Common Oral Diseases In Nigeria

Oral health plays a vital role in overall well-being, and understanding the common oral diseases prevalent in Nigeria is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene.

This article will provide comprehensive information on the five most common oral diseases in Nigeria, highlighting their causes, symptoms, and treatment options. By raising awareness about these conditions, we aim to empower individuals to take proactive measures for their oral health.

5 Common Oral Diseases in Nigeria

1. Dental Cavities/Tooth Decay

Dental cavities, also known as dental caries or tooth decay, are one of the most common oral diseases affecting Nigerians. These cavities are caused by the buildup of plaque on the teeth, which produces acids that erode the tooth enamel over time.

Tooth decay - Wikipedia

Causes of Dental Cavities

The primary cause of dental cavities is poor oral hygiene. Failure to brush and floss regularly allows plaque to accumulate, leading to the demineralization of tooth enamel. Additionally, excessive consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks can contribute to the development of cavities.

Symptoms of Dental Cavities

The symptoms of dental cavities may vary depending on the severity of the decay. Common signs include toothache, tooth sensitivity, visible pits or holes in the teeth, and dark spots on the affected tooth surface.

Treatment for Dental Cavities

The treatment for dental cavities involves removing the decayed part of the tooth and filling the cavity with a dental filling material, such as composite resin or amalgam. In severe cases, when the cavity has reached the tooth pulp, a root canal treatment may be necessary to save the tooth from extraction.

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2. Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, affects the tissues surrounding the teeth, including the gums, ligaments, and bone. It is a common oral disease in Nigeria and can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

Causes of Gum Disease

Poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of gum disease. When plaque and tartar accumulate along the gumline, the bacteria in them release toxins that irritate the gums, leading to inflammation and infection. Other risk factors include smoking, hormonal changes, diabetes, and certain medications.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

The symptoms of gum disease can range from mild to severe. Early signs include red, swollen, and bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, and gum recession. As the disease progresses, it can cause loose teeth, pus formation, and changes in bite alignment.

Treatment for Gum Disease

The treatment for gum disease depends on its severity. In the early stages, professional dental cleanings, improved oral hygiene practices, and antimicrobial mouth rinses may be sufficient to control the infection. However, advanced cases may require scaling and root planing, gum surgery, or antibiotic therapy to eliminate the infection and restore gum health.

3. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cells in the oral cavity, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, and throat. It is a serious condition that can be life-threatening if not detected and treated early.

5 Common Oral Diseases In Nigeria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Causes of Oral Cancer

The exact causes of oral cancer are not fully understood, but certain factors can increase the risk. Tobacco use, including smoking and chewing tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and a family history of oral cancer are known to contribute to its development.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

The symptoms of oral cancer may include persistent mouth sores, difficulty swallowing or speaking, a lump or thickening in the mouth, persistent earache, and unexplained weight loss. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for early detection and prompt treatment.

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Treatment for Oral Cancer

The treatment for oral cancer depends on the stage and location of the tumor. It may involve surgery to remove the cancerous cells, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments. Rehabilitation and support services are also essential to help patients regain optimal oral function and improve their quality of life.

4. Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common oral condition characterized by discomfort or pain when the teeth are exposed to certain stimuli, such as hot or cold temperatures, sweet or acidic foods, or brushing/flossing.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can occur due to various reasons. Some common causes include enamel erosion, exposed tooth roots due to gum recession, tooth decay, cracked teeth, and teeth grinding. Poor oral hygiene and aggressive brushing techniques can also contribute to tooth sensitivity.

Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity

Individuals with tooth sensitivity may experience a sharp, sudden pain or discomfort in response to specific triggers. The pain is usually temporary and subsides once the stimulus is removed. Common triggers include hot or cold beverages, cold air, sweet foods, and acidic drinks.

Treatment for Tooth Sensitivity

The treatment for tooth sensitivity depends on the underlying cause. It may involve using desensitizing toothpaste or mouthwash, applying fluoride varnish or gel, using dental bonding agents to cover exposed tooth roots, or treating the underlying dental condition, such as decay or gum disease. Dentists may also provide recommendations on oral care techniques to minimize sensitivity.

5. Bad Breath

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is a condition characterized by unpleasant odors originating from the mouth. It can significantly impact an individual’s self-confidence and interpersonal relationships.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath can have various causes, including poor oral hygiene, bacterial buildup on the tongue, gum disease, dry mouth, certain medications, smoking, and underlying health conditions such as respiratory infections or digestive disorders.

Symptoms of Bad Breath

The most obvious symptom of bad breath is the presence of a persistent unpleasant odor in the mouth. Additionally, individuals may experience a bad taste in their mouth, a dry mouth sensation, or a white or yellow coating on the tongue.

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Treatment for Bad Breath

The treatment for bad breath depends on its underlying cause. Improving oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, using antibacterial mouth rinses, and cleaning the tongue, can help alleviate the condition. In cases where bad breath is linked to an underlying dental or medical issue, addressing the root cause is essential for long-term resolution.


Maintaining good oral health is crucial for overall well-being. By understanding the common oral diseases in Nigeria, individuals can take proactive measures to prevent and treat these conditions. Regular dental check-ups, practicing proper oral hygiene, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can go a long way in promoting oral health and preventing oral diseases.

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Can poor oral hygiene lead to all of these oral diseases?

While poor oral hygiene is a significant contributing factor to many oral diseases, other factors such as diet, tobacco use, and genetic predisposition also play a role.

How can I prevent dental cavities?

Preventing dental cavities involves maintaining good oral hygiene practices, limiting sugary and acidic food and drink consumption, and visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

Is gum disease reversible?

In its early stages (gingivitis), gum disease can be reversed with improved oral hygiene and professional dental care. However, advanced stages (periodontitis) may require more extensive treatment.

Can oral cancer be detected during a routine dental check-up?

Yes, regular dental check-ups often include oral cancer screenings, where dentists examine the mouth and throat for any suspicious signs or symptoms.

Are there any home remedies for bad breath?

While home remedies such as chewing sugar-free gum, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding strong-smelling foods can provide temporary relief, addressing the underlying cause is essential for long-term management.

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