Joe Biden rare sit-down interview doesn’t touch on his son Hunter’s shady foreign business deals or the recent discovery of cocaine in the White House

  • Joe Biden was interviewed on foreign policy by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria 
  • The rare sit-down did not include any questions on the president’s son Hunter Biden or the discovery of cocaine in the White House last week 
  • Biden is heading to Lithuania this week for the 2023 NATO Summit

In a rare sit-down interview, President Joe Biden managed to steer clear of answering any difficult questions involving his son Hunter or the discovery of cocaine in the White House.

CNN‘s Fareed Zakaria kept the focus on foreign policy but never once asked Biden about his son, despite a growing public sentiment that the president was ‘likely involved’ in Hunter’s foreign business deals.

The interview is Biden’s first since the U.S. Secret Service found last Sunday a white powder substance in the White House that turned out to be cocaine. Trolls online immediately jumped to blaming Hunter for bringing the illicit drug into the White House.

Despite swirling questions over the incident last week, Biden was not asked any questions related to the discovery of cocaine and the ongoing investigation into the matter. He has also ignored questions on the subject from members of the press during public appearances.

Joe Biden rare sit-down interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria did not include any questions on the president's son Hunter Biden or the discovery of cocaine in the White House last week

Joe Biden rare sit-down interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria did not include any questions on the president’s son Hunter Biden or the discovery of cocaine in the White House last week

There were also no questions regarding the president’s 52-year-old son, who remains under multiple investigations related to his years of foreign business and allegations of using his father’s position for his family’s financial gain and enrichment.

Meanwhile, a new Rasmussen poll released on Sunday shows that 58 percent of Americans think that President Biden was at least ‘very or somewhat likely’ involved in his son Hunter’s foreign business deals.

The survey conducted June 28-29 and July 2 shows only 14 percent think it was ‘not very likely’ and 19 percent say it was ‘not at all likely’ that Biden was involved.

Biden was also not forced to face questions on the recent plea deal his son reached with the Justice Department that will allow him to avoid jail time.

Hunter Biden is pleading guilty to two tax-related charges, as well as reached a probation deal for a separate charge for lying on a federal form to purchase a firearm. He checked a box indicating he was not using or addicted to any illegal drugs at the time of the gun purchase, while timelines detailed in his own book are to the contrary.

Public outcry ensued over news of the deal with claims of preferential treatment due to who the defendant’s father is.

During the interview for CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS program airing on Sunday morning, the president discussed sending munitions aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia, his talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and the upcoming NATO Summit.

Biden told Zakaria that he doesn’t think ‘Ukraine is ready for NATO membership.’

Cocaine was discovered at the White House last week, overshadowing the usual July 4 celebrations. Trolls online immediately said Biden's addict son Hunter was to blame for bringing the illegal drug onto the property

Cocaine was discovered at the White House last week, overshadowing the usual July 4 celebrations. Trolls online immediately said Biden’s addict son Hunter was to blame for bringing the illegal drug onto the property

Zakaria kept all questions mainly focused on foreign policy, besides one age-related question at the tail-end of the interview. The president was not faced with any difficult questions related to his son Hunter

Zakaria kept all questions mainly focused on foreign policy, besides one age-related question at the tail-end of the interview. The president was not faced with any difficult questions related to his son Hunter 

Zakaria kept all the questions foreign policy-related until the very tail-end of the interview where he talked about how age has become a central issue to the 2024 presidential race.

Instead of making the case for why he is fit for office or further dismissing concerns over his age or physical and mental abilities, Biden said: ‘I just want to finish the job. And I think we can do that in the next six years.’

The interview was taped Friday, July 7 at the White House as Biden prepares to attend the 2023 NATO Summit this week in Vilnius, Lithuania. 


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