Putin accuses West of fueling war in Ukraine – Vladimir Putin has declared that the ‘age of western domination is over’ and called for a ‘new world order’ in a major foreign policy speech in Moscow.

The Russian leader, laying out his warped view of global politics, accused westerners of ‘fanning the flames’ of war in Ukraine and Taiwan, of sparking a global energy crisis and of causing a food crisis – all allegations that have been levelled at him.

Putin warned the world has entered its most dangerous period since the Second World War and a ‘new world order’ must emerge in which Russia gets a bigger say.

Putin accuses West of fueling war in Ukraine and destabilising world in latest rant

‘The West is no longer able to dictate its will to the humankind but still tries to do it, and the majority of nations no longer want to tolerate it,’ he said.

‘Dominion of the world is what West has decided to stake in this game. It is a dangerous, deadly and dirty game.’

Putin accuses West of fueling war in Ukraine
Putin accuses West of fueling war in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin has given another ranting anti-Western speech in Moscow, accusing westerners of fanning the flames of war in Ukraine and of causing an energy crisis

While at points Putin sounded as if he was offering an olive branch – saying Russia ‘is not an enemy of the West’ and ‘only wants the right to develop’ – he made it clear that any talks on his ‘new order’ would have to be on Moscow’s terms.

The West, he said, had repeatedly rejected Moscow’s plans for peace laid out before the war in Ukraine – such as the withdrawal of all NATO troops from ex-Soviet states, against the wishes of their governments – and had instead chosen conflict.

He claimed that he had told the West: ‘Let’s be friends, have dialogue and strengthen trust and peace.’

‘We were completely sincere,’ he added. ‘What did we get in response? A ‘no’ on every possible area of cooperation.’

In fact, the US and NATO had both sent letters to Russia laying out possible grounds for cooperation before Putin invaded Ukraine, which Moscow rejected.

Russia isn’t the enemy of the West but will continue to oppose the diktat of Western neo-liberal elites, he said, accusing them of trying to subdue Moscow.

‘Their goal is to make Russia more vulnerable and turn it into an instrument for fulfilling their geopolitical tasks, they have failed to achieve it and they will never succeed,’ Putin said.

The Russian president reaffirmed his long-held claim that Russians and Ukrainians are part of a single people and again denigrated Ukraine as an ‘artificial state,’ which received historic Russian lands from Communist rulers during the Soviet times.

Putin laid out his warped version of global events at the Valdai International Discussion Club, saying it is time for a 'new world order'

Putin laid out his warped version of global events at the Valdai International Discussion Club, saying it is time for a ‘new world order’

A Russian righter jet swoops low over the wreck of a burning fuel train in occupied Ukraine, after it was destroyed in shelling overnight

A Russian righter jet swoops low over the wreck of a burning fuel train in occupied Ukraine, after it was destroyed in shelling overnight

Firefighters work to extinguish burning fuel tanks of a Russian train sat near the occupied city of Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine

Firefighters work to extinguish burning fuel tanks of a Russian train sat near the occupied city of Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine

A Ukrainian soldier prepares a mortar in the front line near Bakhmut, the site of the heaviest battle against the Russian troops in the Donetsk region

A Ukrainian soldier prepares a mortar in the front line near Bakhmut, the site of the heaviest battle against the Russian troops in the Donetsk region

Ukrainian service members prepare to shoot from a towed howitzer FH-70 at a front line, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, in Zaporizhzhia Region

Ukrainian service members prepare to shoot from a towed howitzer FH-70 at a front line, as Russia’s attack on Ukraine continues, in Zaporizhzhia Region

Ukrainian service members prepare to shoot from a towed howitzer FH-70 at a front line, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, in Zaporizhzhia Region, Ukraine

Ukrainian service members prepare to shoot from a towed howitzer FH-70 at a front line, as Russia’s attack on Ukraine continues, in Zaporizhzhia Region, Ukraine

Speaking about the Ukrainian conflict, Putin said he thinks ‘all the time’ about the casualties Russia has suffered in the conflict, but insisted he was left with no choice but to attack and that Russia would have paid a higher price if it had not acted.

He denied underestimating Ukraine’s ability to fight back and insisted that his ‘special military operation’ has proceeded as planned.

The Russian leader said: ‘About our country, you know, of course, we have costs, most notably regards losses in the special military operation. I think about it all the time. There are also economic losses, but there are enormous gains. And ultimately, and I want to emphasize, ultimately, all that is happening now will undoubtedly benefit Russia and its future. Why? Because it’s connected to strengthening our sovereignty.’

Putin also acknowledged the challenges posed by Western sanctions, but argued that Russia has proven resilient to foreign pressure and become more united.

The speech is just the latest in a string of ranting addresses that Putin has given since launching his war, laying out his historical grievances, distorted view of current events, and his vision for the future.

He has repeatedly talked of creating a ‘multipolar world order’ in which Western capitals, including Washington, would have to kowtow to Moscow and Beijing.

Accusing the West of trying to ‘cancel’ Russia and its history, he has presented the conflict in Ukraine as an existential struggle for what he presents as ‘Russian values’.

