Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard tore into George Santos live on Fox News Wednesday night, questioning whether the Republican congressman-elect has any ‘shame’ over the lies he told about his background. 

‘If I were one of those in New York’s 3rd District right now, now that the election is over, and I’m finding out all of these lies that you’ve told, not just one little lie or one little embellishment — these are blatant lies — my question is, do you have no shame?’ Gabbard asked as she filled in for host Tucker Carlson. 

‘Do you have no shame? And the people who are now, you’re asking to trust you to go and be their voice for them, their families and their kids in Washington?’ 

Santos tried to deflect back to ‘lies’ Democrats like President Biden have told. 

‘Tulsi, I can say the same thing about the Democrats,’ Santos responded. ‘Look at Joe Biden. Joe Biden has been lying to the American people for 40 years. He’s the president of the United States. Democrats resoundingly support him. Do they have no shame?’

Gabbard, a former Democrat who recently registered as an Independent and endorsed Republican candidates in the midterms, told Santos: ‘This isn’t about the Democratic Party.’ 

'Do you have no shame? And the people who are now, you're asking to trust you to go and be their voice for them, their families and their kids in Washington?' ex-Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, left, asked Rep.-elect George Santos, right

‘Do you have no shame? And the people who are now, you’re asking to trust you to go and be their voice for them, their families and their kids in Washington?’ ex-Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, left, asked Rep.-elect George Santos, right 

All of George Santos’ claims that are now believed to be lies or misrepresentations 

Having Jewish grandparents who fled Nazi persecution

Graduating from Baruch College

Running an animal charity

Losing employees in the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting

Working at Citigroup and Goldman Sachs

Owning rental property 

Having a family firm, Devolder, that managed $80 million in assets and paid him $750,000 salary  

Santos said he was ready to move beyond the scandal and focus on delivering on his campaign promises. 

‘I’m not a fraud. I’m not a fake. I didn’t materialize from thin air. I worked damn hard to get where I got my entire life. Life wasn’t easy. It didn’t start off easy as I’ve said it many, many times I come from abject poverty. I made some mistakes. And I own up to that. And now I want to put this behind me so I can deliver for the American people,’ he said. 

On Tuesday Rep.-elect Nick LaLota, R-N.Y., demanded an Ethics investigation into Santos’ background and potential law enforcement involvement. 

‘I believe a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee and, if necessary, law enforcement, is required. New Yorkers deserve the truth and House Republicans deserve an opportunity to govern without this distraction.’ 

LaLota is one of the first New York Republicans to publicly ask for an investigation into Santos. Members of House leadership have so far kept quiet on the allegations. 

As many are left wondering whether Santos will be given committee assignments in the next Congress, Greene, who was booted from her committees by Democrats for incendiary remarks against Jews and the left, jumped to his defense. 

 ‘I think we Republicans should give George Santos a chance and see how he legislates and votes, not treat him the same as the left is,’ Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted Tuesday after praising him earlier in the day for ‘being honest with his district now.’

Meanwhile, the Republican Jewish Coalition has banned Congressman-elect George Santos for fabricating both his work history and his Jewish background. 

CEO Matt Brooks said he felt Santos had ‘deceived’ the organization and ‘misrepresented’ his Jewish heritage. 

Rep.-elect Nick LaLota became one of the first New York Republicans to demand an Ethics investigation into Santos

Rep.-elect Nick LaLota became one of the first New York Republicans to demand an Ethics investigation into Santos

‘He deceived us and misrepresented his heritage. In public comments and to us personally he previously claimed to be Jewish,’ Brooks said in a statement. ‘He has begun his tenure in Congress on a very wrong note. He will not be welcome at any future RJC event.’

Santos, who flipped a Long Island House seat for the GOP and is the first openly gay Republican congressman-elect, admitted recently to fabricating parts of his resume and background

On his campaign website, Santos stated that his mother was Jewish, and that his Jewish maternal grandparents escaped the Holocaust by moving to Brazil. But genealogy records show that his maternal grandparents were Brazilian-born Catholics.

That bio has now been deleted.  

