In a relationship, working on things together is always good as it helps strengthen your relationship.

Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini says when couples unite on goal setting and make realistic resolutions, nothing can stop them.

She shares 6 ways couples can make their relationship start on a good note in 2023.

1. Engage in a new activity together once a month

Research indicates that couples who pursue new things together feel closer and happier. Mark your calendar for one new activity each month. Take turns deciding what to try – and follow through. Examples include:

  • Exploring a new city or town.
  • Trying a new exercise routine or class.
  • Enrolling in a cooking class.
  • Learning a new language.

2. Learn how to fight fair

Every couple argues, but not every couple fights fair. When you feel attacked or talked down to during an argument, you allow your arguments to rip the two apart. Adjust the way you argue:

  • Find a quiet place without distractions before discussing hot topics.
  • Listen more carefully.
  • Focus on changing your perspective rather than winning.
  • This will help you both feel connected and enhance your ability to problem-solve together as a couple.

3.Take digital breaks together

Technology has become a necessary way of life, but when couples spend too much time on computers and cell phones, they destroy romance. Couples need to take digital breaks and focus on their relationship and each other.

When you plan digital days off and redirect the attention you’d usually give to checking your phone towards being present with your partner, the relationship takes on a new and improved bond. Tell your partner they are a priority by leaving your phone at home while out together.

4. Plan your finances for your future

Some couples perceive budget discussions negatively, but they shouldn’t. One of the primary ways couples show their commitment to each other is through their respect for financial goal-setting.

Planning a vision to travel, send kids to college, and enjoy a particular lifestyle requires both partners to understand the relationship budget and collaborate to achieve future goals. Schedule budget talks once a month with a plan for spending to feel closer and more secure.

5. Reboot your love life

Partners who feel noticed, desired, and cared for are happier in marriage, but every couple experiences a phase when intimacy is lacking.

Use the new year to set a goal to share more intimate time, which can include more touching and hugging or even spending 30 minutes visiting while cuddling. Life gets busy. Schedule daily meet-ups with your partner if your calendar is booked with other things.

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