NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet launched the Liberals’ campaign for next week’s state election surrounded by his wife Helen and their seven children on Sunday. 

It was the sort of ‘family man’ image he has thrived on since becoming premier in October 2021 after his predecessor Gladys Berejiklian stepped down due to a corruption inquiry. 

But there was one big problem with the premier’s campaign photo – it was the opposite of what he said last month, when he warned the media and a NSW Parliament inquiry to ‘leave my family out of it’.

The Premier fumed earlier this month when he was asked why two of his brothers – Jean-Claude and Charles – failed to show up to an inquiry into attempted Liberal branch stacking and an alleged $50,000 bid to unseat a federal Liberal MP.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet launched the Liberals' campaign for next week's state election surrounded by his wife Helen and seven children on Sunday - but there was one big problem

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet launched the Liberals’ campaign for next week’s state election surrounded by his wife Helen and seven children on Sunday – but there was one big problem

Dominic Perrottet warned the media to 'leave my family out of it' when asked why two of his brothers failed to show up to an inquiry into attempted Liberal branch stacking and an alleged $50,000 bid to unseat a federal Liberal MP. Jean-Claude Perrottet, who was the subject of a state-wide search to serve him with a summons to appear before the inquiry, is pictured left

Dominic Perrottet warned the media to ‘leave my family out of it’ when asked why two of his brothers failed to show up to an inquiry into attempted Liberal branch stacking and an alleged $50,000 bid to unseat a federal Liberal MP. Jean-Claude Perrottet, who was the subject of a state-wide search to serve him with a summons to appear before the inquiry, is pictured left

Charles Perrottet wrote to the inquiry saying as he no longer lived in NSW he was not required to give evidence.

‘I decline your invitation. I am a resident of Victoria. I have resided in Victoria since January 2021,’ he wrote.

Meanwhile, Jean-Claude went missing for a month while summons servers looked for him across NSW to try to make him show up. 

Because he was not found before the inquiry was required to finish, due to the state election on March 25, he avoided giving evidence at the inquiry into the Hills Shire Council.

The inquiry was sparked by claims made under parliamentary privilege by state Liberal MP Ray Williams of deals between party operatives and developers. 

He alleged Liberal Party members had been paid to install new councillors on the council to benefit a development company called Toplace. 

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet (centre) is pictured with his wife Helen (holding baby Celeste) campaigning before the March 25 election

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet (centre) is pictured with his wife Helen (holding baby Celeste) campaigning before the March 25 election

Jean-Claude Perrottet was finally tracked down last Tuesday morning by a Channel Nine TV crew, holed up in a relative’s house. 

When asked where he had been, a shocked looking Mr Perrottet said he had been ‘overseas’.

He offered no reply, though, when asked: ‘Why did you try and dodge (the inquiry)?’ 

The parliamentary committee said it was the absence of Mr Perrottet and Liberal powerbroker Christian Ellis was the most committed, serious and coordinated avoidance it had ever seen. 

Its final report recommended a new inquiry be established after the election, and that it should call on Jean-Claude Perrottet, Charles Perrottet, Christian Ellis and Toplace director Jean Nassif to give evidence.

Mr Nassif is currently in Lebanon. His glamorous lawyer daughter Ashlyn Nassif, 27, recently faced Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court charged with fraud after four family properties, including her father’s home and office, were raided.

After initially warning the media to ‘leave my family out of it’ and refusing to answer questions, Premier Perrottet eventually announced an internal Liberal Party investigation into the claims.

‘The state director from the organisation is looking into those matters,’ he said.

Ashlyn Nassif, 27, faced Sydney's Downing Centre Local Court charged with fraud after four family properties, including her father Jean's home and office, were raided

Ashlyn Nassif, 27, faced Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court charged with fraud after four family properties, including her father Jean’s home and office, were raided

‘And as I’ve said, if anyone has done anything wrong, appropriate action should be taken, the book should be thrown at them.’

Out campaigning last Tuesday, Mr Perrottet was asked yet again if he did not know where his brother had been.

He simply replied, ‘That’s correct.’

The Premier had previously blamed Labor and the Greens for orchestrating the inquiry to embarrass him in the lead up to the election. 

Premier Perrottet promises $850m super starter fund for children 

If the Coalition wins the March 25 NSW election, Premier Dominic Perrottet will create a savings fund for every child in the state to be used towards a home deposit or their education after they turn 18.

The promise – which would cost $850million over the next four years – was the major big ticket item as the Liberals officially launched their election campaign on Sunday. 

Hoping to gain an edge over Labor in a very tight election, Mr Perrottet said it was the greatest financial security investment in NSW’s history.

‘This investment will change the lives of millions of children across our state … This is a downpayment to secure the future dreams of our children,’ he said. 

The plan would see a Coalition government paying parents an initial $400 for children aged 10 and under, and match their future contributions with up to $400 every year until they turn 18. 

If the Coalition wins the March 25 NSW election it will create an account for every child in the state to be used towards a home deposit or their education after they turn 18

If the Coalition wins the March 25 NSW election it will create an account for every child in the state to be used towards a home deposit or their education after they turn 18

Who can get this account if the Coalition wins?

Every child in NSW aged 10 and under in 2023 will be eligible.

From 2024, new accounts will only be created for newborns.

The funds can be accessed when the child turns 18.

If a family moves interstate or overseas, parents can no longer make contributions and the government will not make any more contributions. But the child can access what was already in their when they turn 18.

How much money could each child receive? 

Each account will receive an initial $400 contribution from the government. 

The child’s parents can contribute up to $1,000 per year and the government would match these up to $400 each year. 

For families receiving Commonwealth Family Tax Benefit A, the government will automatically contribute $200 a year without requiring a matched contribution from parents. 

If the parents contribute $200 each year, the government will match this with an additional $200. 


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