A western Sydney drug addict who repeatedly and brutally beat his mistresses’ five-year-old son in a case of child abuse which shocked doctors has been jailed for a decade.

The 23-year-old man – who cannot be identified because of the risk of identifying his young victim – this week appeared in Parramatta District Court where he learned his fate over what was described by a judge as ‘ferocious, sadistic’ and ‘prolonged brutality’ on the boy.

He was arrested in August 2020 after police were called as he was heard beating and screaming at his victim.

The court heard the man was 20-year-old and married in March 2020 when he began having an affair with the boy’s mother.

Earlier this month, the woman – who also cannot be named – had the last of her remaining charges withdrawn by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Another woman, who lived with the mother, in April 2020 witnessed the man yelling at the boy ‘you don’t know how to discipline him, let me do it’ and standing over him with a broom handle.

The court heard that after going back in her room, the woman heard ‘something’ being hit five to six times and the boy pleading: ‘Mum, please save me’.

A little boy suffered extensive injuries at the hands of man who will spent the next deacde behind bars (stock image)

A little boy suffered extensive injuries at the hands of man who will spent the next deacde behind bars (stock image)

The incident went on for one hour, the court heard.

Judge Andrew Colefax told the court that the housemate heard similar incidents on another seven or eight occasions, however the man was not charged over those incidents.

The man was charged over another incident in which the female housemate heard the man striking the child during which he cried out: ‘Mum help me, mum save me’.

Photos taken by the victim’s mother showed him with red marks on his face, neck, thigh and buttock.

Another assault in August 2020 left the boy with bruising on his face, scratches on his face, chin and chest and a swollen bottom lip.

The man was finally arrested on August 28, 2020 when a man – who had recently moved into the mother’s unit as a housemate – overheard sounds which were ‘consistent with you hitting and screaming at’ the boy.

A  man charged over the brutal beating of his mistress’ son has been jailed for 10 years. Pictured are police at the home in 2020

 A  man charged over the brutal beating of his mistress’ son has been jailed for 10 years. Pictured are police at the home in 2020

The male housemate called police but when officers arrived, the man would not allow them in.

‘The police found (the mother) in the bathroom. She was holding (her son) in her arms,’ Judge Colefax said.

‘(The boy) was visibly bruised and cut. His eyes were open, but he appeared semi-conscious.’

The man admitted to striking the child with a broomstick and splinters and blood were found covering the floor and a mattress.

When the boy was taken to Liverpool Hospital, he was lying in the foetal position, mumbling and making ‘incomprehensible sounds’, the court was told.

He had to undergo an emergency transfusion because of blood loss, had extensive abrasions and contusions.

He was transferred to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead where he spent two months.

The court heard the sickening details of his extensive injuries which included acute traumatic brain injuries, serious head injuries, retinal haemorrhages, fractured ribs, a fractured spinal vertebral column, a fractured forearm and multiple abrasions, bruises and soft tissue injuries.

He also suffered burns on his buttocks which were ‘likely caused by a hair dryer’.

The court heard that the boy had slowly recovered but needed assistance walking – with the aid of a frame and a pelvis belt – dressing, bathing and eating and was learning to write again.

The court heard he will require ongoing psychological treatment for trauma.

A five-year-old boy  was left fighting for his life after what a doctor described as the 'worst case of suspected child beating' he'd ever seen. Pictured are police at the scene in 2020.

A five-year-old boy  was left fighting for his life after what a doctor described as the ‘worst case of suspected child beating’ he’d ever seen. Pictured are police at the scene in 2020.

At the time of his admission to hospital, paediatric neurosurgeon Adam Fowler tweeted that it was the ‘worst case of suspected child beating’ he had seen in his professional career.

‘One that made me physically sob whilst examining,’ Dr Fowler tweeted.

He pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The court heard that the man reported using methamphetamines daily.

He reported to a psychologist that he had ‘smacked’ and ‘shook’ the boys.

But Judge Colefax said: ‘These anodyne descriptions go no way to accurately describe the ferocious, sadistic and prolonged brutality that you inflicted on this vulnerable child.’

In a letter of remorse, the man told the court: ‘I accept that I deserve to be severely punished’.

However Judge Colefax said he was not satisfied: ‘on the balance of probabilities, that you are genuinely remorseful for your offending.’

The man was on Friday sentenced to 10 years in prison, with a seven-and-a-half year non-parole period.

Having been in prison since his arrest in August 2020, he will be eligible for release in February 2028.

The five-year-old boy two months recovering in The Children's Hospital at Westmead

The five-year-old boy two months recovering in The Children’s Hospital at Westmead


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