ITV’s new sitcom focused on a group of cops in training has been slammed by a police body who says the title of the show is both “highly offensive” and “disgusting.”

The television network’s new sitcom is called Piglets, which is in reference to the common derogatory term “pig” used against police officers in various countries.

The fictional comedy series, which aired July 20, is set in a police training academy and tells the story of a group of new trainees learning how to become police officers.

The Police Federation has announced plans to file an official complaint with Ofcom and ITV in regards to the new series, as reported by Daily Mail.

Tiffany Lynch, Acting National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “The new ITV show titled Piglets is highly offensive to police officers risking their lives to protect the public every day, providing an emergency service.”

“It is a disgusting choice of language to use for the title of a TV programme.”

“I find it incredulous that this has passed through checks and balances at an organisation made up of people who at any time have or may need the support and assistance of the police.”

Lynch added: “Our colleagues are working hard and keeping people safe under relentless negative pressure at the moment, insulting our new in-service officers is unhelpful.”

“The name of this show is also inflammatory against a landscape of rising threats and violence against officers.”

“We should not be put at further risk for viewing numbers, our officers deserve respect, not humiliation for the job they are undertaking.”

“It is actually incredibly dangerous to incite more negativity and misinformation against a public sector service that’s already under so much pressure.”

Mukund Krishna, CEO of the Police Federation of England and Wales, announced the group’s plan to file a complaint to Ofcom and ITV.

Although the Police Federation aren’t too happy with the new show, as per Daily Mail – various former police officers have taken to social media to blast the Federation’s response.

One former officer, who has 30 years of experience, said on X: “@PFEW_HQ do get a grip. It’s a comedy. Focus on issues that really affect your members.”

“Very good. You have bigger fish to fry than that. Unless and until the governance issues are rectified, your members really don’t need you to focus on anything else It’s looking pretty poor from out here,” another former officer added.

A third former officer said: “It’s just a comedy show. I was called far worse. You should be fighting for equality and fighting to rectify the mistakes you made over the pension scheme not getting involved in TV programs.”

Piglets has also been stated to be a fictional comedy series by a spokesperson of the show, who stated that the title has not been created with the intent to offend anyone.

“Piglets is a fictional new comedy about a police training academy and the title is not intended to cause any offence, it’s a comedic and endearing play on words to emphasise the innocence and youth of our young trainees,” the show’s spokesperson said.

Source: Daily Mail

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