New York GOP Rep.-elect George Santos has admitted to lying on his resume

New York GOP Rep.-elect George Santos has admitted to lying on his resume

Santos says that he’s ‘clearly Catholic,’ reframing his story as one his grandmother told about being Jewish before later converting to Catholicism.

‘I never claimed to be Jewish,’ Santos told the New York Post. ‘I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was ‘Jew-ish’.’ 

The Republican Jewish Coalition has hosted Santos at events before, as a conference speaker and at a Hanukkah celebration this month. 

At the RJC’s Annual Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas on November 19, Santos told a crowd ‘now there will be three’ Jewish Republican members of Congress with his election. 

The Forward reported that in material distributed to Jewish leaders, he identified himself as a ‘proud American Jew.’ 

Gabbard pressed Santos on these claims too. 

‘My heritage is Jewish. I’ve always identified as Jewish. I was raised as a practicing Catholic,’ Santos said. ‘Not being raised a practicing Jew, I’ve always joked with friends and circles, even within the campaign, I’d say, guys, I’m ‘Jew-ish.’ Remember, I was raised Catholic.’

‘So, look, I understand everybody wants to nitpick at me. I’m gonna reassure this once and for all. I’m not a facade. I’m not a persona. I have an extensive career that I worked really hard to achieve. And I’m going to deliver from my experience because I remain committed in delivering results for the American people,’ Santos said.

Gabbard closed the interview by tearing into Santos again. 

‘We’ve given you a lot of time I think the time that is owed is to the people of New York’s third. It’s hard to imagine how they could possibly trust your explanations when you’re not really even willing to admit the depth of your deception to them. Thank you so much for being here and joining us.’ 

Gabbard, who represented Hawaii, is the second former Democratic member of Congress to interview Santos this week – earlier ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., who resigned in 2011 amid a sex sacandal, questioned him on WABC radio. 

It appears Santos lied his away along the campaign trail - a New York Times report brought up accusations including allegations he had lied about his family's history

It appears Santos lied his away along the campaign trail – a New York Times report brought up accusations including allegations he had lied about his family’s history

George Santos had an 'about' tab on his website with a bio claiming to have Jewish heritage

George Santos had an ‘about’ tab on his website with a bio claiming to have Jewish heritage 

The 'about' tab has now been deleted after he was found to have embellished his heritage and his resume

The ‘about’ tab has now been deleted after he was found to have embellished his heritage and his resume 

In an interview with City & State NY he questioned why anyone would push back against his claims of Jewish heritage during a time of rising anti-semitism. 

‘It just strikes me so odd that people are rushing to disinherit me from being Jewish, or for even allowing to care for Israel and Judaism, in a time, in an era, where anti-Semitism is at an all-time rise,’ he said. ‘Here’s somebody who actually cares about Jews, cares about Israel, and somebody willing to fight for them, and we have people pushing me away.’ 

The congressman-elect said in interviews with the New York Post and a local radio interview that he lied about working at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, as well as attending New York University and CUNY Baruch College, describing it as ‘resume embellishment.’ 

Rather than working on Wall Street in his pre-political career, he actually worked at a call center making $15 an hour, on a quiet industrial avenue in Queens, New York.

He has also acknowledged never graduating from any college, despite earlier claiming to have a degree from Baruch in 2010.

‘I didn’t graduate from any institution of higher learning. I’m embarrassed and sorry for having embellished my resume. I own up to that … We do stupid things in life,’ he said.

The DISH Network call center in College Point, Queens, were Santos answered customer calls in Portuguese and English for $15 an hour between 2011 and 2012

The DISH Network call center in College Point, Queens, were Santos answered customer calls in Portuguese and English for $15 an hour between 2011 and 2012

George Santos (right) with his then fiancé at Mar-a-Lago on New Year's Eve

George Santos (right) with his then fiancé at Mar-a-Lago on New Year’s Eve

George Santos (left) with Rudy Giuliani (right)

George Santos (left) with Rudy Giuliani (right)

The ‘openly gay’ Santos, who was revealed to have been married to a woman until 2020, currently lives in Long Island.

