Your grocery shopping habits can determine the outcome of your weight loss efforts.

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health? Many experts would tell you that you need to start with a balanced diet and a good exercise plan, but others would say that the journey begins as you shop each week.

It would help if you learned some tips and tricks for grocery shopping because losing weight is more about making changes to your lifestyle than getting caught up in fad diets.

1. Write a list of what you need

Write a list of everything you need and try to leave off the wants (well, no one’s going to judge if you sneak in that extra chocolate bar, we all need to treat ourselves sometimes).

Writing a list keeps you on task and focused, and it will make your shop time so much quicker.

2. Never shop hungry

Your hunger can absolutely take over your brain and dictate your decisions, so don’t let the hunger pangs tell you what goes in your cart and then into your pantry, and eventually into your belly

Keep in mind that food and beverages that are high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt (sodium) should be limited but can be enjoyed at times.

These include foods like cakes and pastries, chocolate and candies, cookies, doughnuts and muffins, ice cream and frozen desserts, French fries, potato chips, nachos and other salty snacks, alcohol, fruit-flavoured drinks, soft drinks, sports and energy drinks and sweetened hot or cold drinks.

4. Stock up on water

Everyone can do with upping their water intake, one of the fundamentals of any fat loss plan. Purchase a few 2-litre bottles of water for the week. That way, you can gauge how much you have consumed during the day.

5. Choose the right stores

When you can, try to shop at natural and local markets that offer premium produce, organic ingredients, and grass-fed and pasture-raised animal products, this will guarantee that you’re giving your body the highest-quality fuel for your weight-loss journey.

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