8 Secret Hair Loss Remedies For Male and Female

Looking for natural solutions to hair loss? these 8 Home Remedies For Preventing Hair Loss Male and Female, If so, you’re not alone. Millions of men and women suffer from hair loss each year. While there are many commercial products available to help with hair loss, they can be expensive and may not work for everyone. Luckily, there are some secret hair loss remedies that can be just as effective as expensive products, and they’re much cheaper! Here are four secret hair loss remedies for males and females:

Young woman is upset because of hair loss

Hair Loss Remedies That Actually Work

The hair on your head is pretty important if the numerous hair-growth tips YouTube and the multi-billion hair care products industry is anything to go by. Hair has been considered a symbol of beauty for many communities worldwide.

Hair loss was considered an effect of aging, with our bodies unable to synthesize as much keratin—the protein that makes hair- as it does when we’re younger we end up with less hair on our heads. But due to the current shift in lifestyle, hair loss is much more common even among young people like you and me. Known as alopecia, hair loss can be caused by various factors like using harsh chemicals on your hair that strip it of its natural protective coating, exposing it to damage and breakage. Stress factors can also make that hairline recede or more natural factors like some types of diseases or medication you might be taking.

The hair industry is huge and full of products that promise to work for you but end up being bad for your hair too so finding hair loss remedies that work has been a priority for most people. When looking for remedies that work, the best magic that you can weave on that beautiful crown comes from nature.

Men are worried about hair loss.

Nature has a remedy for pretty much anything you can think about, so it goes to reason that alopecia is something of its specialty too.

Herbals Hair Loss Remedies

Herbal products mean they come from plants like essential oils gotten from the flowers, leaves, or even barks of some plants. These plants have been used by the communities they are indigenous to for generations and they have gone through scientific testing so we can bring you only what we are absolutely sure will work for you.

#1. Gingko Biloba

This herb stimulates blood flow and circulation to the scalp.  Increased blood flow to the follicles encourages new growth at the root level leading to more hairs growing and therefore, a fuller head of hair. Gingko Biloba can be applied topically as an oil or ingested in tea as most people prefer it. Either way, the results will be good for your hair with continued use.

#2. Rosemary

This sweet-smelling herb has more uses than helping your kitchen smell heavenly while cooking. Rosemary is used in making rosemary essential oil that can be used together with a carrier oil like olive oil or using just a few drops of the oil itself for massive hair growth.

It helps with circulation to aid hair growth and may also stop premature greying so a bonus if you’re having such a problem. Rosemary is super moisturizing too and helps treat a dry flaky scalp.

#3. Aloe Vera

Aloe is nature’s very own answer to all your problems. Be it beauty or looking to fix an upset stomach. The gel from this plant that grows very liberally can restore the pH balance of the scalp to encourage growth at the root level. Aloe vera gel is also a great moisturizer for the scalp and locks in moisture making your scalp and hair super hydrated. Here’s a tip on how you can use aloe vera gel for hair growth and maintenance.

#4. Peppermint

Peppermint is largely used as a healing and soothing agent in balms and breath fresheners but this powerhouse herb has more uses in the beauty world. Peppermint can heal the scalp, moisturize, and soothe it so your hair grows strong from the root and reduces breakage of hair strands. It also stimulates the hair follicles to produce more hair cells through its action of stimulating blood flow and circulation to the cells, rejuvenating, and promoting more cell growth.

Homemade and Natural Hair Loss Remedies

You don’t have to spend your hard-earned paychecks on hair products that will just saturate your hair with harsh chemicals and lead to even more hair loss. There are products and ingredients right in your home to aid in hair growth and prevent hair loss

#5. Onion juice

Onions add flavor to your food and most people will not cook a meal without it. If you’re experiencing hair loss especially at the hairline, take an onion and grate it and then squeeze the shredded onion to get its juice then apply this juice on your hair for 15 minutes before washing off. Onion contains Sulphur that boosts collagen production and helps in regrowth of hair.

#6. Coconut milk

Another old and trusted hair buddy is the coconut fruit. Coconut oil is a great moisturizer but that’s not what we need in this situation. Coconut is one of the most effective remedies for hair loss and natural hair growth. Coconut milk is rich in iron, potassium, and essential fats. Take coconut milk from a fresh coconut-not the canned stuff- add a half lemon juice and 4 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix thoroughly on hair for 4-5 hours then rinse off.

#7. Egg mask

Eggs contain high levels of protein which helps in the formation of new hair cells. They also contain Sulphur, zinc, selenium, and iron that works wonders. Separate 1 egg white and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mix thoroughly and then apply this mixture on your hair as a mask before rinsing off.

#8. Green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help get rid of free radicles that damage the cells in our bodies leaving us with unhealthy looking skin and hair. These antioxidants, therefore, promote hair growth and prevent hair loss and they are a perfect solution instead of throwing those tea bags after only one use! Apply warm green tea on your scalp and let it work its magic in your hair for one hour and then rinse off with cold water.

Hair Loss Remedies After Pregnancy

We all want to look great after pregnancy, have that glowing skin, get that body back, and if possible, not lose the hair on our head. Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy may lead to more than just a bad breakout and may actually cause some women to lose the hair on their heads. If you’re one of those mamas some of these solutions may be just the thing you need to start growing it back.

Black soap

Black soap has been used by West African women as a cure to all skin and hair problems. The ingredients in black soap are mild and promote healthy cell regeneration. To use black soap on your hair, simply use it to make a batch of homemade shampoo. You can use it by itself or you can add a few hair-growth promoting ingredients as well like a few drops of rosemary essential oil and peppermint.


Massaging the scalp is one of the most relaxing feelings out there and even better, it aids in hair restoration. The stretching forces during massage encourage hair growth and thickness in the dermal papilla cells. You can massage while shampooing, using oils or masks on your hair.

Coconut oil

Remember we said coconut is an old and trusted buddy in your hair journey? Coconut oil contains fatty acids that penetrate inside the hair shaft and reduce protein loss from hair.


Viviscal is a natural hair growth supplement that promotes hair growth in people with thinning hair. It contains marine minerals and vitamins that help to regenerate new cells and strengthen existing cells. It can also be used in shampoos and conditioners.

Fish oil

We’ve looked at how you can maintain good hair with a healthy diet and one of the major items discussed was omega fatty acids. These fatty acids from fish oil can help maintain your hair from the inside. They are chockfull of protein and nutrients that help regenerate new healthy cells, improve hair density and thickness, and also reduce hair loss. Another advantage of Omega fatty acids is that they are great for your mind, so might as well.

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