Nebraska senators have vowed to resume their filibuster of the Legislature, blocking all bills from being passed in response to a vote to advance a transgender bill.

The bill, LB 574, was approved on Thursday after three contentious days of debate. It now needs two further debates before it will be signed into law.

Dubbed ‘Let Them Grow’, the bill would forbid gender-affirming care such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgeries for those under 19.

In response to the bill’s progress, Senator Megan Hunt – who on Wednesday revealed during the debate that her 12-year-old son is transgender – said she would filibuster all future bills.

Her colleague Machaela Cavanaugh filibustered for three weeks to prevent the bill being voted on in the first place, and only relented when she decided to allow a vote so they could see who ‘has blood on their hands’.

Megan Hunt, a senator representing Omaha, who is the mother to a 12-year-old transgender son, on Thursday promised to filibuster all bills in protest at the progress of LB 574

Megan Hunt, a senator representing Omaha, who is the mother to a 12-year-old transgender son, on Thursday promised to filibuster all bills in protest at the progress of LB 574

Hunt said she would resume the filibuster. The Legislative session runs until June 9, meaning Nebraskan politicians face the prospect of weeks of unrest.

‘We have made it clear that this is the line in the sand. People have said, what if we go after your bills? What if we put a bunch of bills introduced by progressives on the agenda are you going to filibuster those too? Yes, because we are not like you,’ she said.

‘No one in the world holds a grudge like me.

‘And no one in the world cares less about being petty than me. I don’t care – I don’t like you.’

Cavanaugh tweeted after the vote: ‘I will not give up on Nebraska children. 

‘Failure isn’t an option because, if I fail, I’m failing children, and I’m not going to fail children. Are you with me? #DontLegislateHate’

The debate generated intense emotions.

On Thursday, before the vote, Senator Jen Day made a passionate plea for her fellow politicians to strike the bill down.

‘Feel it in your heart, I know it is there,’ she said. 

‘Look into the eyes of these kids, and these parents who are hurting at the very sight of this conversation. Please, stop it!’

Both Day and Hunt have vowed to continue the filibuster.

Jana Hughes, a senator representing Seward, said that she voted to end the debate not because she supports the bill in its current form, but because she wants to move on with congressional business.

‘I came here to do property tax relief and broadband,’ she told the Nebraska Examiner

Senator Kathleen Kauth, who introduced the bill in January, accused her opponents of seeking the spotlight.

Kathleen Kauth, who introduced the legislature, accused her opponents of grandstanding

Kathleen Kauth, who introduced the legislature, accused her opponents of grandstanding

Machaela Cavanaugh filibustered the bill for three weeks, bringing routine business to a halt

Machaela Cavanaugh filibustered the bill for three weeks, bringing routine business to a halt

Cavanaugh and her husband Nick Brotzel are seen on the campaign trail

Cavanaugh and her husband Nick Brotzel are seen on the campaign trail

‘We knew it would be very, very difficult, but the rhetoric seems a little intense,’ said Kauth. 

‘To accuse those supporting this bill of promoting genocide, being Nazis, that seems a bit much.’

Kauth accused her opponents of ‘obnoxious hyperbole to get a lot of national media attention’.

She said the bill was not introduced ‘in a vacuum’, pointing out there were 87 bills relating to transgender issues in state legislatures at present.

Outside the legislature on Wednesday a crowd of opponents of the bill gathered to protest.

Inside, Kauth told the chamber that the bill was introduced to protect children.

‘There are no long-term studies proving that these procedures and prescriptions resolve the gender dysphoria,’ she said.

‘And there are studies, in countries with much greater experience and gender transitions, that advocate watchful waiting because the risk for youth to receive these prescriptions and procedures is simply too great.’

Protesters are seen in Lincoln, Nebraska on Wednesday

Protesters are seen in Lincoln, Nebraska on Wednesday

Senator Brian Hardin of Gering and Senator Brad von Gillern of Elkhorn both told the legislature they believed there were only two genders, and that transgender individuals do not exist.

Senator Steve Halloran likened parents refusing transgender treatment to parents refusing to let their children drink alcohol.

‘By today’s standards, I would be, and my wife would be, abusive parents,’ he said.

‘That’s a tough admission to make.

‘Because at the time, as adults in the room, our children would come to us with a suggestion of doing this or that.

‘And we would point out to them the risks of doing this or that.

‘Whether it was having a party at some friend’s house, and that friend’s house was known for having drinking parties. And of course our children are underage.

‘We would say no.’

Others said they were uncertain about the science surrounding transgender people.

Senator John Fredrickson is seen on Thursday urging his fellow politicians not to vote for the bill

Senator John Fredrickson is seen on Thursday urging his fellow politicians not to vote for the bill

Hunt told the floor that many of those making the decision had not even met a transgender person.

She said she was initially unsure about mentioning her son.

‘I was anxious about bringing this up and thought it might be a disservice to the debate if I did, but this is my life and this is my reality,’ she said.

‘My child has not been able to get gender-affirming care. There aren’t counselors making kids trans, there aren’t counselors telling parents you have to get your kids on these drugs or else they’re going to kill themselves.

‘This is scare tactics. It’s satanic panic. There’s no truth to it because I lived it. I’m an affirming parent. We did everything right that you’re supposed to do and my kid could not get gender-affirming care,’ Hunt said.

She added: ”I want to have a happy, healthy son like every parent of a trans youth feels.’

Hunt said that many of those engaged in the debate did not understand the reality her family faced.

‘Another thing you people don’t understand is the issue of access in Nebraska,’ Hunt said.

‘My son is not on puberty blockers, my son is not on hormones, my son certainly has not had any surgery. You know why? Because Medicaid denied it four times.

‘I’m a state senator, I’m a woman of means and power and privilege and my child has not been able to get gender-affirming care,’ she said.

‘That’s the reality of what trans health care is like in Nebraska.’

Senator John Fredrickson, a licensed mental health practitioner from Omaha and a supporter of the bill, agreed with Hunt.

He said the debate had veered into misinformation about the standards of care and assessment protocols, noting ‘parental involvement and consent are always required.’

On Thursday, before the vote, Fredrickson cited 2019 statistics from the Trevor Project that LGBTQ youths who have one accepting adult in their lives were 40 percent less likely to report a suicide attempt in the past year.

Fredrickson said the statistic made him think of his mother, who died last year, but had accepted him for being gay. 

He told his colleagues that Thursday’s vote was not final. 

‘Regardless of what happens today, heads up, chins up,’ he said. 

‘We’re survivors. Me standing in this room is proof of that.’


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