How Rollerblading Can Extend Your Life, According to a Doctor

How Rollerblading Can Extend Your Life, According to a Doctor – Desiring to add healthy years to one’s lifespan is a common ambition. Though the future is unpredictable, there are positive steps you can take to influence your health. Making the most of diet, exercise, activities and lifestyle choices are all within your control. To make the journey towards long-term health more enjoyable, giving your fitness regimen an exciting reboot can be a great starting point. Moreover, taking advice from longevity expert Florence Comite MD – an endocrine specialist and creator of the Comite Center for Precision Medicine & Health – may also help you live longer as she shares her #1 exercise for achieving this goal.

When you’re done reading, don’t miss these 5 Essential Tips To Live Longer From a Neurosurgeon to learn more about Dr. Comite’s favorite exercise.

This doctor and longevity expert is rollerblading her way to a longer life.

close-up putting on rollerblades

The #1 exercise this doctor does to live longer? Rollerblading! If you saw the Barbie movie, you likely remember the iconic scene of Barbie and Ken rocking vibrant ‘fits as they rollerbladed through Venice Beach. Just like Barbie (and Margot Robbie herself!), Dr. Comite also shares a passion for rollerblading. In fact, she started this beloved hobby with a pair of roller skates as a young girl. After that, she began in-line skating, which was a little more challenging, “but definitely more fun.”

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“In my adult life when I rediscovered my love for rollerblading in the early ’90s, my first try at it ended with me intentionally falling because I failed to plan around a relatively big hill near my home,” Dr. Comite tells us. “I realized I had no way to stop without running into a major road. Luckily, I was wearing leggings and jeans (and protective gear) so the road burn was minimal. Taught me a lesson, though, after that, to anticipate the path as I went forward with even more exciting rollerblading feats.”

Rollerblading keeps this doctor active, sharp, and social in her adult life.

Rollerblading fires up muscles that are key to aging healthily, particularly the core and leg muscles, Dr. Comite explains. “Because rollerblading is an aerobic activity, it helps foster good blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain,” she continues. “The activity itself exercises the brain because it requires quick thinking to avoid obstacles and watch for cars and pedestrians. What’s more, being outside in the park on my rollerblades is a mood lifter, and if I blade with companions, I gain the mental stimulation of social interaction.”

Rollerblading is chock-full of health benefits.

Rollerblading is an excellent workout that engages the muscles in your lower body, such as your calves, glutes, hamstrings, and quads. In addition, the side-to-side striding movement utilizes your hip adductors and abductors. As if it couldn’t get any more impressive, this exercise is low-impact, boosts your heart health, and decreases your risk of suffering from stroke, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

“Rollerblading also requires using your arms and balancing, which involves your core muscle to stabilize your spine,” Dr. Comite explains. “Low-back pain is a common complaint as people age. By strengthening your core by rollerblading, you can reduce the risk of injury. Rollerblading is a weight-bearing exercise that reduces the risk of osteoporosis and helps maintain healthy, strong bones.”

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Unlike high-impact exercises such as running, rollerblading decreases the amount of stress put on your ankles and knees, making it a stellar choice for individuals who have joint issues or anyone who wants a gentler workout.

Rollerblading Safety Tips

Protective Gear

Always wear protective gear, including a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards, to reduce the risk of injuries while rollerblading.

Choose Safe Routes

Opt for smooth, well-maintained paths or skate parks to minimize the risk of accidents caused by rough terrain or obstacles.

Learn Proper Techniques

Take the time to learn how to brake, turn, and control your speed effectively to prevent accidents and injuries.

Getting Started with Rollerblading

Equipment Essentials

Invest in a quality pair of rollerblades that fit well and provide good ankle support. Having the right equipment is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Start Slowly

If you’re new to rollerblading, begin with short, leisurely sessions to build your skills and confidence gradually.


Rollerblading isn’t just a recreational activity; it’s a pathway to a longer and healthier life. By embracing this enjoyable sport and taking safety precautions, you can experience the numerous physical and mental benefits it offers. So, lace up your skates, hit the pavement, and roll your way to a longer, happier life!


1. Is rollerblading suitable for all ages?

Yes, rollerblading can be enjoyed by people of all ages, provided they take safety precautions and adapt their pace to their skill level.

2. Can rollerblading help with weight loss?

Absolutely. Rollerblading is an effective calorie-burning activity that can aid in weight management and toning muscles.

3. How often should I rollerblade to see health benefits?

To experience significant health benefits, aim for at least 30 minutes of rollerblading most days of the week.

4. Are there any specific health conditions that might restrict rollerblading?

Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as severe joint problems, should consult a healthcare professional before starting rollerblading.

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5. Can rollerblading replace other forms of exercise?

While rollerblading offers many health benefits, it’s still essential to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine to ensure overall fitness and flexibility.

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