After suffering months of social media tirades from ex-president Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis has finally announced he is running for the White House.

His decision, unveiled in a live Twitter interview with Elon Musk, means he joins an increasingly crowded field of seven people looking to seal the GOP nomination. 

The overwhelming frontrunner, at least based on current opinion polls, is the former commander-in-chief. 

Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, is also running as is the Palmetto State Senator Tim Scott, a fellow Republican. looks at those GOP rivals are already in the race, and whether any of those rumored to be eyeing a tilt at the top job could cause an upset. 

Donald Trump remains the runaway favorite for the GOP nomination, according to opinion polls

Donald Trump remains the runaway favorite for the GOP nomination, according to opinion polls

Donald Trump: the GOP favorite and frontrunner – but can he pull off another 2016 upset?

The former president has soared ahead in the primary opinion polls after his controversial CNN Town Hall appearance in New Hampshire.

STRENGTHS:  A canny political operator, Trump has shown the ability to ride out any controversy that would normally end other bids for the White House. He remains the shrewdest media player from the GOP field with every move dominating the headlines. He can also point to having done the job before.

CHALLENGES: Trump faces a series of legal woes, including a possible lawsuit over his alleged mishandling of classified documents. His defamation fight with a former journalist over an alleged rape could also turn off women voters in key swing states.

TRUMP-O-METER: The original


Ron DeSantis: The Republicans’ rising star after his emphatic Florida win who is locked in a bitter war of words with Trump

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis cruised to a commanding victory in the November midterms, beating the state’s former governor and Democratic Rep. Charlie Crist by about 20 points. 

Overall, his state of Florida saw Republicans over-perform compared to the rest of the country – and some pundits are crediting DeSantis’ influence.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who won re-election in a landslide, is widely seen as a potential 2024 frontrunner

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who won re-election in a landslide, is widely seen as a potential 2024 frontrunner

DeSantis has embraced Trump’s ‘America First,’ combative style of politics that’s seen him, and his deputies, create headlines for ‘anti-woke‘ clashes with the Biden administration, LGBTQ activists and the press. 

But he has since fallen behind Trump in the polls, tailing the real estate mogul by 44 percentage points. 

STRENGTHS: DeSantis will appeal to some moderate Republicans and Independents simply by not being Donald Trump. But, as we will see, his current electoral strategy is fraught with risks.

The Florida governor is trying to court older voters away from Trump, an important constituency in the GOP’s coalition. 

He has focused especially on his efforts to lower prescription drug costs in Florida, including pushing the federal government for permission to import cheaper drugs from Canada.

DeSantis has also pushed a number of conservative cause to rally the GOP base as part of his ‘war on woke’.

He has defunded diversity programs at state schools, banned gender-transition care for minors and cracked down on undocumented immigrants’ ability to find work and gain access to social services.

CHALLENGES: The Florida governor’s ‘woke-bashing’ may turn off Independent and Democratic voters, as well as moderate Republicans.

He is currently locked a legal battle with Disney over the theme park and animation giant’s opposition to his ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law that could hand the 44-year-old an embarrassing defeat in the courts.

Critics have also noticed that the governor seems to struggle to connect with ordinary voters out on the campaign trail, rarely taking questions from the press.  

Trump has also attacked DeSantis for calling for the privatization of Social Security and Medicare, a sacred issue for older voters in the U.S.

TRUMP-O-METER: The Florida Governor is politically astute enough to thread the needle so as not to repel moderates and independents while still appealing to MAGA base. 

ODDS OF TOPPING THE GOP TICKET: DeSantis was an early favorite but appears to have a mountain to climb to beat Trump

Tim Scott: The black South Carolina Republican who has made himself a key figure in Congress 

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott announced his candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential race in North Charleston, South Carolina, alongside his mother Frances.   

The only black Republican in Congress’ upper chamber, Scott is known for reaching across the aisle on racially-charged issues such as police reform.

South Carolina GOP Senator Tim Scott is the only black Republican in the Senate, but said this next six-year term will be his last

South Carolina GOP Senator Tim Scott is the only black Republican in the Senate, but said this next six-year term will be his last

He had already said before his May 22 announcement that this would be his last term in the Senate. 

