Police probe illegal Bank Holiday rave which saw 1,500 revellers descend on private land near Dorset castle blaring loud music until 7.30am

  • 500 vehicles descended on private land near to Corfe Castle on Saturday night

Police have launched an investigation into an illegal Bank holiday weekend rave which kept thousands of local residents awake.

Around 1,500 people in 500 vehicles descended on private land near to Corfe Castle, Dorset, late on Saturday night.

Loud bass music from UK Teknival 2023 continued through the night until 7.30am yesterday.

Dorset police received numerous complaints from people living downwind of the rave in the area around Wareham.

Footage from the rave shows thousands of revellers dancing to techno music. Many are holding balloons and are sunburnt. 

Around 1,500 people in 500 vehicles descended on private land near to Corfe Castle, Dorset, late on Saturday night

Around 1,500 people in 500 vehicles descended on private land near to Corfe Castle, Dorset, late on Saturday night

Dorset Police responded to a number of reports of loud music in the area. They advised revellers to leave the site

Dorset Police responded to a number of reports of loud music in the area. They advised revellers to leave the site

Officers blocked off local roads to the event to stop anyone else attending and ordered the organisers to pack up and leave.

The revellers started leaving the site from 6pm last night.

It is the second time in four years that the same piece of land near Wytch Farm has been used for an illegal rave.

In 2019 over 1,000 people gathered over the Easter weekend, causing two sleepness nights for residents who complained of ‘horrific Ibiza music’ being belted out from the fields.

Last year a similar event that attracted over 2,000 people took place in a field at West Holme, Durdle Door in Dorset.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Callaghan, of Dorset Police, said that they will be seeking to prosecute the organisers of the latest rave.

He said today: ‘Understandably, we have continued to receive calls from concerned and upset residents in relation to the noise levels coming from the event.

‘I can now confirm that our officers have control of the site and the music has been turned off.

‘I would like to reassure residents that we continue to work with our partner agencies to deal with the site and those who remain.

View from the air showing the field where the illegal rave took place next to Wytch Farm

View from the air showing the field where the illegal rave took place next to Wytch Farm

Pictured are revellers at the rave, which started on Saturday evening

Pictured are revellers at the rave, which started on Saturday evening

Police closed the road to the castle site in an attempt to stop more revellers joining the rave

Police closed the road to the castle site in an attempt to stop more revellers joining the rave

‘Police officers gave a direction for people to leave the scene earlier today using powers under the Public Order Act.

‘However, due to the large-scale nature of the event and the impacts of dispersing those present, as well as minimising any risk to the wider public on our road networks, this can take some time.

‘A criminal investigation has been launched to ensure those found to be responsible for organising such events are prosecuted.

‘It is our priority that we ensure that unlicensed events such as these are brought to a safe conclusion and there is no further disruption in the local community.’


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