Kyiv argues the Russian invasion is a genocidal mission to both rewrite history – including the fall of the Soviet Union, which Putin called a ‘catastrophe’ – and to ensure Ukraine cannot draw closer to the West.

In his speech, Putin accused NATO of ‘starting to seize the territories of Ukraine long ago’ and insisted he was forced to invade to protect people.

Ukrainian sappers walk during the presentation of the Armtrac demining machine on the outskirts of Kharkiv

Ukrainian sappers walk during the presentation of the Armtrac demining machine on the outskirts of Kharkiv

He also said on Thursday that hard-line Ukrainian nationalists were willing to ‘fight until the last Ukrainian’ in the conflict with Russia.

Putin said Ukraine had suffered heavy losses in the eight-month conflict and criticised Ukrainian ‘hardline patriots’ and ‘banderites,’ a tag Russian officials and commentators often use to describe Ukrainian fighters who they say are neo-Nazis and fascists, for being willing to sacrifice their fellow fighters.

And speaking of relations with other countries, he said that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman should be respected.

It comes amid fractured relations between Saudi Arabia and the US after the OPEC+, chaired by Saudi Arabia, voted to reduce oil output by around 2 million barrels per day on October 5.

Biden and his administration were unimpressed by the decision and the president warned of consequences.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said:  ‘The President has been very clear from the beginning of this administration that we needed to review our relationship with Saudi Arabia,’ she said.

‘The decisions that OPEC+ made recently, we saw it as them aligning with Russia. And that is going to hurt many, many economies across the globe.’

Ukrainian soldiers fire a mortar in the front line near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region, Ukraine

Ukrainian soldiers fire a mortar in the front line near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region, Ukraine

Putin also today said that Russia’s relations with China were at an ‘unprecedented level’ as he called China’s President Xi Jinping a ‘close friend.’

Moscow and Beijing signed a no-limits partnership just days before Russia launched its ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine in February, and Russia has sought to forge closer political and economic ties with China in the face of Western sanctions.

Also in his speech, he said that visits by US officials to Taiwan were a ‘provocation’ and stated that the area is part of China.

The Russian leader also said that the United States will have to replenish its oil reserves as they release them now.

He also rubbished the allegation that Russia blew up Nord Stream in the Baltic Sea, referring to it as ‘crazy’.

Putin claimed that one of the two pipelines is working but that Europe ‘does not want to use it.’

He also launched into a rant against ‘cancel culture’, accusing the West of trying to erase diversity and stamp out whatever it cannot tolerate.

‘Those who formulate [global] rules believe others don’t have right to unique path,’ he told listeners.

‘It is no coincidence that West wants their view accepted as universal, and they insist through their politics of everyone must be accepting these values.’

A Ukrainian soldier carries a shell with a written message to the Russian army, in the front line position near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region

A Ukrainian soldier carries a shell with a written message to the Russian army, in the front line position near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region

Ukrainian soldiers target their mortar in the front line position near Bakhmut, the site of the heaviest battle against the Russian troops in the Donetsk region

Ukrainian soldiers target their mortar in the front line position near Bakhmut, the site of the heaviest battle against the Russian troops in the Donetsk region

Firefighters work to extinguish fire following recent shelling at a railway junction in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict in the town of Shakhtarsk (Shakhtyorsk) near Donetsk

Firefighters work to extinguish fire following recent shelling at a railway junction in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict in the town of Shakhtarsk (Shakhtyorsk) near Donetsk

Ukrainian service members fire a shell from a towed howitzer FH-70 at a front line, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, in Zaporizhzhia Region

Ukrainian service members fire a shell from a towed howitzer FH-70 at a front line, as Russia’s attack on Ukraine continues, in Zaporizhzhia Region

Since the beginning of the war, Putin has passed sweeping censorship laws and jailed anyone who criticses him.

Russia is now into its ninth month of the Ukraine war and has so-far failed to achieve any of Putin’s war aims, which included the overthrow of the government and the ‘liberation’ of the Donbas region.

Having fought Russia to a standstill across almost the entire country, Ukraine is now recapturing territory from Putin’s troops.

Thousands of square miles of land in the north and south have been returned to Ukrainian control in recent weeks, with the city of Kherson now within reach.

Kyiv has vowed that it will not stop fighting until all of its land – including areas annexed by Putin in 2014 – has been liberated.

In order to stop the rot, Putin has been forced to mobilise 300,000 reservists into the army and call on allies such as Iran to supply additional weapons.

He has also annexed the Ukrainian territory Russia currently occupies to the mainland, and threatened to use nukes to protect it.

However, that has failed to stop the Ukrainian advanced and has done nothing to weaken Western resolve to supply arms and money to Kyiv.

Putin calls Liz Truss ‘CRAZY’ and says she engaged in ‘nuclear blackmail’ with Russia

 By David Averre and Chris Pleasance for MailOnline 

Vladimir Putin today referred to former British Prime Minister Liz Truss as ‘crazy’ amid sweeping accusations that Western powers are engaged in ‘nuclear blackmail of Russia’.

