5 Home Remedies To Fix Cracked Heels Instantly

Cracked heels can be uncomfortable and unsightly, but the good news is that there are simple and natural remedies you can use to quickly soothe and repair them. Rather than resorting to expensive treatments, you can turn to readily available ingredients at home to achieve soft and healthy feet.

In this guide, we’ll explore various home remedies that can help you fix cracked heels instantly. Whether you’re dealing with mild or severe cracking, these solutions are designed to provide you with relief and promote better foot health.

5 Home Remedies To Fix Cracked Heels Instantly

Home Remedies To Quickly Fix Cracked Heels

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a fantastic natural moisturizer that can work wonders on cracked heels. Its deep-penetrating properties help to hydrate and soften the skin. Before bedtime, apply a generous amount of coconut oil to your clean feet, focusing on the cracked areas. Put on a pair of socks to lock in the moisture overnight. Wake up to noticeably softer heels.

2. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt, when combined with warm water, creates a relaxing foot soak that can help soften and exfoliate the skin. Fill a basin with warm water and add a cup of Epsom salt. Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes, gently rubbing the cracked areas to remove dead skin. Pat your feet dry and apply a moisturizer to seal in the softness.

3. Honey

Honey is known for its natural antibacterial and healing properties. Create a foot mask by mixing honey with a small amount of warm water to make it spreadable. Apply the mixture to your cracked heels and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry. Honey can help heal and rejuvenate the skin, leaving your heels feeling smoother.

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4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal can provide soothing relief to cracked and irritated skin. Make a paste by blending oatmeal and jojoba oil until you have a thick consistency. Apply the paste to your heels and leave it on for around 30 minutes. Gently scrub the mixture off while rinsing with water. Oatmeal’s anti-inflammatory properties can help calm the skin and reduce redness.

5. Olive Oil

Olive oil is not only a kitchen staple but also a wonderful moisturizer for dry and cracked skin. Warm up some olive oil and massage it onto your heels for a few minutes. This helps improve blood circulation and deeply moisturizes the skin. After massaging, put on socks and leave the oil on overnight for maximum absorption.


You don’t need expensive creams or treatments to fix cracked heels. With these easy-to-follow home remedies, you can quickly achieve soft and smooth feet. By incorporating these solutions into your regular foot care routine, you can maintain healthy heels and enjoy the confidence that comes with comfortable, well-nurtured feet.

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How often should I use these remedies?

You can use these remedies 2-3 times a week until you see improvement. Then, you can reduce the frequency to once a week for maintenance.

Can I use these remedies for prevention even if my heels aren’t cracked?

Absolutely! These remedies are also great for preventive care. Regular use can help keep your feet soft and smooth.

Are there any risks associated with these remedies?

Generally, these remedies are safe. However, if you have allergies or skin conditions, it’s a good idea to do a patch test first. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use.

When should I seek professional help for cracked heels?

If your cracked heels are severe, painful, or show no improvement despite home remedies, consult a healthcare professional or a dermatologist for guidance.

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