbing his lover and leaving him to bleed to death alone in a bathroom in Newcastle 

Filmed on police bodycam, the footage begins with officers in body armour calling out the killer’s name, saying ‘Aaron, it’s the police, come down’ before the murderer appears at the top of the stairs. 

‘Show us your hands, keep your hands where I can see them and slowly come down towards me,’ orders one officer, as the visibly stunned murderer, wearing a dressing gown, walks down the stairs.

He is then grabbed and arrested with one officer warning him ‘nothing’s going to happen to you but do not move from where we’ve got you’. 

‘Remorseless’ Ray had denied murder. But Judge Robin Spencer sentenced the university drop-out to life behind bars and said he must serve a minimum of 22 years.

The judge said Ray had been ‘possessive, jealous and violent’ in previous relationships and that he was ‘deceitful, dishonest and when drunk highly dangerous’.

The court had heard the two men had enjoyed a night out together in Newcastle’s Pink Triangle, an area packed with popular gay bars, and Ray had then seen Grindr messages on Mr Brockbanks phone.

The judge said it is likely Mr Brockbanks had fallen asleep when they got back to the student flat, at which point Ray recorded a video of himself scrolling through the phone, got a knife from the communal kitchen and launched the deadly attack.

Mr Brockbanks was slashed across the back before being stabbed in the side as he lay in bed under his duvet.

Justice Spencer told Ray: ‘I find, when he was attacked, Jason was asleep under his duvet, defenceless and in no position to defend himself against your attack.

'Defenceless' Jason Brockbanks (pictured) was knifed to death on September 24 in 2022. But Newcastle Crown Court heard his life could have been saved if help was sought. Instead, he was left to bleed to death by Ray, with his body being found three days later

‘Defenceless’ Jason Brockbanks (pictured) was knifed to death on September 24 in 2022. But Newcastle Crown Court heard his life could have been saved if help was sought. Instead, he was left to bleed to death by Ray, with his body being found three days later 

‘You have shown no remorse for your actions. You didn’t call the emergency services to help Jason.

‘He was bleeding profusely from the wounds, blood soaked through his duvet and sheet. He fell to the floor beside his bed, the duvet fell onto the floor and covered his phone. That’s why, I find, he didn’t call for help himself.

‘He attempted to stand up, find his way to the bathroom, collapsed in the shower cubicle and bled to death.

‘The situation was retrievable, had you sought help but you didn’t.’

In a heartbreaking impact statement, Mr Brockbanks’ father Chris said his son ‘hated violence’ and had a ‘huge passion for life’ and his loss has caused a huge void in their lives.

‘To know Jason died slowly and alone will haunt us for the rest of our lives,’ he told the court. ‘To hear his death was possibly avoidable if assistance had been sought is truly heartbreaking for us.

‘We believe Jason spent his last moments looking for his mobile phone to call for help but he was unable to find the phone due to the defendant having been the last person to use it.

‘I will never comprehend how a human being could walk away from Jason, lying injured in his room in such a cruel and callous manner.’

He said the family will never ‘forgive or forget’ what happened to their son.

Prosecutor David Lamb KC had told the court the Grindr messages on Mr Brockbanks’ phone were the ‘trigger and motivating factor’ for the murder.

Jurors were shown extracts of the messages that were seen on the phone by Ray just before the killing.

In one exchange, Mr Brockbanks asks if the other person is ‘looking for fun?’ and ‘would you be up for some now?’

'Remorseless' Ray, pictured after being arrested, was today jailed for life and must serve a minimum of 22 years before he can be considered for release

‘Remorseless’ Ray, pictured after being arrested, was today jailed for life and must serve a minimum of 22 years before he can be considered for release 

The other person indicates they are tired and Mr Brockbanks urges ‘it would be hot’ and suggests it ould ‘help him sleep’.

Mr Brockbanks tells the man he could ‘come and cuddle’ him, as well as general chat about televisions in their homes.

The conversation also contains Mr Brockbanks asking about ‘cuddles’, graphic sexual references and a photograph.

The court heard after the stabbing, Ray took the knife he had used in the killing back into the communal kitchen then left the accommodation, walked to Newcastle Central Station and got a taxi from there to Sunderland.

Three days later, on September 27, the university student accommodation manger received an email asking if she could check on Mr Brockbanks’ welfare, as his parents had become concerned.

Mr Lamb told jurors: ‘She went to Jason’s door and knocked on it. She received no response so she used her master key to enter the room.

‘She went inside and she saw that the television was turned on, the bed appeared unmade and there was staining to the bedclothes and the floor carpet.

‘She saw a handprint in blood on the doorframe to the ensuite bathroom and on opening that ensuite bathroom door she saw Jason Brockbanks slumped in the shower cubicle, with his legs protruding outside.

‘He was very obviously dead.’

A post-mortem examination showed Mr Brockbanks had a stab wound to his right abdomen, which was fatal, and two knife injuries to his back.

Detective Inspector Tomasz Fowler, senior investigating officer with Northumbria Police, said: ‘This is a truly tragic case in which a popular young man lost his life and our thoughts very much remain with Jason’s heartbroken family, friends and loved ones.

‘Jason was enjoying his life as a student in Newcastle and that was cruelly cut short by the actions of Aaron Ray, who was cold and calculating in fatally wounding Jason and then leaving the scene of the crime.

‘There has been no evidence at all throughout this investigation to support Ray’s claim that Jason was violent or aggressive in any way and it was clear that his fellow students saw him as a friendly and sociable person.

‘Thanks to the hard work of our officers, we were able to quickly identify Ray as the person responsible, apprehend him and get him before the courts. I’m pleased that he has now been given the conviction and sentence he deserves.’

Toby Hedorth KC, defending, said the killing was not premeditated.

Ray was just 18 when he used a knife to cut his family’s cockatiel’s throat. Officers found the dead bird after being called to his home, following reports of a disturbance in January 2020.

When questioned, Ray insisted: ‘It’s just a bird, it’s not a crime.’ 

The killer pleaded guilty at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court to causing unnecessary suffering to an animal after the incident 

He received a 12-week sentence, suspended for one year and handed a 15-year ban from owning animals.


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