STRENGTHS: Remarking on how his grandfather had voted for President Barack Obama in 2012, the senator said: ‘I wish he had lived long enough to see perhaps another man of color elected president of the United States.

‘But this time let it be a Republican,’ he said, according to USA Today. 

He’s known on Capitol Hill as a strong negotiator and was a leading force in promoting the law-and-order agenda in the 2020 and 2022 election cycles.

CHALLENGES: Name recognition and feasibility. Political consultants told New York Magazine that Scott could be ‘engaging in a sort of starter presidential campaign in order to build contacts and positive name ID for a future run … a respectable start, a signature moment or two, and a graceful exit from the 2024 contest may be the real goal.’

TRUMP-O-METER: Scott is highly religious and considered reasonable by Republicans and Democrats.

ODDS OF TOPPING THE GOP TICKET: Low but a possible contender for a Cabinet position.

Nikki Haley: the one-time Trump ambassador who has been muted in her criticism of her former boss 

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley was one of the first Republicans to declare she would run against Trump back in February.

Her pitch is one of executive and foreign policy experience, and she also enjoy home-field-advantage in an early voting state.

Nikki Haley remains a possible dark horse who could emerge to challenge Trump and DeSantis

Nikki Haley remains a possible dark horse who could emerge to challenge Trump and DeSantis

STRENGTHS: Haley is the most politically accomplished woman to enter a Republican presidential primary field after being twice elected governor and serving as Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations. She would score well with women voters, who make up nearly half of the GOP primary electorate.

CHALLENGES: She has been tepid in her criticism of the January 6 riots that could cost her support with moderate GOP voters. Her pro-life stance may also harm her in pro-choice states such as New Hampshire. 

TRUMP-O-METER: Could Haley’s ties to the former president harm her in some GOP primaries?

ODDS OF TOPPING THE GOP TICKET: Remains one to watch despite being way behind in the polls against Trump and DeSantis.

Vivek Ramaswamy: A 37-year-old entrepreneur and author who’s made a name for himself by being anti-‘woke’ 

Vivek Ramaswamy, 37, has made a name of himself by being a crusader against so called ‘woke’ causes. He says he wants to end affirmative action for ethnic minorities.  

Ramaswamy is a successful entrepreneur and reportedly worth around $500million – giving him a leg up as he won’t need to rely on early fundraising. 

His latest book, Woke, Inc., argues that politics don’t belong in business – and has made him a rising star on the political right. 

Ramaswamy told Politico that his anti-wokeness activism was inspired by hearing his fellow business elites say one thing in public – towing the progressive line – while in private saying they were sick of social activism. 

37-year-old Vivek Ramaswamy is laying the groundwork to launch a presidential bid by making treks to Iowa, which holds the first caucus

37-year-old Vivek Ramaswamy is laying the groundwork to launch a presidential bid by making treks to Iowa, which holds the first caucus

STRENGTHS: Ramaswamy is running on a platform of defeating China, firing the ‘managerial class’ of federal workers and shrinking the number of federal agencies, reforming the national security apparatus and doing away with affirmative action.

CHALLENGES: Lacks national name recognition and any political experience. Allies told that Ramaswamy will not serve in a Trump administration and will return to business if he fails to win the nomination. 

TRUMP-O-METER: Similar to Trump regarding nationalism and reducing the size of government.

ODDS OF TOPPING THE GOP TICKET: Slim to none for this first-time political candidate.

Mike Pence: Former VP who has distanced himself from Trump and said there were ‘better choices’ for 2024 

Mike Pence said during an interview on ABC News on Monday night  that he was giving a 2024 bid 'prayerful consideration'

Mike Pence said during an interview on ABC News on Monday night  that he was giving a 2024 bid ‘prayerful consideration’

Trump’s former vice president, Mike Pence, told ABC News on the eve of Trump’s announcement that there were ‘better choices’ for president and he was giving his own White House bid ‘prayer consideration.’ 

But he demurred when asked about his odds of beating Trump in a primary, emphasizing that it would be up to the voters.

Still, Pence has dropped numerous hints that he’s surveying the 2024 field. 

Pence blasted Trump for his conduct on January 6, calling the angry tweets he published while his supporters were storming the US Capitol ‘reckless.’

