1. Online stalker

Be careful if you catch your partner stalking his or her former flame online. They do that because they are still curious about what is going on in the other person’s life and this, definitely, is not a good sign!

3. Meets their ex-partner without your knowledge

This needs no further elaboration. Why would a person meet their former partner secretly? Obviously, they aren’t a part of Her Majesty’s Secret Service, of course! 

5. Emotionally unavailable

This is a big deal breaker: You do not get the expected emotional support from your partner when needed and they never tend to understand you. If your partner may be physically present but he or she seems emotionally distant, it’s high time you should be worried about what’s going on in their life behind your back. 

8. Comparison

No one likes being compared to another person, it is even worse when you partner tends to compare you with their ex. Some may not do it intentionally, but if he or she is still not over that relationship, it’s not a big surprise that they would keep comparing their former partner with the present one.

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