The perceived idea of a relationship with an alpha male is of him being a dominating partner. However, you can turn this around with these six rules of dating an alpha male, and gaining an upper hand.

Here’s a list of them below.

1. Know who you are dealing with

More often than not, there is a pattern to who we pick as our partner. There is a common factor to all those who we have dated. We tend to attract those, who reflect our own personalities. So, if you’ve got yourself an alpha male swooning all over you, there has to be something, a trait more or less, that he is attracted to. Assess yourself, and try to see yourself for who you exactly are. Knowing yourself, in all honesty, will help you understand what your man likes in you, and that will become your biggest tool in gaining the upper hand in this relationship. For instance, Prince Charming was attracted to Cinderella’s down-to-earth persona, something he too was looking for and possessed. Belle won Mr. Beast’s heart with her never-give-up spirit, once again, something he himself carried all along to fight his curse.

2. Invest in your looks

The next lesson we learn from these fairy tales is that all these women were beautiful, youthful, and attractive as hell! Well, Snow White’s prince fell in love with her while she was sleeping. Such is the power of beauty and attraction! So, keep investing in your looks, and never let the attraction fade out. What really keeps the man chasing in a relationship is his unapologetic attraction to the woman. And your alpha man is no different. He too seeks a woman who can challenge his senses in every way and every day.

3. Act impressed

Yes! That is what he truly wants to achieve. An alpha male, from the bottom of his heart and with ever fiber in his body loves to compete. He loves to achieve every set goal, outdo them at times, and set standards. And with this mental gusto enters every relationship. So, the more impressed you are with his antics and actions, the more you please him. The more he gets pleased, the more prized a possession you remain for him. This way you feed his ego and stimulate his intellectual

4. Find common grounds

Finding a common ground, especially when you are in a relationship with an alpha male, is of utmost importance. Common grounds of connection such as outdoor activities, interests, hobbies, and the magic that conjures in your bedroom, are some of the important cards to gain an upper hand with this man. This keeps him engaged, and it gives him a chance to compete with the one person he truly adores. Sometimes, he won’t mind losing either, as losing here would only mean winning

5. Enjoy following him and let him have an idea that he is leading

While the two of you find something in common to connect over, it is important to let him maintain his fiction that he is leading you. He is not generally a follower or a team player. These men are born to lead, and any deviation from this role, will only create a self-doubt for them. So, give him ideas, but in a way that they seem his own. Let him have the delusion by taking the credit. But remember, since the idea was yours to begin with, you will always know how to steer the exciting waters.

6. Leave him wanting for more

Coming back to our analogy of fairy tales, Cinderella left our dear Prince Charming a glass slipper, and this became the epic turning point of her life and what was to become of it. That air of mystery, desperation to deal with despair, and small clue that will lead him to ending the chase, will always keep him on his toes. However, allow him doses of gratification, for too much of chase will leave him vexed at the situation.

Every princess in the fairytale knew how to play her assets, she could calculate the next move of her alpha male, and she knew when to let go. This masked intelligence is what he was attracted to in the beginning. Make just use of this power, to always have an upper hand in your relationship with the alpha male.

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