College swimming champion Riley Gaines says she plans to take legal action after San Francisco State University praised students for ‘peaceful’ protest at an event where she claims she was assaulted and held for ransom.

Gaines, 23, says she was forced to barricade herself inside a room for around three hours at the campus Thursday night after a group of activists ambushed her, in an alleged assault she called ‘violent, completely wrong and criminal.’

She was giving a speech to students about competing against Lia Thomas, a transgender woman, at the Women’s NCAA Swimming Championships last year. It’s unclear what exactly set off the fracas but video shows students loudly drowning out Gaines’ speech about competing against ‘biological males’ in women’s sports.

In an email to students from Jamillah Moore, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management and reposted online, she claims the school is ‘proud’ of the students who ‘participated peacefully’ and made it clear that the trans community is welcome at the school.

Gaines, speaking exclusively to, argued the event was ‘quite literally the exact opposite of peaceful’ and she plans to take legal action to hold the school, the students and campus police – who she described woefully unprepared – accountable.

College swimming champion Riley Gaines says she plans to take legal action after San Francisco State University praised students for 'peaceful' protest at an event where she claims she was assaulted and held for ransom

College swimming champion Riley Gaines says she plans to take legal action after San Francisco State University praised students for ‘peaceful’ protest at an event where she claims she was assaulted and held for ransom

‘I think that what you have to do to make changes in regards to protecting freedoms is to go where it hurts which is the pockets,’ she said. ‘If I weren’t to do something, there would be no repercussions for these people.’

‘Something needs to be done to hold these people accountable, whether it be the student body, the administration…they need to realize is that what happened to me was violent, was completely wrong and it was criminal,’ Gaines alleges. ‘They weren’t even peaceful in an alternate universe.’

Gaines told accused her alleged assailant – who she says was a transgender woman and her boyfriend said was ‘a guy in a dress’ – of hitting her first in the shoulder and then in the face before an undercover campus cop came to her rescue.

The swimmer claimed she was barricaded in a room at San Francisco State University for three hours to protect herself from the ‘vengeful’ mob who were demanding they be let in to ‘fight’ her. San Francisco police said there were no arrests.

Gaines also alleged that the protesters ‘demanded money’ in exchange for her freedom, which she sees as being held for ransom, a federal offense.  

She said that she’s dealt with campus police all over the country at speaking engagements and that they are usually prepared but said that she started to sense something was wrong at San Francisco State when, she claims, police skipped out on a meeting 90 minutes prior to her speech.

Gaines believes that a fear of being accused by the woke mob of having done something untoward to one of the students is what led to her situation.

‘What I noticed about these police to what they actually admitted to was they didn’t feel comfortable asserting themselves in a way that would make them seem as if they were in a position where they could be accused of racism or transphobia,’ she claimed.

Gaines, 23, says she was forced to barricade herself inside a room for around three hours at the San Francisco State University campus Thursday after she claims a group of activists ambushed her

Gaines, 23, says she was forced to barricade herself inside a room for around three hours at the San Francisco State University campus Thursday after she claims a group of activists ambushed her

‘They were terrified which resulted in them not doing their job correctly,’ she alleges. ‘I have been to many other campuses where I have spoken about this same topic and campus police did a phenomenal job.’

‘They could have found me and talked to me,’ she said. ‘They never said anything.’ 

The only excuse she says she has been given as to why there was no plan in place is that they thought ‘someone else had communicated it on our behalf.’

Gaines says that San Francisco State University police have reached out to her to set up a meeting in an attempt to clarify what happened, but she says no one else from San Francisco State, aside from a friend who attends the school, has contacted her.

‘These people and the administration and the campus police, truthfully, deserve to have repercussions.’ has reached out to San Francisco State University for comment. 

In her email to students after the incident, Jamillah Moore said: ‘Thank you to our students who participated peacefully in Thursday evening’s event. It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space. 

‘I am proud of the moments where we listened and asked insightful questions, I am also proud of the moments when our students demonstrated the value of free speech and the right to protest peacefully. 

‘These issues do not go away, and these values are very much at our core.  

 ‘This feels difficult because it is difficult. As you reflect, process, and begin to heal, please remember that there are people, resources and services available and ready to receive our Gator community, including faculty, staff members, coaches and mentors who are here to support you.’ 

Jamillah Moore (pictured), Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management for San Francisco State, sent out the original email

Jamillah Moore (pictured), Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management for San Francisco State, sent out the original email

College swimming champion Riley Gaines has filmed herself being reportedly ambushed by screaming trans activists who physically attacked her following a speech about saving women's sports

College swimming champion Riley Gaines has filmed herself being reportedly ambushed by screaming trans activists who physically attacked her following a speech about saving women's sports

College swimming champion Riley Gaines has filmed herself being reportedly ambushed by screaming trans activists who physically attacked her following a speech about saving women’s sports

Gaines says she was was forced to barricade herself inside a room at the San Francisco State University campus Thursday after a group of activists ambushed her

Gaines says she was forced to barricade herself inside a room at the San Francisco State University campus Thursday after a group of activists ambushed her

was forced to barricade herself inside a room at the San Francisco State University campus last night after a group of activists ambushed her

Gaines said the talk itself, which started at around 7.30pm, was ‘really awesome’, with 75 attendees respectfully sharing differing views on transgender athletes in sport.

