1. Box Tent

White plastic stand at the centre of pizza box. Their purpose is to prevent the pizza toppings from sticking to the top of the box.

2. Gut-Gullie (gut-gul-ly)

It refers to the practice of eating greedily. The word traces its origin from Scottish dialect.

3. Tines (ty-en-s)

The elongated prongs on a fork are called tines. The number of tines decides their purpose of use. Four-tined forks are used for meats while three for seafood. 

4. Wamble (wam-bul)

It refers to the rumbling sound in the stomach triggered by hunger pangs.

5. Barm (ba-r-m)

It refers to the foam on top of beer. So, next time when you visit a beer bar with friends or colleagues, ask the bartender to serve the beer correctly, so that no barm is visible in your glass.

6. Paella

It refers to a one-pot-meal that includes rice, chicken, seafood, and other ingredients seasoned with saffron. How about one bowl of Paella for the next road trip? 

7. Molé

It refers to a type of sauce that includes different spices and chocolate (wink). This term is also used in Mexican cuisine to name out dishes made with this sauce.

8. Cornicione (cor-ni-chone)

It refers to the outer most part of a pizza crust. The word traces its origin from Italian dialect.

9. Al-Dente (al-den-te)

It refers to a method of cooking pasta or rice in which the end product is still hard when you bite it. The word has its origin from Italy.

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