2. Rose Water To reduce under-eye puffiness

Under eye puffiness can be caused due to many reasons like allergies, stress, eye fatigue and lack of sleep. The puffiness or swelling actually means that the person has an accumulation of fluids under the eye area. As the skin around the eyes tends to be quite thin, the swelling and discoloration is prominently visible. The easiest way to combat under eye puffiness is giving it a cold compress or spray.

Rose water helps to hydrate, revitalise and moisturise the skin giving it a refreshed look. Also it has anti-inflammatory property which reduces redness in the skin. The gentle rose water can be used on the sensitive under-eye area without any worry. Puffy eyes will immediately perk up and look rejuvenated with a spray of rose water.

If your eyes are tired or puffy from lack of sleep, rose water offers a simple solution. Take a chill bottle of rose water (place the fridge for a while). Soak cotton pads in it and gently place on your eyelids. Keep on for as long as you want while enjoying the soothing feeling around your eyes. It will help reduce puffiness and give relief to tired eyes instantly.

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