In a ranting speech in Moscow, the Russian president said Truss must have been ‘a bit out of it’ and he claimed to have ‘never said anything proactively about possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia’.

‘We have only hinted in response to statements made by western leaders,’ he insisted, pointing out that Russian military doctrine dictates nuclear weapons should only be deployed in ‘self-defence’.

Truss previously labelled Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons against the West as ‘sabre-rattling’ when she spoke at the UN General Assembly in September.

Alongside his criticism of Truss, Putin asserted Kyiv has the technology to create and potentially detonate a ‘dirty bomb’ in Ukraine.

He also refuted claims that Russian forces were attacking the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant – located in territory controlled by Russia in southern Ukraine.

The Russian leader, laying out his warped view of global politics, went on to accused westerners of ‘fanning the flames’ of war in Ukraine and Taiwan, of sparking a global energy crisis and of causing a food crisis – in effect regurgitating the same allegations levelled at him by much of the international community.

Putin warned the world has entered its most dangerous period since the Second World War and a ‘new world order’ must emerge in which Russia gets a bigger say, declaring that the ‘age of western domination is over’.

‘Dominion of the world is what West has decided to stake in this game. It is a dangerous, deadly and dirty game,’ he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the 19th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Moscow, Russia October 27, 2022, where he delivered a rambling speech decrying the West's world dominance

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the 19th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Moscow, Russia October 27, 2022, where he delivered a rambling speech decrying the West’s world dominance

In a ranting speech today in Moscow, the Russian president said former British PM Liz Truss (pictured) must have been 'a bit out of it' and he claimed to have 'never said anything proactively about possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia'

In a ranting speech today in Moscow, the Russian president said former British PM Liz Truss (pictured) must have been ‘a bit out of it’ and he claimed to have ‘never said anything proactively about possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia’

While at points Putin sounded as if he was offering an olive branch – saying Russia ‘is not an enemy of the West’ and ‘only wants the right to develop’ – he made it clear that any talks on his ‘new order’ would have to be on Moscow’s terms.

The West, he added, had repeatedly rejected Moscow’s plans for peace laid out before the war in Ukraine – such as the withdrawal of all NATO troops from ex-Soviet states, against the wishes of their governments – and accused it of war-mongering.

He claimed that he had told the West: ‘Let’s be friends, have dialogue and strengthen trust and peace.’

‘We were completely sincere,’ he added. ‘What did we get in response? A ‘no’ on every possible area of cooperation.’

In fact, the US and NATO had both sent letters to Russia laying out possible grounds for cooperation before Putin invaded Ukraine, which Moscow rejected.

‘Russia is not an enemy of the West,’ he insisted, but will continue to oppose neo-liberal elites and their world-view.

Russia will never accept Western countries telling it what to do, and the longer the West take to realise this the higher the price will be, he added.

A Russian righter jet swoops low over the wreck of a burning fuel train in occupied Ukraine, after it was destroyed in shelling overnight

A Russian righter jet swoops low over the wreck of a burning fuel train in occupied Ukraine, after it was destroyed in shelling overnight

The speech is just the latest in a string of ranting addresses that Putin has given since launching his war, laying out his historical grievances, distorted view of current events, and his vision for the future.

He has repeatedly talked of creating a ‘multipolar world order’ in which Western capitals, including Washington, would have to kowtow to Moscow and Beijing.

Accusing the West of trying to ‘cancel’ Russia and its history, he has presented the conflict in Ukraine as an existential struggle for what he presents as ‘Russian values’.

Kyiv argues the Russian invasion is a genocidal mission to both rewrite history – including the fall of the Soviet Union, which Putin called a ‘catastrophe’ – and to ensure Ukraine cannot draw closer to the West.

In his speech, Putin accused NATO of ‘starting to seize the territories of Ukraine long ago’ and insisted he was forced to invade to protect people.

Russia is now into it ninth month of the Ukraine war and has so-far failed to achieve any of Putin’s war aims, which included the overthrow of the government and the ‘liberation’ of the Donbas region.

Ukrainian soldiers fire a mortar in the front line near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region, Ukraine

Ukrainian soldiers fire a mortar in the front line near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region, Ukraine

Vladimir Putin has given another ranting anti-Western speech in Moscow, accusing westerners of fanning the flames of war in Ukraine and of causing an energy crisis

Vladimir Putin has given another ranting anti-Western speech in Moscow, accusing westerners of fanning the flames of war in Ukraine and of causing an energy crisis

Having fought Russia to a standstill across almost the entire country, Ukraine is now recapturing territory from Putin’s troops.

Thousands of square miles of land in the north and south have been returned to Ukrainian control in recent weeks, with the city of Kherson now within reach.

Kyiv has vowed that it will not stop fighting until all of its land – including areas annexed by Putin in 2014 – has been liberated.

In order to stop the rot, Putin has been forced to mobilise 300,000 reservists into the army and call on allies such as Iran to supply additional weapons.

He has also annexed the Ukrainian territory Russia currently occupies to the mainland, and threatened to use nukes to protect it.

However, that has failed to stop the Ukrainian advanced and has done nothing to weaken Western resolve to supply arms and money to Kyiv.


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