Warning issued to Australians who use their phones to make tap-and-go payments

  • Cyber expert Ben Britton issuing warning
  • He said smartphone tap-and-go was risky 

Australians are being warned about the dangers of saving their credit card details on their mobile phones so they have digital tap-and-go convenience.

One in three payments are now made by tapping a smartphone on a contactless device.

New Reserve Bank of Australia data showed younger consumers are particularly keen to use their mobile instead of a plastic card to make a tap-and-go payment. 

But cyber security expert Benjamin Britton said credit card apps on mobile phones were vulnerable if a hacker sent a text message or email that fooled the owner into clicking on it.

Your virtual phone wallet acts as a digital copy of your card, meaning if hackers can access your phone – they can swipe your card details, too.

Unlike online banking, where consumers have to log in or be granted access via facial recognition, the digital Wallet app – also used to store a driver’s licence, airline tickets or a vaccination certificate – is much less secure.

‘When you’re doing it through the phone, that device you’re using is connected to the internet so if that device was compromised – if somebody had a malware installed on it or a hacker had access to it – that information is then vulnerable,’ Mr Britton told Daily Mail Australia.

‘A mobile phone can be hacked and this is what people don’t understand.

‘I’m sure hackers do it everyday – find out either how they can copy it or steal that digital card and they could potentially use it.’

Australians are being warned about the dangers of tapping their mobile phones to pay for goods instead of using their credit cards

Australians are being warned about the dangers of tapping their mobile phones to pay for goods instead of using their credit cards

Mr Britton, a Australian Army veteran, is also warning consumers to be wary about Chinese-made smartphones after Australian government departments ripped out security cameras made in the Communist nation.

‘Who makes the devices because this is the big threat that no one talks about in cyber security – hardware vulnerabilities,’ he claimed.

‘What actually occurs with devices that are made by the China – they put a physical hardware chip; it’s a chip physically built into the board in the device and it has code in it that gives them access, so it’s a physical back door into a device.’

Mobile payments are growing at the expense of the card tap-and-go card method, which has fallen from more than 70 per cent to slightly more than 60 per cent during the past three years, the RBA’s consumer payments survey found.

Mr Britton explained a traditional bank card is a more secure way to pay, compared to paying with a mobile phone. 

‘When you’ve got a tap-and-go with a card, the card has no internet connection: you tap it and all the information is done essentially offline, then the transaction is sent through the internet,’ Mr Britton said.

Consumers have to tap their card in the right spot to make a payment, which Mr Britton said demonstrated how a criminal with a skimming device would need to stand particularly close to a customer to get their credit card details from the chip. 

‘You have to be quite close to the card and everyone knows that because how many times have to gone to do tap-and-go and you haven’t held it close enough?’

Since the start of the pandemic, cash payments have waned with just 13 per cent of payments made with banknotes or coins – a halving in three years. 

Apart from being mugged, cash may be the safest option. 

Consumers have to tap their card in the right spot to make a payment, which Mr Britton said demonstrated how a criminal with a skimming device would need to stand particularly close to a customer to get their credit card details from the chip

Consumers have to tap their card in the right spot to make a payment, which Mr Britton said demonstrated how a criminal with a skimming device would need to stand particularly close to a customer to get their credit card details from the chip

One in three payments are now made by tapping a smartphone on a contactless device. New Reserve Bank of Australia data showed younger consumers are particularly keen to use their mobile instead of a card to make a tap-and-go payment

One in three payments are now made by tapping a smartphone on a contactless device. New Reserve Bank of Australia data showed younger consumers are particularly keen to use their mobile instead of a card to make a tap-and-go payment


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