Asked whether he’d support Trump in 2024, Pence said: ‘There might be somebody else I’d prefer more.’

STRENGTHS: Exceptional name recognition – although for a variety of reasons. Latest AP polls show that GOP voters know who Pence is but not everyone is a fan after he stood up to Trump on January 6, 2021. The former vice president defied Trump by certifying the Electoral College vote and calling the insurrection ‘un-American’. 

However, like Scott, Pence is also religious and a strong supporter of pro-life legislation and policies.

CHALLENGES: The biggest challenges for the former Vice President are the legal ones including a subpoena issued by the January 6 special counsel about Trump’s involvement in the Capitol riot. 

Like President Biden, classified documents were found in his Indiana home.

TRUMP-O-METER: Pence is the yang to Trump’s yin, meaning he’s subdued and thoughtful. 

ODDS OF TOPPING THE GOP TICKET: Long shot but could court some of the Evangelical vote

Chris Sununu: The popular New Hampshire governor from a GOP political dynasty who called Trump ‘crazy’ but now says it was a joke

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu is testing the presidential waters but it’s unclear how far he’ll wade in. 

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has launched a political committee that will allow him to raise unlimited fund should he decide to run

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has launched a political committee that will allow him to raise unlimited fund should he decide to run

Earlier this month, Sununu launched the ‘Live Free or Die’ committee, a 501(c)4 that allows him to raise unlimited funds, usually an early sign a politician is readying a bid. 

He also said he’d support Trump if he were the nominee, though said he didn’t believe the ex-president would win the nomination again. 

STRENGTHS:  Sununu brands himself as more sensible than the anti-‘woke’ DeSantis and didn’t skip President Joe Biden’s invitation to appear with him at the White House last week as part of the National Governors Association meeting.

CHALLENGES: He tried to make peace with the MAGA wing of his party, saying on CNN last week that it was merely a ‘funny joke’ when he called Trump ‘f***ing crazy’ at Washington’s white-tie Gridiron dinner last year.

‘I don’t think he’s so crazy that you could put him in a mental institution, but I think if he were in one, he ain’t getting out,’ Sununu also told the crowd about the ex-president.

TRUMP-O-METER: Sununu is the opposite of Trump: levelheaded, moderate and has a sense of humor. 

ODDS OF TOPPING THE GOP TICKET:  Low but potential Cabinet member

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu seems to be positioning himself for something. He's made amends with the MAGA side of the party, while keeping moderates in the fold by not snubbing President Joe Biden and taking on Gov. Ron DeSantis' anti-'woke' campaign

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu seems to be positioning himself for something. He’s made amends with the MAGA side of the party, while keeping moderates in the fold by not snubbing President Joe Biden and taking on Gov. Ron DeSantis’ anti-‘woke’ campaign 

———————————————————————————————————————Asa Hutchinson: The former Arkansas governor struggles to keep up in the polls

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson 72, has tried to characterize himself as a thought leader of the party, hosting a mix of Republicans to Arkansas in October for ‘America Leads: An Ideas Summit.’

But his campaign has struggled to muster much media coverage, and he is polling on average at 1%, according to experts FiveThreeEight.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has  has been making trips to early primary state Iowa

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has  has been making trips to early primary state Iowa 

Asked if he was worried that a crowded GOP presidential field could help Trump win the nomination again, Hutchinson said no. 

‘I think it will be much more methodical this cycle than what we’ve seen in previous years,’ he replied. ‘And I think that competition is good and healthy.’ 

STRENGTHS: Asa Hutchinson, who served eight years as the governor of Arkansas, is known for being fair and reasonable on both sides of the aisle. Earlier this month, he told CBS News that he plans to decide on his presidential bid by April.

CHALLENGES: At 72 years of age, the GOP will need to decide if they want a generational change or institutional knowledge. But his campaign has struggled to muster much attention. 

TRUMP-O-METER: As a vocal critic of Trump, he hasn’t been shy about criticizing the former president. ‘I do believe that he disqualified himself and should not serve our country again as a result of what happened.’

ODDS OF TOPPING THE GOP TICKET:  Very slim indeed, based on current polling

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he wasn't worried that a crowded field would lead to another nomination of former President Donald Trump

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he wasn’t worried that a crowded field would lead to another nomination of former President Donald Trump 



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