But as she was leaving the room where the talk was being held she was ambushed by angry trans activists, who rushed into the venue from the hallway outside.

‘All of a sudden ambushers swarm in, tons of them,’ she said. ‘They immediately rush to the front of the room where I am, so I’m kind of cornered at a podium at this point.

‘They’re screaming in my face. This is the point where I was struck twice…I believe, aiming for my shoulder both times, but hit me the first time on the shoulder, and then the second time it grazed my face.’

Gaines said she thought she was hit with a closed fist by the transgender woman, before demonstrating the upward punching motion that was used.

‘I’m not entirely sure if it [her first] was closed or open, but it was 100 per cent intentional,’ she added.

The swimmer said she was then whisked away by an undercover campus cop, but was met by ‘an even bigger crowd’ of protesters coming from both directions.

‘Because there was no clear exit out of this hallway we were kind of forced into a side room…where we essentially had to lock ourselves in for three hours,’ she said.

Gaines said the protesters remained outside the room for the duration, ‘screaming and yelling vulgar and violent things’.

College swimming champion Riley Gaines claims she was ambushed by screaming trans activists following a speech about saving women's sports

College swimming champion Riley Gaines claims she was ambushed by screaming trans activists following a speech about saving women's sports

College swimming champion Riley Gaines claims she was ambushed by screaming trans activists following a speech about saving women’s sports

‘They were screaming there will be vengeance, and that this is a fight and that I’m using my white privilege. There were threats, intimidation. They kept saying: ‘Open the door. Let us at Riley. We want to fight her’. 

‘A lot of these are empty threats in a way, but at the same time you do have to kind of fear for your safety in a situation like that.’

She said the protesters were ‘clearly unhinged’ and ‘vengeful’. 

‘It was violent and it was not progressive,’ she added.

Gaines slammed the Biden administration for 'betraying' women by failing to protect them

Gaines slammed the Biden administration for ‘betraying’ women by failing to protect them 

Former President Donald Trump with swimmer Riley Gaines speaks at the CPAC Convention, Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Texas. August 06 2022

Former President Donald Trump with swimmer Riley Gaines speaks at the CPAC Convention, Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Texas. August 06 2022

Gaines defended those who had come to protest peacefully and said she had no problem with people yelling ‘trans women are women’, but said inciting violence was never acceptable.

She said she has regularly received violent threats prior to giving talks at universities and blamed the Biden administration for its stance on transgender issues.

She pointed to comments made by White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre  suggesting that the trans community in America was ‘under attack’ in the wake of a Nashville school shooting by a transgender former student.

Gaines said: ‘In my experience I have never once said anything remotely threatening, remotely hateful towards the trans identifying individual or anyone in the LGBT community.

‘I have always been on the receiving end of that hate, and I find it a bit ironic, because it comes from the party who claims to be tolerant and accepting and loving and welcoming.’

She also referred to her experience of competing against transgender swimmer Lia Thomas and seeing Thomas’ male genitalia in the changing room in the context of changes to Title IX being pursued by the White House, which would mean misgendering someone – refusing to use a person’s preferred pronouns – could be considered sexual harassment.

‘It just felt like maybe two years ago, this person would have been arrested for indecent exposure, for voyeurism, for sexual harassment…But now we are the ones who are committing sexual harassment.’

Gaines recounted her experience competing against transgender swimmer Lia Thomas and seeing her male genitalia in the changing rooms

Gaines recounted her experience competing against transgender swimmer Lia Thomas and seeing her male genitalia in the changing rooms

Speaking about her encounter with Thomas in the female changing rooms, she said: ‘Of course you’re awkward. It’s embarrassing. It’s uncomfortable. It felt like belittlement, but more than anything it was betrayal.

Former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines

Former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines

‘The people who were supposed to be protecting us were not protecting us. It’s heartbreaking.

‘We should not lose the ability to consent in areas of undressing where we will be exposed to and exposing ourselves to the opposite sex.’

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had earlier Friday condemned the incident as ‘an appalling attack on free speech on a college campus’.

He tweeted: ‘House Republicans stand with Riley Gaines and her brave and tireless efforts to protect women’s sports.’

The San Francisco Police Department said it was investigating the incident but there were ‘no arrests related to the event’.

A spokesman added: ‘The disruption occurred after the conclusion of the event which made it necessary for UPD officers to move the event speaker from the room to a different, safe location.’

Gaines clarified that she does think transgender individual should have a right to play sports and should not be denied freedom of speech, but is simply asking for spaces and sports for cisgender women.  

Ultimately, despite her ordeal, Gaines believes backlash to incidents like the one she faced and the outrage and companies hiring trans influencers like Dylan Mulvaney is creating a sea change.

‘People are being eye opened. Maybe two years ago, when a lot of this started coming to light, people wanted to virtue signal,’ Gaines said. 

‘But now, they’re seeing how this is harmful to women. We are losing out on our safety and privacy.’


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