Santos had been married to a woman named Uadla between 2012 and 2019 but he now insists he is happily married once again – to a man.

He came clean on Monday after lying his way along the campaign trail.

‘I am not a criminal. Not here, not abroad, in any jurisdiction in the world have I ever committed any crimes,’ Santos said in an interview with WABC radio.

‘To get down to the nit and gritty, I’m not a fraud. I’m not a criminal who defrauded the entire country and made up this fictional character and ran for Congress. I’ve been around a long time. I mean, a lot of people know me. They know who I am. They’ve done business dealings with me,’ he added.  

‘I’m not going to make excuses for this, but a lot of people overstate in their resumes, or twist a little bit. … I’m not saying I’m not guilty of that,’ he said.

‘I want to make sure that if I disappointed anyone by resume embellishment, I am sorry.’

Despite the blatant deception, Santos told the Post he has no intention of stepping aside and still intends to take office in the new year.

‘I am not a criminal,’ Santos said. ‘This [controversy] will not deter me from having good legislative success. I will be effective. I will be good.’

Santos appeared to dismiss any concerns that his lies may affect his credibility.

Santos' lawyer Joseph Murray initially put out a statement attacking The New York Times for 'launch[ing] this shotgun blast of attacks' in response to its claims about inconsistencies

Santos’ lawyer Joseph Murray initially put out a statement attacking The New York Times for ‘launch[ing] this shotgun blast of attacks’ in response to its claims about inconsistencies

‘I campaigned talking about the people’s concerns, not my resume,’ Santos told The Post.

‘I intend to deliver on the promises I made during the campaign — fighting crime, fighting to lower inflation, improving education. The people elected me to fight for them,’ he said.

‘I came to DC to bring results on those issues and that’s what I’m going to do.’

Questions were first raised after a New York Times report brought up a number of accusations, including allegations he lied about his family’s history.

Rather than working on Wall Street, Santos worked at a DISH Satellite call center from October 2011 to July 2012 in a breadline job based in the College Point section of Queens, living with roommates as he struggled to pay his bills.

Explaining the discrepancy, Santos simply said he ‘never worked directly’ for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, and that he used a ‘poor choice of words.’ But in an attempt to justify his lie, he said the company he worked for, Link Bridge, did business with both Goldman and Citi.

Santos said he made ‘capital introductions’ between clients and investors at both firms.

Santos’ web of lies began to unravel last week as questions were asked of his resume and it became something of a ‘running joke’ within GOP circles.

‘As far as questions about George in general, that was always something that was brought up whenever we talked about this race. It was a running joke at a certain point. This is the second time he’s run and these issues we assumed would be worked out by the voters,’ said one senior GOP leadership aide who remained anonymous.

Santos defeated Robert Zimmerman, an openly gay longtime left-wing operative, for outgoing Democrat Rep. Tom Suozzi’s seat in New York’s 3rd Congressional District.

Just before Christmas Santos promised that answers would be forthcoming tweeting: ‘To the people of #NY03 I have my story to tell and it will be told next week. I want to assure everyone that I will address your questions and that I remain committed to deliver the results I campaigned on; Public safety, Inflation, Education & more.’

While Santos worked at the call center, his roommate at the time, Gregory Morey-Parker, told the Times that Santos would tell outlandish tales about his family having property in Nantucket while his mother worked as a housekeeper.

Another former friend, Peter Hamilton, said that he met Santos in 2014 and lent him money so that the Republican could move into a home with his boyfriend.

When that loan wasn’t repaid, Hamilton took Santos to small claims court, where a judge ordered the Queens-native to pay up $5,000 plus interest.

That same year, a landlord in Queens took Santos, his sister and mother to court over three months of unpaid rent which resulted in the trio being evicted.

Hamilton told the Times: ‘I have regrets that I didn’t come forward before the actual election. At this point, it’s like he’s defrauding the public.’

New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office has said that they are ‘looking into’ Santos’ finances.

The AG’s office did not specify whether the New York Times story triggered the review, nor did it say whether a full investigation was being launched.


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